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The new demo should be out within the next 24-48 hours, as usual; if you pledged $5 or more during May, you'll be getting it in your inbox on Patreon as well as it being posted to the activity feed, even if you don't pledge into next month (although we'd appreciate it if you did if course! :P)





I JUST REINSTATED! I hope I made it in time...


I'm so glad I pledged a while back. Good luck and I cant wait!


Yaay was so waiting for this :D


it makes me sad that i pledged the 1 now, are there any old demos i can try


If you click on the "demo" button on the left that's under "featured tags", you can access all the old demos!


I had a dream where ff demos were out on time. It was a beautiful dream. Maybe some day it will be reality. Jokes aside waiting is killing. Well at least there is demos unlike MATM...


I mean, they are out every 30 days or so, it's just shifted two or so days to the start of the month instead of the end of the month; we haven't missed a release besides the public electric demo in about a year with this time setup :P


True. Still wish for each demo to have more content. Btw eta to final version? Is there chance that ff will be finished this year?


We're aiming for between December 2018 to April 2019; while we are working on it as fast as we can, we also don't want to release the game at any state of quality other than what we intended, because to do so would shortchange you all as well as the game itself. As far as more content per release goes, we are putting out big jumps in content each time, it's just that sometimes that content isn't sex related or it's behind the scenes stuff that needs to be done for the game to be finished (like this month being a lot of quality of life stuff and no extra sex stuff, but next month should have more in that area).


I have a birthday in april. But i prefer a christmas gift. XD Still nice to see a reasonable eta i hope you will meet it without problems :)


We await with baited BALLS


would just like to point out that it's been 48 hours


say, will you guys send the $20 out in the email as well? or should i contact you guys on discord?