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If you've ever pledged to the $50 tier or are currently at it, I just sent it out! We've sent out level editors prior to this, but this is the first iteration of the cutscene editor!

Make sure to check the email you signed up to Patreon with, as that's where I've sent it! As always too, you'll get all updates to the editor indefinitely even if you never pledge at the $50 tier again :)

Included is a pretty lengthy Google Sheets glossary as well as the usual readmes. If anyone's curious about all the features it's got, here's the Google Sheets link;


Expect a normal update post in a few days :)


Jason Bill

Awesome! Spent a good chunk of the day playing around with the editor. Still a few cutscene functions i haven't quite figured out. I'll be putting a bit more time into toying around with if before i potentially ask for help with them though. I was able to figure out some that i was having trouble with after some testing with the system. Will traps be getting added functionality with the editor? In particular, it would be useful to be able make them entities, and give them the 'Consensual Intercourse' order, like the enemies have. Also, being able to make traps inactive when placing them would be useful. Just to give an example of a cutscene idea. The editor has a milking machine faye animation. It would be nice to be able to have a disabled trap exist in the level. Could be activated during the cutscene. Thinking about it, a few commands more that would be useful. A command to set the traps state, similar to the 'Set Gravity' and 'Check Gravity' commands. Glad to finally have the cutscene editor implemented. Will definitely be playing around with it more.


Glad to hear you're enjoying it a lot :D If you need any clarification on any functionality, definitely feel free to ask, we don't want to leave you in the dark or confused about anything! The traps having actual interactivity like that is a good point; I didn't have any cutscenes particularly planned using them (which is why we never did that), but I'll ask Frouge, it shouldn't be hard to implement that. For a trap to be inactive and then active during the cutscene shouldn't be too hard either, but both of those changes would probably come later on as we want to prioritize getting the Earth level out, definitely good points though.


I can't play the level I made, it is probably my fault but is there a command to play the level you created


Yeah, place Talia down and then press F1 to start the level, you can save it with the buttons in the bottom right :)


ahh ok thank you