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FrougeDev is basically coding like a maniac right now. Seriously, the dude is stuffing so many things in the next two builds it's unbelievable.

Triangulate is polishing stuff for the January public demo, like entirely new parallax backgrounds for both the upper and bottom maps, picture databanks, etc.

I'm writing and designing cutscenes like crazy, which you'll likely be able to see on stream lots next week!

Fuyarinpa is back on Future Fragments in form as you'll see with this week's update!

Lewd K. is still knocking out SFX for the game!



So the big problem last week was, obviously the lighting engine. Over 30% of you said the game lagged severely on your computers, so we went back in and did some coding trickery to try and fix the issue.

The new lighting engine is SLIGHTLY less pretty than the existing one, but should be monumentally easier on your graphics processors. For people wondering what it's like...



...we'll be putting out a new version of the most recent demo with this lighting engine in it, as well as the following small additions;

- All Grey Databanks in (besides two of them)
- More Databank responses in
- Fixed boss maps
- A few small bugfixes
- Tiny adjustments to a few existing maps

It's not a bunch, the obvious big focus is the new lighting system, but as we won't have a changelog for this version, I figured it'd be good to update you here.



As far as the new content we DO have planned, just know that for the January release, we're going to have;

  • over 30 different cutscenes (yes, including the special faye and talia unique sex scenes)
  • lots more verbal interactions with the boss
  • full databanks with reactions that change based on what order you read them in (the cutscenes get affected by this too!)
  • full voice acting for everyone/everything including some databanks
  • some picture databanks
  • numerous bugfixes
  • small quality of life additions like ice-frozen enemies giving warnings they're about to defrost
  • game over CGs
  • actual visible progress (no more just getting on a save pad and going back to the start aimlessly) for beating paths

And so on!



So Fuyarinpa went kinda nuts this month! He knocked out a total of 8 tracks, one of which we unfortunately can't share yet because of spoilers, but here's 7 of them we can share!

Starting off with the most important of them all, here's the Seeber Databanks theme; https://clyp.it/hyawpk4b

As we're getting closer and closer to the end-game of Future Fragments, there's unfortunately going to be some mild spoilers that have to exist by way of the level itself functioning as we want.

One of these is making it fairly obvious that yes, Seeber is a major part of the game's plot and as you get more and more through the game you'll be hearing more and more about him.

Another is that all of the Gold Databanks in the game, which you are required to find and read to be able to unlock the true ending, are going to play the Seeber Databanks theme, so obviously, they will be about Seeber.

As you play through the demo at the end of December and the January demo as well, you'll likely notice offhand mentions of him; see if you can piece together all of these bits of information I've put about him throughout the game. You might be able to figure out the start of the truth behind the game, if you do. ;)

Coming up after it, here's four tracks which are event-based tracks; that means that these will play during cutscenes, either at the start of a cutscene or once something happens to trigger them.

Despair - https://clyp.it/qi5c4xrv
Deep Thinking - https://clyp.it/aehtyvka
Comedic - https://clyp.it/2klwslzj
Crisis & Intense - https://clyp.it/uopmfy3y

Three of these are fairly obvious what they're about, but just to clarify, the Deep Thinking track is for when Talia is faced with a very tough choice, one that will affect future cutscenes much more than your average choice during any of the other cutscenes in the game, so this one will be used sparingly.

And finally, we've got the two remaining new tracks;

Game Over CG, Electric Level Version - https://clyp.it/4zy0bkvv
Bad Ending #1 - https://clyp.it/aynpmoao 

The Game Over CG music will play for the duration of a Game Over CG for the Electric Level, so that one's fairly obvious.

The Bad Ending song, however, represents one of the possible "not so great endings" you can get at the end of the game; even if you get the "true ending", there are variables that you can have if you decide to play the game in a really, really odd way (like being a dick to everyone or completely apathetic or extremely naive) which would result in one of the possible "bad" endings.

That said, "bad" in this case is subjective; some of you may actually enjoy what "bad" here pertains to. Then again, most of you probably won't, haha.



The $50 editor tier backers have been waiting a while for the latest version of the editor, and we intend to finally deliver it this month; the delay is mainly just in adding new features that we felt were fairly important ones (music swapping, camera panning being accurate) and fixing some fairly major bugs (like the entire game crashing if you try to put down an end of path teleporter).

We definitely should have it and a guide out for it though this month!


Thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

If you'd like to join in on our Discord, feel free to at https://discord.gg/eADgu38 

The next demo, v026, will be out December 31st, and will have a number of improvements and additions :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 




Tasty-ass music, my guy.