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If you've played the v0.19 demo, please fill out the survey here! A full weekly update post is coming this weekend :)



Done and done! Also made sure to explain my feelings on increasing enemy health and strength. Yeah, really don't wanna go through another Super Robot Wars where the game just ups enemy health and attack. That just makes the whole thing tedious: you don't have to play better, you just have to grind more to deal consistent damage.

Jason Bill

In the poll you mentioned tentacle vore in the future. Would that be all the tentacle we're getting? The vore doesn't really bother me. I would be a bit dissapointed if that was the only tentacle enemy though. Just opinion and all, and it's certainly not a deal breaker, but i really would like a 'proper' tentacle enemy too.


Yeah, that's why we're likely going to go with the opposite, increasing enemy complexity while downplaying enemy health/strength.


Three enemies and one trap in the Earth Level uses tentacles in some way, shape or form for attacks and/or sex animations, so I'll leave it at that ;)

Jason Bill

Well, alright then. Didn't realize it would be such a big theme for the level. Figured we'd be getting you're average token tentacle enemy or 2. Crisis averted i suppose, hah.


I added a cool idea for the spider bot that would help make the claws less of a problem while still making them a challenge, I hope it helps.


Basically the Earth Level is all plant/swamp/nature-themed stuff, but mutated due to the chemicals spilling out from the Electric Level's facility.


We actually have something sliiightly similar to what you wrote planned out for the massive change we'll be doing to the spider bot's attacks, so I think you'll be pleased with it :D


I now this is probably a but late, but I had an idea for the Earth Level that there would be a "female friendly" enemy. meaning like a handsome enemy that even when they stun or knocker her out, they would have passionate sex with her. like gently kissing her on the neck or massaging her breasts. or kind of like hugging her while fucking her during sex #2. it's probably to late, but I've had this a idea for an enemy for a while. you don't have to listen to it.


No, it's a good idea, for sure; we might end up having an enemy like this as there is a "handsome enemy" we have planned for later in the game, but as far as how the sex goes, we're undecided on it as of now, so we might end up implementing this for one of his sex animations!


Like as a plant-type incubus? Interesting indeed. I mean Talia "deserves" some treats, after all she has/had been put through, whether it be real or not.


I have one question. IDK whether this is related to lore or not: Why can Talia lactate??? I am not expert in human physiology but was she once in her lifetime pregnant before coming into the game?


She wasn't, but being that this is the year 3000, there's some pretty powerful tech they got that can cause lactation! We'll likely have a cutscene at the start of the level where she gets ran through a machine that activates her lactation, and by the time she leaves the level it's disabled again.


Unfortunately @T Hayman we won't have any lesbians in the game, as Triangulate is against doing Yuri animations. However, if you do like lesbian stuff, you should check out my other game I'm working on that is heavily yuri-centric; <a href="http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality">http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality</a> :)


The "handsome enemy" we have planned is actually for later in the game than the Earth Level, and I probably shouldn't say anymore than that ;)


Off topic, but is there a "dead" sex animation for the globs the boss throws in the fire level?


i believe that no matter what (that is, if u touch glob alive or dead), it leads to one sex animation. Basically, so far, bosses have only one sex animation.


We never made one, because if you get knocked out in it, the boss catches up to you too fast for an animation to trigger, usually. We might do one for the final game! @DrThrax The bosses have multiple sex animations/loops, unless you mean that there's only one "set of animations" for being knocked out, etc.