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FrougeDev is almost done with the Cutscene Editor, and then adding features to this month's demo!

Triangulate is nearly done with the Electric Boss, which is pretty insane, to be honest (what we have planned for it, I mean!)

I'll be dealing with voice actors primarily for this week, recruiting a lot of them for not only Future Fragments, but also Internal Interrogation  and Reclaim Reality  too!

Rtil  is basically finished with the art for the Internal Interrogation demo, so he's now going full time on the Electric Level Game Over CGs!

Fuyarinpa is, not surprisingly given his speed, done with the Electric Level soundtrack already, so he'll be moving back onto Reclaim Reality for the time being. You can check out two more tracks for the Electric Level in this update!

Stenzo K. is also churning out SFX for all three games like mad, having done over 60 separate sound effects in just the last week!



Here's two more music tracks for the Electric Level!

Strong Enemy Nearby 

Reading Databanks 



We figured we could show you this preview of the boss for the Electric Level; this is what you encounter during a certain portion of the fight. Specifically, this is the "boss" itself.

As to what that really means, you'll have to wait for the upcoming months to find out!



If you're curious, this is what we're currently aiming to get into the next demo;

  • Cutscene editor finished (but no new cutscenes yet, as we're going to be building those for the demo after)
  • Spider Bot (attacks, h-animations, audio)
  • Malfunctioning Sex Machine trap
  • Gravity Doors (doors that are weighted, will only be open based on gravity orientation)
  • Talia's Ice Shot (turn enemies into platforms)


As we've already shown a great deal of the Electric Level to you all, some of these posts will be kind of sparse, unfortunately, but we'll keep posting weekly!

Thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

The next demo, v019, will be out May 31st, and will have a number of improvements and additions :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 




For some reason when I click the audio files I am taken to a 404 page.


Considering the multiple-room approach for the Electric boss, I'm getting some strong memories of Black and his Dice Maze from Gunstar Heroes; randomized rooms with a gauntlet you'd have to clear to move on to the next room, culminating in a large segmented arena where his dice-determined attacks would weave about the screen in certain patterns. Also: really good job with making the boss's single light evoke HAL-9000. It's an easy reference to make, but it works. And that little trap door in the middle of the room seems quite... intriguing...


I honestly think the music for this level is the best yet ;)


i would like to know since the game is coming together so nicely when do you think in your opinion not set in stone/you would like the release date to be

Mindshard Studio

I always love your all's soundtrack releases <3


Very good music.


Awesome work guys, keep it up!


Yeah, we really wanna make sure it's some good/fitting stuff, so it means a lot that so many people seem to like it!


You've got somewhat of an idea of what we're going to do, but we're going to execute it pretty differently :P


Changing my life too... (for the worse)