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Just as a reminder, there's a Discord Server for all the games I'm working on at https://discord.gg/puXrfSm if you want to come talk with other people about them or to me or whatever else :)



Expired Link :(


I was interested in this game and sponsored $ 10. I saw an explanation that I could get a free copy of the game. But I do not know how to get a copy of the game. I want you to understand what I'm talking about with a translator because I can not speak English well. My email is 'junhui0109@naver.com'. If you are in a format to send games by e - mail, I would like you to send them to me by e - mail. Or, please let me know how to download the game by email. Support this game to be a good game.


You'll have the free copy of the game emailed to you once it's complete, which will be sometime in mid/late 2018. :)