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■How to play

This is a game where you use a voyeur camera to peek at her affair.

When the scene loads, you are in the room. There is a tablet and a small camera on the table in front of you. Take this camera and leave the room.

You don't know where in the house the flirtation takes place, but you can find dubious traces. Imagine what kind of flirtation will occur there and set the camera in the optimum position.

After setting the camera, you will return to the room. When you press the "Camera set completed" button, the subscenes will be loaded randomly and cheating will start.

At this time, the image on the tablet may not be updated. A collision trigger for updating is set on the right side of the tablet, so please hit it.

At the time of release, there are 6 places where affairs occur, so the camera installation location and the affair site may not match. Pressing the "reset" button will delete the Person, so if you press the "Camera set completed" button again, it may be correct this time.

Or maybe you can go see it yourself by relying on the "sound" ...




where do you get your cuckold tattoos / ace of spades tattoo decals?


if you found a website with a huge bunch of them i wouldnt mind a link! cheers. No worries about it


Getting these errors when running the scene: https://i.gyazo.com/1d89c3bef16cd36d0979c1e7305ec4b7.png I had a look for a 'pose mirror' addon in the depend file but cant find one, maybe you know what I am missing?


The pose mirroring plug-in is a plug-in that makes editing convenient, and has nothing to do with playing. So I remove this plugin from the scene when I create the var, but apparently I left it there.