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We become indebted to. This is VamG.

The latest images, videos, and activities are posted on Twitter, so please follow me.



■About the scene being produced

Sorry for not being able to submit a new scene in June.

The whole framework and the animation of the three postures have already been completed, and just starting to create the fourth animation. When all 6 animations are completed, I think I can upload it at the latest in mid-July.

■ About the new Timeline

There was a new version release of the Timeline during the scene production. My scene is made with the latest timeline, so please download it.

■ About the uncensored version

I've been asked several times if there are any uncensored versions of videos and screenshots.

It's difficult to get it on HMV or long videos, but for screenshots and short videos I'm thinking of providing an uncensored version for Patreon.



Sam Atan

Uncensored, hm hm, all for it, as this something pretty uncommon for us westeners to have to deal with, hehe. Always looking forward to more of your work, happy to be here. (Even if the overall theme next time is not up to my taste, doesn't change the level and love that is going into the work, so I can enjoy and appreciate that)

JoyCo Rep

Love your work as always! Are you going to upload your recent Twitter beach scene as a VAR this month? 🍑🏖️


It's just a scene with very simple motions, but I'd like to upload it on request. With a little tweaking, it will be released later this month.

JoyCo Rep

Awesome, thanks. Honestly all your twitter video scenes are useful!