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Hey everyone, I hope you're all enjoying your weekends!

Desperate to please your crush, he finally takes you up on your advances... but he's going to test your limits.

This work is a little longer than usual, and a little rougher than usual. So listener discretion is advised.  

See you again soon for something a little more casual - Pounded Before Bed (M4M and M4F versions)


PS. Just a reminder that I'm not sticking to my usual Tues/Fri posting schedule while I have family staying with me this month. I'm aiming for every five days instead, with additional M4M/M4F works to make up for it.



I can't help but ask myself why Stacy's brother? is that a reference to mad Tsai song ?


It's not a reference, it's just that when mentioning names, I try to pick ones that won't take people out of the story too much... Stacy felt common enough that it wouldn't bother anyone too much, even if they know someone named Stacy Sometimes I also try to use names that people are just unlikely to know at all in real life


I enjoyed this very much. Was this recorded with the binaural mic? It didn’t sound as separated between the channels as usual.


Good ears! This was actually recorded pre-binaural microphone, it's just taken ages to get around to editing it