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Hey there everyone,

Yesterday my YouTube channel was terminated for the fourth time. 

I've tried everything to keep going on the platform... I've listened extensively to other creators to understand where the boundaries are regarding sexual content. I tried posting videos without any photographs of myself in the thumbnails. I tried removing pretty much all direct sexual contact from my work on there. I even created several burner accounts under different names from different IP addresses and uploaded videos with different types of heavy breathing and mouth sounds, so I could see what triggered automatic detection of sexual content (I tried this with about four accounts, actually - all were terminated within two days).

For whatever reason, I can't get away with things on YouTube that other creators can. Each channel I start involves a TON of extra work to prepare content and it's all for nothing, so I'm giving up and moving on permanently to other platforms. It's a shame, because YouTube is where I started with all of this, and there's a huge audience there.

Patrons on the GreatFantasy Tier had a benefit that involved their usernames on a thank you graphic in YouTube videos, and this will obviously be discontinued. Apologies to those on the tier - I always took this very seriously. For now, I've removed it from the list of benefits. If anyone can think of a replacement benefit, throw your (time and cost effective) ideas at me! 

Much love to you all, see you later this weekend with a new 40 minute audio!




That totally BS, sorry to hear man, so many creators get the boot over nothing while others get away with far worse. The double standards ooze out of their tits on that for sure. But don't let that stop you, many other places you can go if not already

Bonnie Callahan

Some of the problem could be in your name - BadFantasy’s spicy enough to get those yt prudes clutching their pearls, I'd imagine