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For the uninitiated, NoFap is the practice of abstaining from pornography and masturbation. HARDMODE NoFap is about breaking the attachment to sex altogether. Personally, I don't see the appeal, and I thought I would make an audio featuring someone who doesn't understand it either 😇




foxy kitty

Ya I’m glad you made this cuz and this is my opinion and don’t understand it and def not something I could get excited about but I’m sure this audios will def help cuz all your audios help lol anyways ty for this have an amazing day to you and all the amazing other followers


Thanks Foxy! I don't get either but a lot of people sure do seem to love it. Each to their own, I suppose.


I loved listening to this whilst having a thorough tidy up of the house. Now for a quick break for some me time ..😉


I loved every minute of this.

Ariel M

YO BF! thank you for the hard work, your audios are definitely worth the money, and I'm glad I can support you <3 please remember to get some rest and water everyone! <3

Dee Dee

I had no clue what NoFap meant so I had to look it up. . . I already have all kinds of thoughts on the subject. 🙊 So without saying what those thoughts are, the way the listener handled the situation is exactly something that I would do. 😈😈 Pushing the boundaries to get my partner to break would be so much fun!!! Like a kid to cotton candy and ice cream. 😈💜😈


Well hello and food morning to me! Lol I'm not usually big on the pet name 'honey' but I couldn't help the little heart jump when you said it. Very sweet! Yeah, I don't get this trend much myself. I mean if you are that addicted to porn, maybe... but I think if you have a partner, that needs to be a very long and serious discussion before you ever participated in it. Great writing though! Really liked being in control of our BF. Lol

Natalie Nandahar

I liked it so much! I don’t understand such challenges at all. Imho it’s not bringing anything positive, which’s why this story was so brilliant! and the guy in it fortunately came back to his common sense😉 and this ending ... You did a great job 👏


"Cummy cock." Now that's a term I never heard of. 😂


Well done. Nothing like putting a sub back in their place when they overstep. the hand around the throat and the little slaps at the end were a perfect compliment to the soft dom vibe. I can almost see him on his knees, head down, as those lovely pix are sent. *chef's kiss*


Glad you like it! And I like to think the narrator in this piece learned something new about himself at the end.

oli doesn’t exist

now what i would of done is grab a dildo and proceed to fuck myself on the coffee table in front of him 🤷🏻


This audio made me think that maybe I’m more of a switch than I thought about myself before…😳 That’s one of the things I like about being a patreon here - exploring my kinks and fantasies.


That's one of the things I love hearing. It's great when you can learn something new about yourself like that.


amazing as usual

Katie Eberts

I loved this so much. I can't even express it! It makes me want a sub bf XD. But gosh can you please make another one where the female is in control like this?? And when you cuss, idk I'm weird I have a cussing kink. It's just so hot. The breathiness, the resistance ugh please yes


Not a dom, didn't expect myself to be at all. But I really really love this one😍😍

Katrina Rainsong

The only "no fap" in my world is when I demand it 😈 I love a good T&D session. This was really fun, thanks BF