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Hey there everyone, I hope you're all well & happy.  Here's the latest news in audio form, which I'll be doing monthly from now on.

And FYI - the August Dropbox Catalogue password is 'yandere'.




foxy kitty

I love this idea so much and we get even more of your voice I’m so glad I get to wake to your voice on Monday morning I hate Mondays but this week is gonna be great now… yay We all now I’m buying your merch the min it comes out especially a sweater I know we al need/want a bf sweater lol and I use Dropbox we appreciate you and your the best at interacting with us don’t stress on it your amazing and I hope you have an amazing week 🤗and to all the other amazing fans make sure to smile always your amazing and hope you all have a great week as well


Hang overs….icky….and you go for a run to deal with it? Certified badass. I am excited and intrigued about the Djinn role play. Just make sure to check out the actual Djinn qualities and not the Aladdin version. (Dominant Djinn please!?). As for comments, be kind to yourself. Part of self employment is it can be extremely hard to remember when work is done (I’m a farmer and a Theologist lmao! So I’m terrible at this). Make time for yourself. You did not sound like your rambling either. I love this!!!!! Great job!


One for Dropbox! And okay, I'll definitely make sure sweaters are available 😄


Well I definitely couldn't have gone for a run yesterday when the hangover was at maximum strength, but this morning I couldn't give myself any excuses. Starting the week with a Monday morning run tends to kick my ass into gear for the rest of the week, otherwise I'll just behave like a slug for days on end. And yes, definitely Dominant Djinn. One who knows the listener doesn't understand what they've awakened 😈


This is welcome and appreciated. I also use the Dropbox once in a while. Success takes time. And you, Mr are on your way. Cheers!


Alright Panty Destroyer, I am so on board with that idea it’s ridiculous. I love it!!!! As for runs, I take mine at night when all the work is done for the day and I can have two seconds to myself. You’re doing great my dear. Keep it up and keep having fun with it.


Thanks Savannah, I'm gonna keep workin' hard at it. And that's two for DropBox! 😄


I've never been night running, but back in my early shift work days I used to pull 8 hours on my feet at a hotel then go to the 24hr gym at 11:30pm so I could have the place to myself. I loved it.


I appreciate it very much, it's interesting to have a little glimpse to your next creations. I like the idea about a series with a djinn. Did you think of a djinn like in Aladdin? I only know this movie, I don't know, if there's other fan fiction with that topic / character. I saw the movie recently with Will Smith as a brilliant djinn (okay to be honest, I saw it a couple of times 😬, I could say because of my kids... But to be honest I like the movie very much). The message that I kept in mind with that movie is "be careful what you wish for". Because all wishes come true, the Djinn has unlimited power. But if you aren't specific, maybe you don't get what you want (I need prince or I want to become a prince, that's quite a funny scene at the movie). Or your wish comes with 'luggage'. At the end (attention, spoiler!) the dark sorcerer wished to become more powerful than the Djin. And the Djin fulfilled the wish. But all Djins are bound to the bracelets they have and they have to obey their Master. And a Djin without any Master is trapped in their bottle. That's how they won against the dark sorcerer. .... Oh... Long text.. what I mean is, that was the core of the topic for me. Be careful what you wish for, because you get it (plus luggage maybe) and unlimited might doesn't mean that you are free (that's the rule for the Djinn). So it's about might/power and wishes, which could be transformed into dominance and begging... And actually it sounds like topping from the bottom 🤔 Okay I got lost in the topic... I need a coffee 😂 Get well soon!


Oh shit, I am sorry... I didn't mean to write that much 😳

Eric von Habsburg

Well I’m excited about the merch!! Please include some 2Xs because I like my sleep shirts to be really baggy same with my sweaters. Anyway, I rarely use Dropbox because of the connection issues. The second my phone’s screen times out it interrupts the audios so I prefer the Patreon site.and I’m sure we all, at least I do, completely understand it’s just not feasible to reply to EVERY single message you receive. I’ve never felt left out or ignored if you didn’t reply to one of my messages. So please don’t feel any pressure about that. I do love the sound of the line up you’ve got for the audios. And if it’s alright I’d like to make a suggestion for a future audio. Perhaps one with a Cop? Maybe getting out of a speeding ticket or some sort of arrest. 🤷🏻‍♂️ No pressure tho haha 😆


I definitely use the Dropbox catalog since there are a few specific audios I particularly enjoy. Also chiming in alongside those saying we don't want you to feel pressured to respond to everything. Even if the comments aren't in the hundreds it's still a lot to do on top of everything else.


I actually have the title of an idea involving a cop called "Detained In An Alleyway", so I'm sure your wish will come true soon 😊 I didn't realise DropBox links would potentially time out like that, I guess it makes sense. I'm wishing I could go back and change all the video links to audio ones and re-do all my posts as MP3s, but that's just another way that Patreon isn't very user friendly. It won't allow editing past posts like that, sadly.


Very understanding, thank you. I'm typically the kind of person who responds to texts and emails quickly and I always think carefully about my words, but bringing that energy to Patreon has proven that things can get overwhelming pretty quickly!

Dee Dee

This was fun. To just hear you as you and not as a portrayed character. You didn't ramble at all. Your message was still structured and on point with your bullet points. Any kind of platform audience is a lot of work to keep up with, especially if you have a desire and goal of growth. LOL. So as others start to find you more and more and come to 💜 you and your content as the rest have, the demand for audience engagement may need to evolve into a more strategic way of how you are going to keep up with them. As awesome as you are, it is only going to get more unrealistic for you to be able to respond to everyone personally as you've already stated. This is understandable and please allow yourself some guilty free space for the ones you aren't able to give a response. I think even the act of simply liking a person's engagement goes a long way in showing your presence and that you have "seen" them.


I like this! Hearing instead of reading an update is very nice and feels like you are talking to us as individuals. As for the Djinn...I can see where that can be hard to portray especially with how lore and media are kinda contradictory to each other. I would recommend jumping on YouTube and hearing 'Witcher' lore of the Djinn or watching the game play on that part to help, if you haven't done so already. Of course any dealings with the fae is dangerous, so having that kinda of character be yandere might be easier. However, I would say they can be more of a mix of hindere/tsunshun honestly. Just personal opinion though. I use Dropbox every so often because I was able to pull up your older items there to listen to. It was also easier to find the series all together.


Thanks for taking the time to update us with this audio. I look forwards to the month ahead!


Thank you for taking the time to record this update :) You have a really soothing and pretty voice, so its really nice to hear you talking about normal stuff and being yourself! I hope you have a good month!👍🏼💕


It means a lot to get such understanding responses, so - thank you. I would hate to lose the interaction as I think it's really important, but hey, I'll keep doing my best, take breaks when I need to, and we'll see how it goes.


I've pulled up a vid of Witcher/Djinn lore to check out, I'll get into it today! I think I may just sort of create my own rules, to a degree... That might actually be best in terms of making sure there's a good story surrounding the character. But obviously you gotta respect the history to some degree. And good to know about DropBox. I was considering getting rid of it, but if it's of use, I'll definitely keep it.


Me too! I forgot to mention it but I'll probably to a Q&A video this month. Questions taken on Patreon, answers given on YT.

Eric von Habsburg

Oh and I meant to say, just in case you wanted to know, Yandere is pronounced: Yan-Deh-Réh. Not trying to “correct” you I just thought you might want to know. If not please ignore me. 😅


I honestly appreciate it. This is what I mean when I say I'm fumbling my way through the learning process!


That's a good idea. I generally could use some more structure to how I approach all of this, for sure. I like the idea of treating it kind of like an office job, almost, with scheduled times for certain things. In reality I'm struggling a bit with that, but hopefully once I can get a more professional workspace, scheduling will become easier. And thanks for signing up! And for the kind words. Honestly coming up with ridiculous titles is probably the most fun part, the rest of the work often grows from just a name 🙂


I appreciate the audio message update for the month. Your doing a great job! I love all the new content and can’t wait for what’s next :)


Your imagination is incredible ☺️💕 Btw, The pronunciation of “Yandere” will be closer to Japanese if you are aware of it as “Yandele”. However, if “Yandere” is known in the English-speaking world as “Yandere”, it may not be necessary to pronounce it close to Japanese. It’s up to u. From a cheeky Japanese 🌸


Sorry!!!!someone already talked about this in comment!!! I’m embarrassed...

Z (Disgraced Discord Dutchess)

6 Kilometers(we dont use Miles in East Africa) sir, 6 whole kilometers.Not Me, Certainly Not I… did you say Genie? I do use the drop box catalogue✨…anyway, have a good week✨ cant wait for the audios❤️


Hello in East Africa! And yes, 6km... I did a half-marathon last month, which was over 21km. But I'm not sure I want to do that again 😅

Katrina Rainsong

Ooh, merch! Looking forward to what you come up with


I'm french, and i'm glad i studied english all theses year because i get to hear your work.