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Hey all, apologies for this, but I will have to call for a one week delay. It seems that I might have bitten a bit more than I could chew and things are not where I quite want them to be just yet. Been tweaking a couple of things plot-wise and also planning to change some of the current mechanics in the game to make things a bit more fun and rewarding for y'all.

Originally I wanted to get it done and out by today considering that I have a flight to catch early tomorrow due to some family matters, but it seems that that has not worked out well.

In any case, no worries about this! I'm pretty fired up all things considered, and hopefully by next week y'all will have something that's more fun and rewarding to play with! 

Once, I apologise for the delay and I will try to somehow make it up to all of you somehow.


Cython Naiilo

thanks for letting us know! " It takes time to create excellence!"