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Oh right, I'm supposed to tell y'all that Fairy Hunting Chapter 6 is now out!

Yay, shameless self-promotion!

But yeah, if y'all are interested in it, you can get it here!

Gumroad: https://smilingdog.gumroad.com/l/qfbty
Booth: https://smilingdog.booth.pm/items/5243477

I'm also supposed to tell y'all that I have a Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/32850502

With that out of the way, let's dive into business! So basically I'm fully commiting myself to Jikage Rising this week as well, yeap yeap. So I'll be adding in Shizune's scene, adding a certain blondie from Konoha in, adding in her scenes as well as some dialogue from Shizune and the newbie. I'll also be putting the animations for the previous build in as well, the Mabui and Sakura stuff I mean.

I've also been taking a closer look on how and why things are breaking for the triple triad mini-game, the issue seems to mostly be affecting the first slot specifically, so it's likely a indentation issue where the code above is reading the bottom or something like that, not super sure yet.

That being said, I've also been looking into what people would like in case the whole thing does work out. So yeah haha. Anyway, that's about the gist of what I'll be doing! As usual, let me know if there are any questions yeah!

Jikage Rising (ETA: v2.05 for Patrons on 18th Nov, v2.05 for Public on 2nd Dec)
-Combat system update(?)
-New building to be added maybe
-Shizune public scene
-Ino public scene
-Non-sexy stuff

Dungeons and Tavern (ETA: K.I.V)
-Remaking maps to fit upgrades and events more
-Sprites for monsters
-Processing character sprites
-Prepping for VA


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