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Hey all, it's weekly update time! 

The update for Jikage Rising seem to have gone well, had some pretty positive feedback from y'all, but if there is anything that you think can be improved or changed, do let me know! I really do value your feedback, and honestly it makes plot progression a heck of a lot more easier as well. Originally we had to tweak some stuff to bring Kushina forward cause previously in Arc 2, people were really into getting new characters, I kinda assumed it would be the same for Arc 3, but huh, surprise surprise haha. 

I guess the tl/dr of it is, don't be afraid to give feedback haha.

Anyway, for this week, seeing that there's no bugs reported so far, which is kinda concerning in itself lol, I'll be working on Dungeons and Tavern, I serious wanna get things moving on, cause I really do have a lot of interactions and stuff I wanna show y'all, but uh, stupid foundation. Can't live without it cause it'll lead to more issues down the road, so we should get it nice and steady before moving on. That aside, we do have peeks and stuff in the discord for some of these things. Most are open to the public, but there are also some that are T2 and above Patrons/Subscribers only, so if you are a Patron, please don't hesitate to join our discord haha.

Jikage Rising (ETA: v2.05 for Patrons on 18th Nov, v2.04 for Public on 4th Nov)
-Combat system update(?)
-New building to be added maybe
-Shizune public scene
-Karin public scene
-Non-sexy stuff

Dungeons and Tavern (ETA: K.I.V)
-Remaking maps to fit upgrades and events more
-Sprites for monsters
-Processing character sprites
-Prepping for VA


Mikkel frost møller

sorry about asking but is there cheats for arc 3 yet like for resources cause i really frigging stink at the card game or any kind of way to skip the card game part