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Holy crap I'm tired lol. Anyway, let's just jump right into it! So I'm gonna be back at it with Dungeons and Tavern, I'm just gonna stick with this name, considering the other names are super catchy, some were pretty close to other already existing games though. 

As for Jikage Rising, there was a bit of an issue with the apk release, I've uploaded a version that be independent from arc 2, bit of an oversight on my end, sorry about that. Raiha is also doing some "proof of concept" thing about the alts I've mentioned for the new battle system, think y'all would be pretty into it once you see it. I'll go deeper into what I have in mind in a separate post once everyone has had a chance to try the system out. 

Jikage Rising (ETA: v2.02 for Patrons on 19th August, v2.01 for Public on 5th August)
-Village planning explanation
-Lewd stuff
-Card alts(?)
-Karin is back
-Intro to Kushina(?)

Dungeons and Tavern (ETA: August 5th for Patrons)
-Adding in character events
-Making sure the map doesn't allow players to enter places they're not supposed to
-Figuring out how to make the food exp system simpler


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