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Heya all, sorry for the slightly tardy update! Finding a place to upload the game is more problematic than I expected.

Anyway, let's get into it! For this week I'll be getting more stuff into Jikage Rising as I wait for the animation to be done, we'll be jumping into Mabui content soon, so that's exciting haha. Raiha is doing an amazing job as always, and I'll be able to get more sneak peeks for you guys soon! 

As for Star Cove, we have some art for a secret character, you'll be able to see it in the sneak-peek channel in our discord if you have the role! Also trying to get more art done in general, progress has been pretty slow, but I'll see if I can do something about it!

Jikage Rising (ETA: v1.14 for Patrons on 20th Feb, v1.13 for the public on 5th Feb)
-Samui event
-Karui Event
-Threesome scene 1
-Threesome scene 2
-Tweaking the battle system and updating more stuff
-More stuff if I have time!

Star Cove Incident (No ETA for now)
-New scene for Zen
-Editing and fixing parts of the story to make it more coherent

I'll be discussing some of the battle system stuff with people in the discord, mostly cause it might be a better place to do so, so feel free to join in!

I might also be making some changes to the tiers soon, to keep things smoother and cleaner, and also prevent some abuse, but it shouldn't affect most people, so no worries! I'll give more details when time comes closer.



Is the Date right? Saying the 2 Threesome Scenes arrive in this Update, released this Saturday? Or was there a mistake in the Dates? Just asking, because i did not find any new threesome scenes^^ Maybe i am too dumb xD Anyways, keep up the great work!


No problem! I was just wondering :) Happy to help! <3


Hey! I hope this year has started well and may your work proceed as smoothly as it goes!