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Hey all, these are the links for arc 1 of Jikage Rising. You can carry over the save to Arc 2 if you completed the game with the True Ending! 

That's it for arc 1!

Download links:

Windows: MediaFire / WorkUpload 

Mac: MediaFire / WorkUpload 

Apk: MediaFire / WorkUpload 



Is Arc1 going to be it's own standalone game, separate from Arc2?


Having issues downloading 4th attempt getting stuck at 99.99% (edit) not to mention that 30 minutes long download time.. frustrating. Please add another download site.


Is this any different from the arc one in the current game??


It's all the same, it's just that we'll be separating them into two games now!

Tom Ristenbieter

do youmean the true ending whrer the chars can choose not to continue his quest and only has the konohagirls as his slaves?


Oh no, that's not the true ending, the true ending is where he chooses to prepare for the future haha


How exactly do you get the girls pregnant?


Una duda, no se si tenga la version correcta, pero en el arco 1 ya no me salen las escenas con scooty e ino y en el arco 2, no puedo mandar a nadie a misiones de investigacion, ycuando llego a donde samui no me sale la opcion para ver cuando de lujuria y sub llevo


you can knock up the main 4 girls Sakura, Hinata, TenTen and Ino only from what I know. You get them pregnant from finishing inside


Sorry if im typing this twice not sure if it went through the first time. Will we be able to play/revisit special events like Halloween and other Holidays?


Ah, after you complete it once, you will be able to revisit them in the gallery! Sorry, must have missed the question last time!


no no thats ok thank you for responding, I appreciate all your hard work. Just too make sure I understand If I were to start a new game from scratch on a different phone even, I would still be able to trigger those events?


Ah, yeap! We don't have any events that can only be accessed during certain builds released on certain Holidays


So how exactly do you transfer your save after choosing to prepare for the future? Unless I'm missing something, you don't get the chance to save the game again afterwards and are eventually brought back to the main menu. Starting a new game in Arc 2 doesn't bring over any stats or anything from what I'm seeing.


hi, im sorry for acting stupid, but i dont get how to impregnate the gils in arc 1. I have Anko at lvl. 4 and cum allways inside but nothing happen


Yeah, but I Don get it how... I cum always inside ino and nothing happen... I have everybody on max control and the option to go to the ending scene


You'll need to select the option where you give up on expanding when given the prompt, after that, keep cumming inside, there's a 25% chance they'll get pregnant after that. There's no pregnant sex or anything, it's mostly a visual indicator when you view the ending.


Ah okay, I thought there was a visual pregnancy during the game. But it would be cool if you implemet it :)