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Awwww yeeeaaaaah, we are now at 1000 Patrons! Thank you guys so much! Bet you guys thought I forgot to do weekly update eh? But it was I, waiting for a chance to make this post!  Hahahaha. Back to the serious stuff though, seriously, thank you guys for all your support, I wouldn't be here if not for you guys, I'll see if I can get something special up for this occasion haha. Anyhoo let's get to business!

So for Jikage Rising, I have reached out to a couple of animators, if all goes well, we should be still on schedule. Some threesome scenes proved to be a tad difficult for him, there should be no issues, but still fingers crossed! The art for all the new content is done, so we will definitely be getting them, no worries about Tsunade being delayed on that matter!

As for Nano-control nothing much to report on that, mostly just bug fixes haha.

As for Apollo Lexicon, we have a couple new art done, I'll see if I can find a date to release them for you all to see!

So that's about it haha, here's the TL/DR of it as usual:

Jikage Rising (Patron release ETA: 16th May, 6th June for v0.12 )

-Bonus girl 1 content

-Bonus girl 2 content


-Adding outfit request if any

Nano-control (Public release ETA:16th May,  Patron release ETA:6th June) 

-Haru stuff

-Erika stuff

-Emma stuff

-Bug fixes if any

Apollo Lexicon (Release: ???)

-Finishing the intro

-Testing the battle system


Mathew Percival

How do we access the Haru and Erika stuff that has been added Doggo?


Congratulations! You can do more! Just go to your goal, don’t look at anything.


Outfit idea: How about Ino's outfit during the chunin-exams, when she was watching Naruto and Neji fight.


Have you finish the Nano-control v0.29? Why don't you update on 16th May?