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Heya guys, sorry for the late update, been slaving away at a lot of stuff. Only have a few days before I leave and I wanna get everything ready for you guys before I do. Generally I'll try to release a small update on the 21st, I'll have Patreon post that up automatically, so hopefully nothing goes wrong haha.

For now, here's the progress!

Nano-control (Estimated release date: Not date yet):

-Bug fixes

Jikage Rising (Estimated release date: 21st December) :

-Tenten lvl 3 animations (90%)

-Sakura lvl 4 animations (90%)

-Tenten lvl 4 scene (30%)

-Tenten lvl 4 animations (40%)

-GUI updates (50%)

Let me know if you guys have any feedback yeah!



Hell yeah! Tenten is finally getting animated! Well, the good part is... You know what I mean


Are the 5th mind rooms gonna be in the next update of nano?


Well, it’s good that you have some more time to prepare all the updates. Have a nice trip.


So the only new content for Jikage Rising this update is updated animations? not that it isnt good, just curious


Its okay Doggo, enjoy your time on your trip and have a nice trip as well. No need to rush for certain things.


Oh yeah, something like that, mostly animation and some drop rate updates, UI updates and outfits for Ino and Tenten.


Link for download plz?


Hi, I'm kinda new here, but even so, after playing Jikage Rising, my mind started brainstorming (which it usually does when there's something I like that can be improved expanded upon, in my opinion, of course). You may already have thought about this, or it may seem kind of too much work, but at least hear me out, please? I thought, that since the Naruto series are shown in 4 different times, and going on about the start of this game is going back in time, why not expand on the idea that that spiritual ancestor can bring you to different times and back? Each time having different girls to enslave, and in the futures (as I see the game as is now, as the furthest to the past needed) those girls already enslaved can be used to gather or help gather more of them? Also thought that it could be fun to have some quests maybe need an item from another time or something like that? Again, I realize that this could and would be quite a bit more to work on, and I apologize if ideas aren't wanted, but I just wanted to say this. Also thanks for a good few games til now!


How to get item leather?


As far as i know, it is planned that the game will feature the characters in a later state of the anime, with the more adult chracter. Propably with new chars and the default ones already under control.


It is one of the easy missions. Kill some of the rodents.


I try many times but still dont get it

Aaron Smale

So does this mean the public release for the latest Nano-control update will be delayed?


hey man , what does the GUI stand for? Graphical User Interface?


Perhaps...probably...I am in the minority, but I would prefer to see much more time devoted to Nano-Control. Jikage never really interested me. Maybe it is just that Jikage is the less developed of the two, however its whole theme held no interest for me. Good luck with everything.


I answer late I hope someone reads ... I do not agree with you although I love too Nano much more and this is why I became patron I believe that one should not always remain fossilized on the same idea ... I believe it is wise to experiment with something new and develop new textures in order to add new ideas and then return in the future with remakes or a sequel