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Heya guys. Wanted a quick check on what you guys thought of the latest update! A couple of stuff were added and some events are kinda experimental, so I wanted to know what you guys thought of it so I can tweak it accordingly! Namely these few things:  

1)The level 5 event for Sakura.

Generally the plan for level 5 events will be similar to this and there will be a a picture much like the one in Sakura's event.

I'm pretty interested to know what you guys thought of the event, was it too short? Uninteresting? Didn't make sense and/or didn't add anything of value to the game/plot?

Also curious about what you guys thought of the art, since it was done by someone else.

2)Party companion system

Might actually apply for the battle system as a whole. A while back there was some feedback that there was only one enemy to fight and that you guys probably committed genocide on the bear population in Konoha from all the bears you all hunted. 

Do you find the girls to be useful in fights? Or are they pretty much just deco? Is the battle system wholly unnecessary? Is it too grindy or dull for the game? Have the impression that some of you think that the battles are more of a chore than it being something fun to do. 


For the outfits, some outfits are planned to be randomly acquired, kinda like Sakura's nurse outfit. Was wondering if the ways of acquiring outfits were too grindy? And if you guys enjoyed the outfits design or the system in general.

That's the general stuff that I'm pretty keen in finding out, but I'm also excited to know what other stuff do you guys do you guys want improved or any suggestions that you guys have! Or hopes and expectations of features for arc 2!



Haven't unlocked any outfit's or the new even'ts


outfits are always fun to get, and the lv5 for sakura was just right. no need to make it a long drawn out deal, a good short-and-sweet event for a lv5 is just what we need


I've already got to test some of the features out during the patreon update of this game before it went public and I find all of it good, I'm just wondering can we be able to train the girls to help us more in the missions. Example can be training them more in Genjutsu etc. So it's not our mc putting in all of the work or will they be stronger in arc 2 of the game?


I think u can update some new characters for jikage


I thought the event was fine, a bit short, but updating it shouldn't be a priority. Combat is very much a chore and there is little to no ways to gain new abilities to fight others so its mostly just a grind. For outfits, I very much hate that I can't just outright buy the clothes in the store, please remove the material costs and it'll improve it greatly. Lastly, the art for the game is for the most part great and I think you should focus up finishing Hinata and then consider adding more characters while slowly finishing the others who are already close to finish.


In my opinion, it would be cool that when you reach lv5 of control over a character the lust bar stopped going down and remained always at 100%. It's kinda boring having to fill it up every single time.

A Literal Rabbit

1) I found the event for Sakura to be pretty good overall, and I love the whole corruption aspect with her becoming willing to help you achieve her goal, was super hot. I think the length was just right, however if it's possible I'd like for a replay scene ability to be added to the game like Nano control. I know they both run on different systems so I'm not sure if it's possible, but if it is it'd be nice to have it so that people wouldn't have to save on specific scenes to watch scenes they like over, as that can clutter the save menu. As for the art, it was good, I didn't even notice a different between artists. 2) For the combat system, I think that you start out not needing the girls, but as you go into more difficult ranks the part system really starts to be important and shine. Each party member has their own role and varies in combat, and are useful in their own way, so I think they are all valuable rn and I like the way it's turning out. As the ranks go up and you start fighting multiple enemies it's kind of essential to have them for extra damage, healing or even just to take the aggro, so they all serve a good purpose. As for the combat system as a whole, I like it and it makes the game less boring. I've played a lot of games with a combat and party system, and I personally don't find it boring. It adds an extra layer of gameplay to the game and I welcome it. I just think there should be more variety in use of powers or abilities for the MC, since his Basic attack is really strong and using his chakra isn't really worth it. 3) For outfits, I think the way of acquiring them rn makes sense and isn't really that grindy, in fact I find that getting outfits for characters in Nano-control is a lot more grindy than here. However, I think that as more outfits get added for characters, it should be balanced so that you can get some outfits from the store and some from random drops. I do enjoy the outfit system, though. Getting outfits and accessorizing my sla- I mean girls is a lot of fun, and a big chunk of the experience for me. The layer system is great, and mixing the over outfits and under outfits can be a lot of fun. I only hope that more outfits get added for characters in the future and system gets deeper! Improvements and suggestions: My first suggestion should be on the combat system. I think the combat system should have a level system for the girls, with their stats getting slightly higher each level and gaining new abilities after a certain amount of levels. Beating B rank missions with the girls is fine rn, but I feel that as we go to new ranks, it'll be a hassle to fight enemies on other levels even with the girls if a level system of some sort isn't introduced. I also think that it'd be a cool idea to make secondary targets like Ayame summons in combat. I don't know a lot about Naruto, but make it to where each secondary character you have enthralled can be a one-time summon in battle for a sizable chunk of Chakra to use a powerful ability that is synonymous with what ability they specialize in. I'm not sure if boss battles are a thing to come, but this could be a useful power to combat them. It gives secondary targets a more active role in the game while also giving the player more incentive to want to enslave them. And to follow up about secondary characters, I know this has probably been mentioned before, but they should get a sex scene or two, because I've been craving dat Ayame booty lately and it sucks that all she does is shove food down my face hole and to be an info dump. I'm sure that's being worked on rn tho!


Also, the animations are the bomb


I have something fun planned for raising lust! Hopefully you all will like it when it comes out!


I'm thinking that maybe we can have the jounin join in once we get them, they should serve as "upgraded" versions of the girls.


I'll try to get a gallery working soon! Hopefully it shouldn't take too long! I'll see how I can re-balance the combat more! As for Ayame, stay tuned hahaha


Just one question, what mission give you the leather? I just cannot get any


And I think is too grindy, at least giving the 100% drop rate will make the road for it less tired


It is time for Kurenai to enter the game permanently, he is a very ATTRACTIVE character physically and highly anticipated, you can take advantage of it, I am looking forward to the day I can play with Kurenai, I like your work, it is the best game that exists


can you make an option to "uncorrupt" the characters while keeping the sex scenes from upper levels, i miss thier angry expressions


here's my feedback! I hope you take it into consideration; imo there isn't enough sexual/hypnokink content over the course of the game outside of time spent in your room. i think something that would be nice is if you had a way to interact with your girls more outside of your room, like, for example, it's really boring to go to Sakura in the nurse's office and slurp up the like one line of hot dialogue she has at Level 4, right? well, what if you had more ways to interact with her? what if she showed up somewhere else in town, what if all the girls did? mainly, I just want more dialogue. I want more time with my slavegirls, I want to be able to see them in different situations, I want to hear how much they love obeying me! Thank u for reading. UwU

Steven Stirling

Okay, it's been a while but here is my take as I only play the even numbers. I LOVE the level 5 event and the picture that comes with it. The look on her face as the last bit of will is snuffed out is wonderful. The new missions and party system are a blessing. It makes gaining money for outfits less of a mindless grind.