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All done! :) This one was a beast. Though I love building this world the Sue lives in. I've been thinking about posting some concept art for certain landmarks and important areas of New Salem but I'm afraid of spoilers. ;\ If people would be interested let me know! Hope everyone has a great weekend. 

Also wanted to say thanks for the supporting comments I've been getting regarding my current job situation. You all rock and have kept my mind busy. Just knowing I have an outlet to still create works for people to enjoy keeps me going. Thanks again!




You, know, I think I enjoy the mundane stuff in this comic as much as the horror. Sue making her way through a dull shift at work, surfing the net in her room, arguing with her mom, and gathering supplies in a hardware store... all as full of detail as the most gutwrenching transformation or werewolf kill. Keeps me coming back for more. Great work.


Thanks SAS! haha I try to at least make the 'quieter' moments of the story interesting. Th last thing I want readers to be is bored!