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Hi everyone. Working on finishing this page of Sue, hopefully by tomorrow. Lots of details to work out in that third panel but it'll look great when it's finished.
I also wanted to inform you all of some pretty unfortunate news. As of yesterday, I was laid off from my job of 7 years. While at times it brought me a lot of stress it was also still a job that I could utilize my skills in. It was also the backbone of my income. Now, more than ever, I'm really thankful that I have this little patreon of mine and so many wonderful people willing to back me up so I can still do what I love for a living, which is draw. I thank you all so much for sticking with me and I so so appreciate your help.
I'll be looking for new work over the next couple months, something that hopefully will garner the same wage or more I was making at my previous job. Until then I suppose the silver lining is I'll get to devote more time to the work I do here on Patreon. So a little bit of good news out of the bad. :)
But again, thank you guys for all your support, it means so much to me. Despite this setback, I still feel truly blessed. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week.
- Were



Alec Whitacre

I feel your pain! I've been laid off since August, supposed to be going back eventually


Ouch. I've been there, and even though I eventually found something else, that spectre still hangs over our head every day. Best of luck to you. And yeah, it was a productive time artwise for me too--gave me the momentum and confidence to start doing commissions which eventually led to opening my own patreon. Good luck to you and can't wait to see what material this period brings.


Dude that sucks! Being laid off is never a fun time. You are talented, and I am sure you will be able to find something even better!


Oh gracious, that is the worst feeling. Best wishes that you find something shortly that matches your talents.


That stinks! You might want to consider opening more Half and Full Moon Patreon slots to earn a bit more cash here.


Good luck!


I wish you the best of luck finding a new job! You Will find something, don't worry ;) Until then and after that i hope you keep impresing us with your awesome art!


Rooting for you. Sending positive thoughts your way.