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Hey everyone! This week just flew by! I just got my stuff set up today so I thought I'd whip out this idea I've had rolling around in my head the last few days.

The move went....well it was kind of the pits. I had to pick a day it was pouring rain of course, and the Uhaul people couldn't loan me a trailer because their "systems were down" so I ended up having to take multiple trips with different cars...

And my moving buddy got me sick so that's fun! :D

Anyways, that's enough of my bitchin. I'm in my new digs and ready to get back to work! Thank you ALL for your patience and I'm looking forward to posting more things in the coming days!

- Were




It's over at least! You got it done. At least we can take solace in knowing that Murphy's Law is still a law.


Glad to see you back! :D I hope you adapt well to the new place, take your time. Changes are rough at the begining but at the end i am sure it will be worthy for you ;)


Hehehe welcome back! Take some time to rest and recover. <3