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Hey guys!

Here's a concept doodle I've been working on. I think I'm getting pretty close to being happy with the way Sue's wolf form will look. Hope you all like where she's going :P

And also I need to take a moment to let you know about some changes that are going on in my life. I'd planned on leaving my current job recently to focus more time into personal prospects. However, I was able to land a deal with my current employer to start working off site. I'll now be able to work from home! Which is actually a really good deal for the time being.

I'm currently in the process of moving, boxing up all my belongings and prepping for the move this Saturday, so sorry for the lull in content right now. I'll be back to normal in about a week or so I hope. The last day at my current location is next Wednesday.

More good news is that by being able to work my own hours essentially, I can hopefully devote more time into creating more content for you guys at a quicker pace! :D It's been killing me only getting one or, if I'm lucky, two pages of Sue's story out a month so I really hope this change will be a great help towards my output.

As always, I appreciate each and every one of you for your continued support. I look forward to the changes and I'll talk to you all soon!

- Were




Congratulations! I think I can speak for a lot of folks here when I say your work is worth the wait. :)


Yoooooo congrats homie! Good luck on the move!


Have fun moving, I will be in that boat in few weeks myself.


Sounds great to me! Take care. :3


Good luck on the move, take your time and take care!


This wolf form look less cartoonish than the previous ones... I highly approve this :).