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Hi all.

I'm pausing the payments on July 1st.

Reason being that my electricity provider were doing some renovations, fucked up and when shit got turned on it burned every single device i own.
So now, on my old laptop last breath (which funny enough is also without a working charger) i'm typing this post.
Now i'll have to go outside, roam around in this heatwave, deal with insurance agents, buying new shit and whatnot. Disgusting.

I do regular backups (like everyone should) so it's like 2,3 days of work lost. Nothing major. Still i could do daily backups, but you know... Nothing can happen to me until it does.

This is it. Game is NOT dead, I'm not going anywhere, dev will continue as soon as possible.

Thanks for the support.



Damn, that's gotta be really annoying. Thanks for being real and informing us!


Thanks for the info. You still gonna be on Discord?

Daniel M

Wow. Sorry to hear that. Back ups are good. yes, i do advise doing daily backups, but at least you didn't lose too much. Good luck getting dealing with everything.

Bob Zimmerman

Sorry to hear about your troubles, the good news for us is, the game is super fun as is for now


Sounds like you should invest in a UPS for your major electronics. Mine's saved my bacon half a dozen times since I bought it a few years back.


Oof, sorry to hear that. Is every home appliances burned or just all the device?


Best of luck. Getting a computer these days can take some time - hope you're able to get back online quickly!


I dont mind paying for july even if we dont get a update. Use the money to buy what you need to keep going.


Did you have a surge protector or your pc was plugged in directly?


No news?


I hope the game will not be abandoned.


Any idea when 0.8 will be out at least roughly? Not feeling like starting new game if save games will not be compatible.


I think game is abandoned... no news, nothing.


PE Dev replied to some comments about a week ago saying that they were not abandoning the game and was working as normal.