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*** Updated June 13 - v0.799c  hotfix***

*** Updated June 3 - v0.799b  hotfix***

Hi all!

This is a pretty small update, mostly preparing for v0.8.
Old saves are still compatible but let me remind you that from now on they won't be.

I'm spending way too much time doing workarounds and hacks plus I can't implement some things properly. So it's going to be a fresh start.

For this update you have 60+ underwear, publishing expanded, std rework, marketing rework (in limited capacity coz before mentioned compatibility issues), adding some QOL stuff and fixing bugs.

I know about some issues regarding pregnancies but it will have to wait.

Complete changelog later.

Thanks for the support.

DOWNLOADS - v0.799c










bug of chemistry always 1 is that fixed?


Can u also add dev version of the stable version if you get a chance


It seems that the addition of underwear has done something to the models' breasts. They appear to be out of alignment or disfigured.

Bob Zimmerman

Dumb question alert! What is the difference between 32 and 64 bit version?


any specific places? i didnt noticed anything apart from showing the wrong tits type, which is usually when chick is not wearing any underwear but game sorta think it does.

Daniel M

If you are using 32 bit windows you would not be able to run the 64 bit game version. 32 bit will work on either. Although the 32 bit would run slower than the 64 bit so use the 64 bit if you can.

Bob Zimmerman

Oh ic, I don't think my laptop is that primitive, https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/hp-15-6-laptop-natural-silver-intel-quad-core-i3-1125g4-256gb-ssd-8gb-ram-windows-10/15363488?cmp=knc-s-71700000056140592&gclid=CjwKCAjwzMeFBhBwEiwAzwS8zFGrgP4hHhFY2YD767G-KmXirsX29Jm1302AxBfjAZ-6-nVJ7ORMfxoCRRcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Daniel M

The max ram 32 bit windows can use is 4gb, so having 8gb tells me it is 64 bit without having to look further.


The PA doesn't seem to be publishing to websites. Any ideas?


Random suggestion. Possibly use the angry boyfriend confrontations to create a cuck genre on the ones where you get to fuck the bird after you knocked him out o even hidden cam cuck or summat!


eta on dev release of stable?

olivier it

Random suggestion from a big fan of your work - A main story (girl & boy MC), maybe with a main Rival company, begin mayor ... - Pimp opportunities for some girls in streets (can put bad girls or dumb) - Hidden Brothel (with police troubles, ...) - Possibility to buy and custom a Mansion like the Playboy Mansion - More Luxuries Brand who can affect your charisma (whatch, jewellery, cars, ...) - Some properties to buy again and affect jobs there for strippers, or other staff job for retire girls (casino, restaurants, private clinic, Bar, sex shop, ... ) - Own Porn Magazine for work models - A jail (many stories and hire girls there ...) - Possibility to find sibling like Maria and her sister ... Maybe possibility after a year of two to do something with the children (over 18 of course) with the business if some people like this kind of stuff ... - Trouble with justice (trial, corrupt judge, go to jail a month, ...) - Maybe a gay movie if some people like that ... - Some special events outside the city - Illegal Escort mission with famous people ... (possibility to have some troubles and fines or scandal ...) - Squirt for girls anyway, You saw that I like your work. I hope you like some ideas overthere ... Keep going to do a good job like that ! ps : sorry for my english


Just a few glitches I noticed. All breasts look the same. If you are doing a MMF scene the facial hair on the men is off center. When cops catch you with contraband, they don't actually take it. There is also no difference between Massive and Big tits anymore.


The changes to the web admin efficiency don't work well with the 120 staff limit. My character made 9mil a month and now he can't pay the rent because his web admin efficiency and network quality went from 100% in the last update down to 17% in this update. I also cant' hire any more admins (staff limit reached) so I am locked into a game over every month. It might be better if you could assign web admins, and marketing specialists to specific websites, and other Web admins and marketing specialists to the overall network quality and web admin efficiency.


i expected old saves would broke for this reason. i'm trying to find balance where monthly profit starts slowing down, probably around 1mil. there's no point of 10mil profits since what are you going to do with all that money you know... i dont know if it's the right idea and if everyone likes it, i personally just dont like infinite expansion. would help if you could send me the savegame so i could see what can be done. maybe it's too limiting if you don't play the "optimal" way which is something i dont really want.


thanks for the suggestions. few of them are already planned like mansion and more events.


Great Update! Some bugs: - Children with PA and Staff don't count for Child Support - Clothes are buggy with several scene types (but I think you want to fix this with 0.8 because of to much workarounds) - Managing Social Media by a Marketer seems to change nothing or litte bit, Fame ist in general dropping too fast and because of that, retirement is far to fast - you should adjust the price of a contract in 0.8; its way too much, if a model is willing to do several things or all scenes and you just want you make some scenes just several times; even making the most earning scenes, hardly make you a zero. I suggest, that you can choose with a contract scenes, which she will shoot for free (as it is now), but you can shoot other kind of scenes by paying per scene - a combination of your contract-system and the standard system. Contracts just make some scene types "free" and do not block any other scene type, which is off-contract


Another small bug report. The payment for certain staff members automatically jumps to maximum and can't be adjusted. Once you switch to a different character payment jumps back to maximum. I experienced this with a savegame from the 789 dev4 version so it might not happen when you start a new game.


Bras and Panties are invisible for evry character in evry outfit, is that a bug ir is that a missing feature you will add later? Oh and the clothing options where the Bras and panties wer dissapeared.


More of a gameplay question here - is it currently possible to sleep with the tax enforcement lady (Sabine?)


-Websites, which have as primary or only a topic like Office/Luxury etc do not gain any subs -talent scouts will not find a male - even if explicitly selected - and the person will be always a female with the desired characteristics

Christian Zach

What the hell is that? I have 20 models (twins, Jogga woman, bar, fitness) and more special models. Now all of a sudden I can't shoot any scenes myself (no messages in the game like 1 week no shoot or something). And that's not that first time this happens. It sucks

Elemental Sheep

Check your player's profile. You may have zero happiness, an illness, or you started training/beauty salon.


like said, check the player profile. if everything seems fine, please send the save and i'll take a look


Error: When you make a new website. The website option disappears and you cannot publish on the website either.


I don't like slowing down profits this dramatically... The point of $10MM is to have an EMPIRE in Porn Empire. It's a fantasy, don't nerf it.


Sometimes you have to let some time roll. If you have a car go out somewhere and back to pass some minutes, otherwise just wait an hour somewhere, and the site should be there.


The name of the game is Porn Empire. Let me tell you that the real porn empires can blow 10m without much thought just on a big ad campaign, or publicity event, because they can make it back in hours, not days. That's not just porn either. A TV ad campaign for ANY kind of business brand will usually cost upwards of $40m to run nationally on just one channel, (includes the production costs). If that's not the reality you wanted, maybe you should have named the game Indie Porn Studio so nobody would be expecting proper empires. You already have caps on the game, in terms of a max possible number of studios. There's really no need to cap staff numbers, because wage costs should already do that for you.


PA Scheduling seems to be completely broken in the new playthroughs I created specifically for 799c. First, the PA (a full lev 10 one) would *always* schedule low skill non-contracted even when 20 contracted models were available with far, far higher stats in every regard. So, I created a couple of custom groups (based on the types of scenes they were best for) and limited each studio room to just one or more specific groups. That way, I thought, I could ensure only models I wanted to be used would be used for the auto-scheduled scenes, and I could personally assign models to more specific scene needs. Instead, the PA just doesn't seem to schedule scenes at all in most of the studios, and in the one or two studios where he will assign, he schedules the same actors for the exact same scene and room multiple times at different days of the week. It is so bad, so utterly broken, that I would just fire the PA (I did try replacing them, same results) and schedule all scenes manually, but you can't then schedule any of the specific stuff like DP or 69 or Masturbation, as only the PA can get the tags on scenes outside of the bedroom, and the bedroom shooting doesn't allow you to set any girl-girl or DP style tags if you have a male MC.


Good job so far. Thanks for the work.