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*** Links updated - June 1st 2020 ***
-Minor bug fixes

DOWNLOADS - v0795a










Amazing work as always. However I have come across a bug where no one has breasts for any reason. No mods or cheats.


do the girlfriends work again, i tried in the DEV version and it only gave me the option to break up?


toggle shirt on and off, I had the same bug that's what it is. It thinks shirt is on, but it's showing the body. See if its same bug


great update may i give you some suggetions? - could you implement changing the girls position in fffm? - its strange you force the thiefguy to work for you but in the interview he is able so say: no interest, you pay to little! - the bug im mentioning every update ;) The name in the production menu of the studio isn`t saved and replaced with the automatic name - cammodels should be nude or you can strip them as you like - another bug: the players bunny trait doesn`t work - bug: if you own a photostudio, you are not able to see inside a normal studio (workaround: click in the menu on the photostudio tab and change than to the studio - seeing inside works again)


Hey, I started personal website for one of girls and I have observed strange behavior. After first pub. video website went from 0 to ~310 subscribers. Next video in same month: 0 or less then 10 subs gained. First video of next month: about ~30 subs gained. I do not remember how much subs was after 2nd vid in same month. But in 3rd month subs dropped to ~110. Girl lvl 7, scenes popularity 2700-3000.


I experienced that for some reason every first website is gaining subs very slow like you said. If you open a new website of the same type or the same model (!) everything works fine, just delete the old one after that. It seems to be a bug.


-i will. it's just that it was buggy as fuck so i left it out. -nice catch with the thief. will change it. -i swear i fixed that, than messed it up again. it's cool now. -press 1 to quickly undress them. i should change the default yea. -does bunny get scheduled with others?


Ok, thanks for help theguywiththedoghead and for info Dev


i found another bug: - you can`t relax at your private beach (and you have to pay if you could?) - production manager allows strange combinations to be produced like "girl-girl" + bj another recommendations: - camgirls seem out of balance to websites, either websites earn to little or camgirls to much - production manager should be able to produce videos with every tag - f.e. interracial - when you are the "director" of the actual produced scene in the studio, the choices don't have an effect on the tags - you should be able to set a cooldown for models for the production PA because when you allow him to choose best stats, he uses the same girls over and over even if you can't publish without loss - you should be able to give the PA a "budget" for a scene - it helps in mid- and lategame to maintain enough production of low- to middlecost scene for low- to middleearning websites


I ran into this too, he used Lena in all 6 scenes for the week I was like ohhhh no lol


- bug: for some unknown reason some models start disappearing without cause, f.e. Lucia Salvatore, she seems to dissapear on the day when her popularity penalty ends


I may be being an idiot but how do you cast other boys apart from yourself in scenes? I'm losing a lot of money and only being able to cast 2 scenes a week if that...


you need to buy a studio. then assign director and some equipment and start scheduling movies with others. at home you can shoot amateur shots only with yourself.


During sex scenes, the boobs disappear. Is there a fix for that?




when's the dev version?


having problems with game crashing every time I try to "remove" cam girl


well, made a lot of changes in the web dept, got rid of some sites, saved after done because I know it likes to crash, well it did, and now the save crashes as soon as it loads, so the question is I guess, how long do we have to wait for this update in order to play the game?


is there any update on Dev Version Soon?


oops, wasn't expecting that, started a new game, will just avoid cam and web stuff for now, how long for update? Thanks for the help though


couple questions, is reputation level 4 the max because it doesn't seem to be going up anymore and shows 100% at level 4, also I can't seem to find a way to get girls assigned to photo studio, I click on the photo studio from properties then add girls and it takes me to the first production screen, then I tried all the icons from there but the one I think as the photo icon and the girls tab is greyed out?


oh yeah, when I click on the marketing campaigns, with 100% marketing score it tells me my marketing score is too low and puts me in a cool down period? is this not implemented yet or what?


what's the difference/benefit of the DEV version?


theres dev panel with some options, some unannounced things lurking around, basically the build im working on right now. also more buggy of course, so be warned.


yes, lvl 4 is max for now. only contract girls can get assigned to photo studio.


Sorry I'm such a pain in the back side, but can we assign ladies to our club in properties yet? If so I haven't found how yet?


About v795 I have edited and saved what is said in scenes, I did remember to save and my edits did work but when I reloaded the game all off my edits were gone. Does this feature not work properly, or do I need to run the game as an administrator?


Why not add more variety of clothes and the possibility of choosing the colors for the male main character with the possibility of putting tattoos?


eventually. females are more important for this game and take most of the drawing time.


Hey bro, when will they add X-rays to the sex scenes? I think it would be cool and more exciting for the game, and sorry to put it back


I understand it, hey Bro, they should put that when it comes to vernise inside the mouth in the fellatio the semen is seen coming out of the mouth as a realistic detail, great game despite being in English more or less I understand you


hey this was a suggestion someone gave you on December 2, 2019 "1. Have you ever thought about implementing a collection of babies for women after they reach the final stage of pregnancy once they give birth? a registration system that keeps track on the computer inside the main character's house, but it would be a good idea to have a nursery inside the hospital to keep a record of the births with avatars of babies in the crib with the father's ethnicity " Will you take it into account for a future version?


Sorry for being so questioning about the things in the game but I really like it, it's very original


also can't tell you when. it's not really the main priority, since it's a pretty niche request. at some point, yea.


What is the priority now? If you can get to know, do you know what many of us really expect from the game? exact more languages ​​like Spanish and others more


in the future will there be men's and women's underwear?


i have to make the whole clothing system modular. that's a lot of work and it wont be done anytime soon.


Friend, would you let me comment on your publications that are not private?