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Hi all.

New bodies with outfits that now mostly fit. Some of the outfits for biggest bodies still have problems and like said before, they'll have to be redrawn.
Not everything can be done with resizing. Although with the latest game engine update there's some new stuff that might help. Didn't want to update 2 days before release tho.
Anyway until then, try to look past that.

There's few more things.
Reputation levels. You start with lvl 0 and can go up to lvl 4.
With each level new stuff unlocks.
At 0 you can only shoot with prostitutes, but it soon opens up. With some other balance changes it might be harder to play now.

Scenes you shoot at home are tagged Amateur and make less money than scenes shot in studio.

Also some new locations, special girls and QOL improvements.

The ground is also set for rival companies for the next update. Some simple AI companies to spice things up.

Thanks for the support. Download links are in the post above.

Changelog v0.795

Resizing the outfits.

7 female body types.

4 male body types.

3 new special characters.


Sauna, Jacuzzi, Massage all part of the wellness center (old beauty salon)

Yoga studio


New backgrounds

New outfits


Different body sizes.

Auto production options redesign.

Reputation levels and unlocking game mechanics.

Slider for staff salaries with satisfaction indicator.

Expiring contract filter.

Decreased popularity penalty.

Models you've promised for using your pool, beach or yacht will be there. 

Girlfriends will also appear on those places.

Default scene titles (thanks to user Hozchelaga).

A lot of new local names (thanks to  user Hozchelaga).

Website financial data.

Amateur tag when shooting at home. Brings less money than "Pro" studio scenes. 

Pregnancy chance bumped to 20% if you cum inside.

Genghis Khan perk bumped to +50% pregnancy chance.

Auto production options: Separate option for allowing agency models to be cast for each gender.


Fixed country picker.

Outfit selector for females.


Daniel M

Does +50% mean preg chance is 70% with the Genghis Khan perk or did you mean the change is changed to 50%?


Where are the new characters located at?


Thanks for your hardwork PEdev, just some feedback from playing and testing. Do you think you could maybe tie contracts to reputation? Like Getting lvl 0-1 lvl contracts at rep 1, 2 at lvl 2 and so forth and so on? I get inundated with contracts that are impossible to fill more often than not and I think linking those to reputation a bit more migth be a good idea. In the meantime, thanks again for all your hard work!


Great Job ! New Screen is amazing ! Only question : The Yoga's Instructor was fixed ? Always close the gama .


The pregnancy porn route is a really difficult one to manage. The ongoing cost of a pregnancy only ever increases and the benefit doesn’t last forever. Is that something I could be doing better or is it reasonable to ask for balancing?

Charles Hinkle

I still think the outfit system should be overhauled. Like, how some articles of clothing come off on some outfits don't make sense to me. I think it should be reworked to where, one-piece suits (i.e. swimsuits) = Top, socks, stockings, and pantyhose = Stocking, and I think there should be another tab for Gloves, i.e. gloves, bands, etc. And I think some of the cosplay outfits also need to be reworked: Catwoman: top half = Top lower half = Bottom boots = Shoes Tomb Raider: top = Top shorts = Bottom guns = Stockings boots = Shoes Black Widow: top half = Top lower half = Bottom boots = Shoes Cammy: suit = Top paintings = Stockings boots = Shoes Triss: top = Top pants = Bottom socks(?) = Stockings shoes = Shoes 2B: top = Top skirt = Bottom stockings = Stockings boots = Shoes

Charles Hinkle

Whenever I try to talk to the girl doing yoga at the park, the game instantly crashes.


is there any update from dev3 version?

Jayson Vazquez

Is the church in this update


New bug with this version: I completed the story with the new character Ananya. Saved the game. Upon reloading, Ananya is spawning in the Yoga Gym again and I can do her again. When I do that, she is added again to the roster of girls, having here more than once. Saw her even spawn again after that.


Hey dev I'm still having trouble finding the second npc in the salon


there are no requirements or anything. she should be in the middle of salon on monday, wednesday and friday.


i agree, i just havent come around yet. it's not a small task to take coz a lot of things would need rewriting.


we'll need to think that one through. maybe buff the earnings of preggo porn.


hi. It`s very creepy https://prnt.sc/sr8ajk


ok found it. she spawns when she wasnt supposed to. just ignore her if you can.


http://prntscr.com/sre2wn i feel like there's something wrong here in the new game menu, this can probably be a easy fix.


the game crashes when i click on the new girl in the park, i have cheat mode enabeled and fertility pills active maybe it has to do with that i dont know it just crashes instantly, Edit: i checked and its not the cheat mode it crashes iff i pick a female main character


will it be fixed at some point? the female Mc has a lot of bugs other than that as well would be nice iff you could fix some up for example playing female MC iff you get to the stage where the banker lady shows you her boobs the dialogue gets stuck and the game soft locks you cant proceed. and Even on some Cosplay girls the game crashes iff youre playing as a female.... or the encounter where an angry guy comes in the office iff you chose the wrong thing the game will crash. Love the game tho hope you will fix the Female MC line. best of luck


these new chars were never written for female MC. they shouldnt have spawned at all. i'll fix those. some of them i thought i already fixed. guess not...


I haven't met either of them after I fucked the one who claims that their father is a mob boss.


During sex scenes, the boobs disappear. Is there a fix for that?


So what's the process for getting a girlfriend? I've made pretty good progress in the game (Lvl 4 reputation, big company, etc.) but I haven't seen/noticed an option for it


In model agencies there's only the chance to upgrade to get more models from an agency. Shouldn't there be also chance to downgrade if I want to change to better agency with higher level models?