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The only issue is it was done two days ago, and between rendering time (and possibly rendering incorrectly, but I can't confirm til I play it back on something else) and its apparent refusal to upload here, I'll probably have to upload it to YouTube first.

The idea was I'd upload it here for a week before uploading the YouTube version. Patreon supports videos now, and it wouldn't have the content check system that YouTube has that auto-flags and blocks content that contains shows and movies and music and stuff.

It took a full day to upload and then I let it "process" for a full day, but the processing never finished, and when I refreshed (I had left the tab open for two days), it just had the text I'd written and not the video.

I see I have one draft, but I doubt it has the video. If so, I'll try and publish it.

Either way, I'll upload it YouTube before the end of January, where it will likely be blocked. Then I'll have to appeal it and hopefully they let it through. That's worked every other time I've uploaded a RWBY video, hopefully it being owned by WB doesn't change things. (It might lmao.)

That's all the updates I've got for you now. It IS finished, I just need to get it to y'all haha.


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