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Sorry for the "long time no talk" thing. Got a lot on my plate, and I'm also been in a holding pattern of waiting to hear when we're going to move and get settled (allegedly, it's next Wednesday).

My laptop crapped out on me a few months ago, and I've been feeling very unmotivated about the RWBY videos (Cinder's Fall Parts 2 and 3, especially since Part 1 flopped, as did my Bayonetta 3 "quick" review). 

I am borrowing my roommate's laptop when he isn't using it, and slowly making progress again, and I'm aiming to have it out by the end of January (assuming we move/get settled in to our new place/WB doesn't block it on YouTube).

I've also realized that I've fallen desperately out of love with RWBY and it just makes me sad or angry, which means it's hard to motivate myself to work on it. I'm sure depression and burnout is not making it easier either.

Ergo, I wanna try and focus on making simpler, shorter videos, just getting back into the swing of things, and moreso about stuff I like or stuff that "sparks joy", to quote Marie Kondo (does anyone even remember when she was an international sensation? That feels so long ago).

Game or show or movie reviews, maybe books, probably some critique stuff, but I want it to be short and sweet and not these massive undertakings that take forever and I hate how long it takes to edit and sync video to audio to reflect what I'm talking about. 

I could go the easier route of just having like a still image or graphic on the page or just like an animated vtuber type version of me but I prefer the source of whatever I'm talking about be what you see.

I might start showing more of myself in my videocs now that I'm slightly more content with my appearance nowadays (I grew out my hair, it's fantastic), which would also cut down on having to sync or record video to the audio. Maybe I'll even mostly pivot to that, just for simplicity and become more of a personality on my channel that you can parasocially attach yourself to instead of just a sweet voice you hear lol.

I've also had a fun little idea I'm tentatively calling "Context Clues <s>For</s> With Dummies, where my roommate Kalen and I would just watch a random piece of media at the halfway or near the last third and try to use context clues to figure out what the hell happened to lead up to that point from where we watched.

It could be a great way to have some silly conspiracy-theory wackjob theory-crafting about media we've never seen before, and we'd try to predict what's gonna happen or what has happened based on what is happening. We'd either look up the correct account/recap on Wikipedia or something after and try to compare notes to see how far off the mark we were, or if we were close to getting it right based on limited context. Or maybe we'd just leave it at that and request any viewers to explain how close or far we were from the mark.

This is just a house-keeping post. I want to be more active in 2024, as 4 is my favourite number out of 10, and I want this to be my year more than any other. Content creation is a part of that, and I'm going to do my best to emerge from a state of being a depressed little nonbinary potato and sizzle in the oils of joy to become a happy french fry, as was foretold by my friend tumblingduck. 

As always, thank you for supporting me diligently these past few years, and if you see this and remember you want to unsubscribe because of how quiet it is here, no worries, I totally get it. I'll still credit you in the Cinder Fall videos, and I'll do my best to make better, more consistent (if smaller) content.

In an ideal world, I'd make a video at least once a month for 2024, but a lot goes into making these videos, and I don't want to sacrifice quality (and again, I'm without a laptop for myself), so I'm doing what I can here. If I make at least 4 videos this year, I'll be happy. Shooting for more though.

All my best, tons of love, and happy new year 2024,



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