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Another sketchbook page... I'm still sticking to monochrome, but I figure shading with a warm, earthy colour results in something more appealing that just greys.

I appear cursed to be frequently sick – I just went through a bout of bronchitis, and I'd forgotten that shit could get rough and last for a while. PSA: do warn your friends when you've been in contact with someone infected with anything, and consider wearing masks at the very least in public transpo... Being consistently social is too important for me to curtail drastically, but I realize now I really should've taken a few lessons from COVID to heart.

Anyways, feel free to ignore that little bit of ranting. I'm just happy I can get back to drawing somewhat consistently.



Strawberry Milkshake

Beautiful art! Great job truly. Sorry about the bronchitis, I truly hear you on the needing to be social side


Top left is gonna be living rent free in my head for a while.