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Hello everyone! 

Today we have a lot of things to talk about so let's start right away!

Let's start with the results of the last poll!
The 10+ patrons had a choice of three hairstyles for Emee and the "Croft" won!

And as usual, this haircut will be exclusive to patreon and available in the next update ~~

So, the Emee update is going well!

I had some problems to know where exactly to place some elements in the timeline of the game. But it's okay, I think I did it. The hardest thing is to get a consistency in the story whether it's for you who have had the same save for several updates, or for those who are just starting the game now.

The next update will include several new scenes and to make it happen faster, I hired new talented artists, thanks to your support and donations here, I was able to put some money aside to pay new people, so thanks again to all of you!

As I said last time, this update will contain the development of Emee but also a part of the main story (especially the beginning of the 4th part of this Chapter 1)

Considering the amount of work, and because I don't want to put too much time between each update, I'm thinking of dividing this update in two parts.

And while waiting for this update, I present you a preview of one of the new environment of the game, it is another part of the outdoor headquarters.

( I had to take care of this one for a while, for the main story line, and I'm so happy with the result! )

Finally, I think I'm starting to see the end of this chapter 1.
( which will be a complete game considering the 10/12 hours of gameplay.)

I prefer not to do a "road-map" since I let myself a certain level of freedom in the writing, but among the important updates that should appear, I still have to do:
- The end of Sphinx,
- The corruption of Elsa
- The second part of Rapunzel,
- The development of Melissandre
- And two other characters that will be introduced soon. 

After that, there will be a last update to finish this game/chapter and a first teaser for the next chapter 2.

As you can see there is a lot of cool stuff coming up !

I really want to finish this game because I really think that there is nothing more sad than to see a game development stay in Alfa for eternity. 

I want to show you that the games I develop do have an end and that I can complete my projects.
This, I think, will be a good confidence builder for chapter 2 and 3.

That's it for today!

Don't hesitate to tell me what you think of all this in comments and if you have any ideas or suggestions, I love reading them!

Have a nice day and take care of yourself !




"to stay in Alfa" my mind is just too perverted - even for the news <.<

J Meteor

You're doing great! The amount of thought and craft that's gone into the game are apparent which has quickly made it my favorite. Can't wait for the update.


Played a lot of these style of games lately but this one never stops outshining all of them


when will there be a new patreon reward ?


Very interested to see where this will all go. Looking forward to further updates.

Kevin Lorentzen

I love Emee's new hair. And I hope you don't "end" Sphinx, she's a great char also with beautiful hair, and I love her interactions. But I'm looking forward to Elsa as well, the Frozen sisters are my favs followed by Ariel. I'm glad you're planning on more chapters, too! Thank you!


i would love to stay in alfa forever, j/k. your work is amazing


I think the next one will be the next part of Rapunzel but I'm not sure, I'll tell you more about it in due time.


When I say "end", I mean only for this chapter. If a lot of people really like her ( like I do. ), I'll surely make her appear again ^^

jonas reffelt

i hope Emee is gonna be a part of chapter 2 and 3 too


so excited been following this game for a long time and its nice to finally find the official version and support the creator


Looking forward to the update. I like Emee's new hairstyle too. She's a great character.


Keep up the good work, can't wait to see what comes up next


Salty can we expect the part 1 before the end of the month?


Yes, I'm working with my team on that. I'll talk a little bit more about it in the next newsletter, but I have someone working with me full time, it took a little while to set up but it's going to be SO much faster now. Anyway, this part 1 is coming up fast, and part 2 will follow just as fast, like a few weeks or less ^^


Hello. Can you please create blank for russian translation files?)

mark bennett

Is there a way to unlock all of Snow Whites outfits (both adventure outfits) as her normal clothes? I gave her the cloth scraps to change the adventure outfit to the dress but prefer the pants.

spock vauclan

what is the riddle answer