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Hello everyone!
Today, a small update that brings a new version of a scene and Cheat Codes!

And I also take this opportunity to make a small newsletter, where we will talk about the Spanish, Portuguese and French translations, the next poll for the next exclusive patreon haircut and a bit about the next update.

0.29.1 MEGA LINK :

( Edit 02/09/21 : Android version available )

So, this update 0.29.1 brings the new version of the scene between Tinker and Alpha. This scene really needed a good makeover and I'm very happy with the result.

There are still a few scenes that I think need some work, but most of it is done now.

This update also brings a new feature: Cheat Codes.

I'm not a big fan of cheat codes at first, but it's something I've been asked a LOT, so I've found a way to put them in the game without destroying the game experience too much.

There is a very simple system of "cheat points" that you can spend if you wish, and you will receive 5 cheat points with each new Patreon code you will enter (so, with each update with patreon content)

You will also be able to completely disable the cheat codes option to keep a vanilla gaming experience. ( Do that )

- Spanish and Portuguese translations:

Some fans of the game had the patience to make Spanish and Portuguese translations and it is with great pleasure that I share them with you:

Spanish Translation
Portuguese Translation

Another thing: A New Poll

In a few days I will make a survey only open to Patreon 9.50€+ about
a new exclusive patreon haircut for Emee.
It's been a long time since I did a poll, and I'm still very excited to see which of the 3 proposals will be chosen eheh ^^

Finally, the next big update that will focus on Emee and the development of the main story is on track! 

I know many of you are looking forward to continuing the story with Elsa and Anna, and don't worry, all that is coming soon too! ^^

That's all for today!

I wish you all a good day and see you next time!




What will the cheat codes do? Skip some parts of the game? Or give you coins/datas? Also, it means that you can only have one save? Or we can re-enter old patreon codes?


The cheat coe just give you some credits/ clothes data / Character data and allow you to change your name. In fact, you have to re-enter the patreon code at each new save to access the content, so you will have access to cheat codes too.


Ok, cool, so we can use them if we started again just to see another path. That's great!


When can we expect the Android release for this update


Very Excited to see how things develop with your game!


How to use the cheat codes? I'm not seeing any option for them. (Android port)


I don't know what code unlocks repunzle but I've used all the codes I know. Is there a list of codes? Or maybe I did something wrong?


Took me thirty minutes. I'm not used to the patreon web site. But I figured it out.


Yes, it's true that Patreon is a bit strange when you are not used to it. To find the Patreon codes, the easiest way is to use the "PATREON REWARD" filter on top.

Magnus Carolinus

Looks to be a glitch in the new scene with Alpha when viewed on the office computer, as Tinker's green bra hovers in mid-air all the way through the scene rather than disappearing after the first frames. Guess people might have reported it already, but couldn't spot any comments so thought I might as well let you know. Other than that - Great new version and I look forward to the next version.

N- Splash

no apk for this update?

Regular Arab

actually can't find the cheat codes...little slow


The game is great even without the codes, in my honest opinion. Thanks salty!


Doing an expedition with my droid and i came across one of those chest that has a question you have to answer correctly to open but i can't seem to figure it out, it ask "silver for". does anyone know what the answer is?


I did a few riddles, but then the riddle keeper stopped showing up after the start of chapter 2


i think i am missing a post, where do i find the newest code to unlock cheats?


yeah i forgot to copy the last code was all, was a version or 2 behind. and when i did type was stubborn for a bit but works now


What do I do after making the dress for snow white after going to the mirror? Ive went to her after and nothing triggers.


This is a great game. I love the dialog! That said, I have a question. I went to Snow White's to use the Crown Coin, Tink teleported me to Emee by accident, and then chased Rosette away. Tink relizes what happened and her photo in the corner disappears. After I tell Emee that I hope I didn't fuck up her android, it looks like Emee replies but the text says it is Tink talking. So is it Tink that says "It's okay. She probably ran back to her tower to hide under the bed." Or is it Emee? Tink's pic is no longer in the corner so it looks like it might just be Emee and I talking.


Yes indeed, it was a bug, sorry for that. I fixed it and it won't be in game in the next update :)


Thanks. And seriously, excellent game. The conversations with the other characters always make me laugh.


Can anyone tell me what the code is I can't see it anywhere 😂


I'm wondering the same. Is there more to the story after the dress? Can I get the tiara anywhere?


You can find the Patreon code on this post :) : patreon.com/posts/new-0-28-51840408

Michael Malcolm

Is there any plan for a character art gallery for one-off shots of characters in game? Such as some of the coin results with Snow or when you get temporary outfit options for some of the characters? It would be awesome to return to those images. (Especially Emee's tanktop between her boobs)


how tf do you see the new scene


Hi i am new, currently stuck in once upon a time computer, can't find anna character to inter the password, there's no next page or anything, playing on android