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Took me a long time and a bit of my sanity, but I finally managed to put together a voice for Nurja for this animation (no voice actress, I worked the old school way). So this project is back on track, I'll try to work as fast as possible.

Sorry for the delay. When I started this animation, I didn't plan for it to have sounds at all, as it was meant for me to get back into animating altogether, but as you people said, it would have been ashamed not to get one. 

Since I couldn't get the actress back, I worked the old school way (just like I did for my last Zahira animation). It was really really hard considering most of the animation was done and matching a voice to it required a lot more work than if I did it ahead of animating, I'll need to rework some animation part for this to work, but hopefully what I managed to craft will do ^^




Oof, her vacation must have been longer than she let on, heh. We greatly appreciate you putting in so much sweat for a project that's already beyond its initial scope! Re-animating's gotta sting after thinking you were done. I do have to hope that the experience hasn't put you off using voice actors/actresses altogether. Even you, a savant at repurposing existing lewd audio, mentioned that she was really good as Nurja. There's something special about a 'virgin' performance (i.e. not used elsewhere) that exactly matches the character's actions, though some of my favorite animations of yours used existing audio. Of course that's entirely up to you since we don't know the specifics, but figured I would toss my two cents in there

Reptiles of Lustria

Hey Tony, I was away on Vacation, missed this post! Sorry to hear about the Nurja voice actress... ugh. Frustrating! As Dargon said, her vacation must have been longer than she let on... We greatly appreciate you putting in so much sweat for a project that's already beyond its initial scope! Re-animating's gotta sting after thinking you were done. And I do have to say, there are lots of great lewd voice actors/actresses and hope you find the right one soon for you! Even with your skills at repurposing existing lewd audio, you deserve to have someone who is willing to give an amazing girls voice to your characters. Boy does that acting stir the soul and er, other parts! Thanks for your work, your long time fan, Syn