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"You sure you don't want to stop somewhere ?" Zahira said. "You've been driving for hours now !"

"I should, but aren't you expected to your friend's ?"

"He knows I'm hitchhiking, he almost expect me to be late. I can just send him a message anyway, he'll understand. I'm already lucky enough you accepted to take me, he can wait some more. Look over there. There is a motel !"

"I guess I could pull over there. Hopefully they have 2 rooms left for us".

Zahira smiled lustuly.

"And double the bill ? How about we just share the same room instead ?"

The man's face became very red. Obviously, he was being very shy about it. Zahira continued :

"We spent almost 6 hours together on the road now, talking. Don't you feel like we could get to know each other a little more ? I feel like... socializing !"

Her right hand was sensually caressing her breasts. With her left hand she slowly grabbed his leg.

"And I want to show you how I really really appreciate the service you're doing to me." 

He knew this was an opportunity of a lifetime. He was divorced for almost 2 years now and never got to be with another girl ever since. She knew that, he told her during the travel, and she was clearly taking advantage of that.

"It's been so long..." he said. "I have... well... no experience with an anthro girl, let alone a zebra like you..."

She leaned over and kissed his lips tenderly.

"Then this should be a very special moment for you. Let me be your first anthro experience".

No escape now. He parked at the Motel and went to rent a room. Last exit to Paradise.

It's been some times I haven't done an actual longer video ! I hope you'll like it ! This one was done the "old school" way, as in no actress or actor was hired, I used an old sound recording from a porn I found online back then to work on and win some times. I hope it won't be a big bother. Any way, thanks a lot for your patience everyone, and thanks even more for your support !! Cheers !

Zahira's model by Hatton Slayden, show this man your love too ! He deserves a lot !


Last exit to Zahira's Paradise_FULL.mp4 

Last exit to Zahira's Paradise_1080.mp4 

Last exit to Zahira's Paradise_720.mp4 

Last exit to Zahira's Paradise_low.mp4 




Your Argonian and Zahira animations have always been my favorite. Hope to see more and more of them. Especially the most recent Nurja animation you’ve been working on


Hello Maxime Tony, I do have this Hatton Slayden's zebra model too but when i start redering it in Blender she apears all dark like there is a huge shadow on her, even with light aroud the scene, any clue to solve this ?


I can't really help out with that I'm afraid. I never used this model on blender yet, only on 3ds max. I'm slowly switching to blender, but I'm still fairly new with that, and don't know the more technical stuff very well. Hopefully when I use Zahira back, I won't have this problem. But otherwise, I'm not sure what is wrong :/