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Transformers 2 full length

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Andrew Hansen

It's funny you've been doing movies lately that are really memorable to me in weird ways. First it was War of the World's, which was memorable because I stayed up all night with like 40 of us during college new student orientation watching it...well I fell asleep in the middle of it and woke up to q tips up my nose lol. Then this. It was about the only thing I did together with my freshman year roommate. He was very nice, from Hong Kong and we had little in common. He was up all hours due to the time difference. We got several fines for noise due to his loud conversations with family back home at odd hours, and he cooked some of the worst smelling food imaginable. One night he put this movie on and I hadn't seen it and was like "mind if I join you?" and we watched it together and had a nice chat. Lol sorry really random anecdotes