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8 Animations featuring my self-insert OC as the DOM!! Finally featuring myself in an animation set~❤️

For those who are out of the loop:

And this is Journal Entry #6 - Playtime!

"Sunday, my last day off before another heavy week filled with double-shifts. I had a friend's wedding that I attended for the larger part of the day and it was great fun! She too was bi like myself and funnily enough, she's rotated between guys and girls at least 5 times but seems like she's finally settled on a guy. Made we wonder what I'll eventually settle upon... If ever!

Anyways, I've just returned home now and I'm going to have to keep this entry short, as the anticipation of playing with my tinies is just killing me! When I checked this morning, the tinies were still amidst cleaning the sweat left over by the maid tiny and my foot, but it seemed like they did a good job while I was out today.

I bet they've missed me just as much as I've missed them, and as promised yesterday, they'll be getting their reward~"




Repost due to accidental deletion of original post - Sorry guys!!