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Happy Hump Day everyone and I hope your week is going well ❤️!

As some of you may have noticed, I'm currently amidst a theme week around rebranding my self-insert OC~

So far only the Introduction and Entry #1 are out, however if you're interested, you can stay tuned for an entry each day for the next week or so, which provides a bit of 'Lore' if you will, to document the events/adventures that lead my OCs transition from Sub to Switch.

Additionally, I've got something nice planned for you all this weekend (the theme of this week is a hint!) so I hope you're all looking forward to it as much as I am 😉

Until then, hope everyone has a great week and thanks again for all of your continued support!

For ease of access, historical Feet Pics can be seen here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!As5rfIb_TlpvlmjRFDFkxdniFD-U?e=32UD5O



Repost due to accidental deletion of original post - Sorry guys!!