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It's me.

Happy New Year!

We have entered, the year 2023.

The year 2022 was a very good year for all of humanity to enjoy the adventures of Ms. Riginetta. Thank you very much.

As I mentioned in yesterday's article, I will talk about 2023 again.

Here is what I have planned for 2023 so far.

Riginetta's New Year Sale

Develop a new game

Publish 3-4 comic books

Around the end of the year? Information that can be released at the end of the year

The following is an explanation.

Rizzinetta's New Year Sale

The New Year is a sale (Steam image).

We are having a sale to celebrate surviving the year 2022.

Discounts are on an unprecedented scale, so take advantage of this opportunity and buy some!



New Game Development

We will start developing new games this year!

We are going to start developing a roguelike in earnest, which we have been announcing for a long time!

I was debating whether to make it a side-scrolling action game or a roguelike game, but this time I'm going to play in a completely new field, roguelike!

I think it will be something similar to the original Siren of the Wind Rising, without the special moves that are so popular these days, and with items to help you get creative.

However, the difficulty level will be lukewarm and retryability will be increased to an unbelievable degree.

3-4 comic books

This is not something I will draw!

I will commission an artist to draw them, just as Okuvu did for me last year.

I will draw the manga with my original ideas and input.

This is half a hobby. I commissioned it because I wanted it.

I approached the artists I wanted to have drawn, and they didn't turn me down as much as I thought they would (beautiful girl robo-ko with human qualities).

There were many other authors I wanted to ask, but I had a feeling that at 3-4 books a year is a lot, so I decided to give it a miss.

If you buy it, I can keep it going as a project, so please do me a favor when it goes on sale!

Around the end of the year? Information that can be released at

I can't say anything about this at this point, but I wanted to do something thought-provoking, so I drew this.

I am sure you will be surprised. I was surprised.

I am very happy to continue to support you this year.

I would be very happy if you could continue to support us this year as well, because I would like to create various fun contents.



Brandon Kaiba

Happy New Year 素敵な一年になりますように!!

