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It's me.

I've made a lot of progress on the plans I've been working on behind the scenes.

With that in mind, for the time being, I'd like to put all my energy into creating the main game, Rignetta's Adventure.

The sub-games will be left aside for a while, unlike what I had planned.

As you can see in the title image, I'm fixing the Kraken.

If there are no particular problems, it will be implemented in this month's update.

The original Kraken had many attacks that were not very Kraken-like, such as shooting bullets from both sides and causing falling rocks!

I've removed these less Kraken-like attacks.

Instead, it attacks with a lot of tentacles.

The Kraken was too weak, and I wanted to make it more like the original game it was parodying, so I fixed it.

I probably won't be reworking the other bosses, as this kind of major revision is quite time-consuming.

I'm going to be even busier towards the end of the year, but I'm going to do my best not to break my body.

I'll do my best in moderation, so please continue to support me!

The rest is the ride we took to this island.
