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testing the new computer to see how much physics i can add to a scene , seems to be going along nicely at the moment , so far ive been able to add physics to an entire room for some growth destruction <3

only down side to these scenes is they take so much time to setup , i should have a test animation done in maybe 2 weeks or more , ive not even finished prepping the room physics yet , should be worth the wait though :D

as always thank you all for your continued support it means a lot to me <3

all the best





Are you testing destructible physics. Or is this more like of a, car crash test?


testing destruction physics , i literally just dropped her on the table , but ive managed to put physics into the whole room now working on the animation


It sounds very interesting with the destructible physics, though... It could be like, the character will grow huge, and she will break and push the furnitures around, while she grows... Oh, I can't wait to see how it will turn out!!! 🙂