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another little music animation thingy for you all to enjoy , i tried something new :D

i may need to do a bit more testing to see what i can push with the new computer and then i can start up the growth virus series again <3

computer is almost on its last payment and then its saving for a valve index and trackers for full body motion capture , also im trying to get face capture working as well :D

here is the link as always remove the space :P 

https://www.por   nhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph601c2947d9b39

hope you all enjoy the animation and thank you all once again for your support , with everyone sticking with me ive been able to scrape together funds to get this new computer , you dont know how happy i am because of all of you <3

all the best




Dr. Whoopass

Omg I love that song, I only heard it from those stupid kings lust ads on YouTube 🤣