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And then following up the patch release, we also some stuff in the prerelease. Originally, I wanted to spend quite some time doing the planning of the Winterfall dungeon for next month and while I do have made some progress, I didn't get as far as I wanted to because as I was reviewing the Roland manuscripts there were a couple of things I didn't quite like from the narrative structure, so I spent some time reworking the Roland 3 scene and adding it into the game.

Actually it's not 1 scene, it's 2 scenes Roland 3 and 4 that got added into the game but the scenes are based on the Roland 3 scene from our assisstant writer Absurdity. This also means the event chain will have 1 more event in total but it's not using an new H-CG so it should be fine. With these two events you can now watch Aura as Aura starts to succumb to the Special Study.

Prioritizing this will most likely make week 3 where I wanted to add the Roland lewd content a lot less stressful for me, but on the other hand perhaps make June more stressful when I will start on properly adding the Winterfall city dungeon into the city. But that's a problem for future me. :D Present me has instead made good progress on the Roland content :'D

Also regarding the Special Study, as you have already seen, I had received the CGs from Emubi and integrated them into the game. The final addition in the artwork department is the Paul and Paulina artwork I received yesterday. Luckily that's super quick to integrate so that's now also in the game. I have also prepared and sent Emubi the brief for Roland 1/2 which we will then discuss on Monday.

Then finally on the more technical side, our assisstant RPGMaker dev Trihan has simplified the Happiness room a bit. You no longer have to interact with the circles to turn on drains/sources. Instead it all happens on the configuration machine. Additionally, the first circle will now always turn on when you configure the machine so we have less "no effect" mental changes. (Also there's less corruption in chapter 1 due to this, but I feel like that's fine.)

Aaand that's it for this week. There are also some really other minor changes, such as support for elemental drain resistance (e.g. Mutated Pyroflower in Mount Firestorm will now heal from exploding), but for more info there I recommend checking out the below changelog which also includes the changes from today's patch, as usual.

Changelog 0.31.0-prerelease-1 (05.05.2023)

  • Added Special Study I H-CGs
  • Added Special Study II H-CGs
  • Added Special Study III H-CGs
  • Added lewd scene "Roland 3"
  • Added lewd scene "Roland 4" 
  • Integrated Paul and Paulina character artworks 
  • Supported elemental drain type resistance 
  • Simplified Happiness room mental changes 
  • Refactord handling of on-day start lewd action 
  • Applied promise training refactoring for magic academy to other skills 
  • Made disclaimer skip work with touch input 
  • Added +1 EXP/day for party members at workshop levels 5 and 10
  • Added additional flavor lines for John learning spells
  • Unlocked Verdeaux after defeating toll bandits


  • Gave Pyroflower, Greater Salamander, Waterspirit and Hi-Aethon drain resistance
  • Iterated learning requirements for magic academy spells
  • Increased duration of Tailwind II to 8 turns
  • Removed duration increase from Stone Mind II 


  • Fixed inaccessible event page in injustice drain 
  • Fixed incorrect speaker during infiltrating cheerleaders makeover 
  • Fixed Seductive Stance issue 
  • Fixed missing freckles on Rose character image
  • Fixed broken difficulty check in bandit shed
  • Fixed incorrect difficulty check on Trademond apple merchant
  • Fixed incorrect score multipliers
  • Fixed incorrect tag in Seductive Stance I hint
  • Fixed missing rank in Seductive Stance II learning choice
  • Added tag for lewd skills and exclude them from John Rising skill learning
  • Fixed Pacify II and Bless II having score costs



Couple of small things in the recollection room for the new Roland scenes. Roland 1 and 2 crystals are showing the same scene and the 3 and 4 crystals aren't unlocking with the cheat.


Is it possible to reach the second mind room without getting the first reading debuff at all? It doesnt look like it to me..... This makes the reading speed buff book you get in chapter 2 kinda pointless, cause it coincides with getting deeper into the mind rooms most of the time.


The reading speed buff book is mostly intended for players who kept Aura pure. Not like they get a lot of bones thrown to them. :'D Also getting it is useful for NG+. In general I wouldn't depend too much on books if you are advancing Aura's corruption.


I seem unable to get to the Roland 4 scene...it just routes to a repeatable of roland 2 or 3?