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Just a bit ago, I released the info announcing a new upcoming web comic that I will be writing and the ever-talented Gisarts will be illustrating. It's called Ladies First: Journey Through Jadaris and if you missed that post, please check it out as I go into a lot more detail about the project there: https://www.patreon.com/posts/announcing-new-98451311

But I also promised there'd be sneak peeks, first light of some images made for this project. Most exciting for me, you're getting the first look at the designs for the most major characters in this story, all of which were a ton of fun to collab on! 

But first, a couple of comic panels to give you a taste of what's soon to come...

As mentioned in the previous post, it's a black-and-white comic for the sake of expediency and honestly, I think it gives it some character it might not have otherwise. Still the characters are designed in color, so let's get a good look at some!

Thurston the Thirsty

Here we see our male lead, Thurston, in a rather unenviable before-and-after. Thought at one point to be the strongest human alive, for years Thurston was a legend for his heroism and sexual prowess in equal measure. But these days... not so much. What could've caused such a beast of a man to become so frail...?

Adara the Amazonian

Bit of a throwback leading lady for me. Hailing from an all-female warrior tribe, Adara needs no magic, able to kick insane amounts of ass - among other things - with pure physical strength, speed and well-honed technique. She's quite tall for human standards, and most of her height is in her legs as you can see. A fiery sort with a headlong passion for justice and a love for battle. A big heart lies beneath her tough exterior. (Using "tough exterior" metaphorically there of course, her actual exterior is quite soft to the touch)


Little is known about this woman, including her name or even her species. But her magic powers are nothing to trifle with. While we have much to learn about her, we can be sure of this: she is devious, unhinged, extremely dangerous... and ridiculously horny! (You noticed them, right?)

Princess Lyrona Caelala

The regal and refined ruler of the Caelala Kingdom, Princess Lyrona is considered the highest ranking royalty in all of Jadaris. A high elf, she was born to rule. She is a popular enough leader with her subjects, though she is known for playing extremely hardball with political enemies. While her public image is that of a gentle and pure maiden, it's a bit of an open secret that she's a freak behind closed doors, and willing to go to extreme, even morally dubious lengths, for the good of her kingdom. 

Lady Carys

Long-time ally of Adara's, Lady Carys is a priestess and wielder of great holy power. A pacifistic sort, her specialty is healing magic. She is a devout follower of Telafaith, the Goddess of Prosperity. A half-elf, meaning she's essentially just a human with pointy ears. Carys is a gentle and wise woman, who brings a level-headed maturity beyond her years. She follows the traditional holy teachings to the letter as well, although sometimes, even Carys might be tempted to sin...  

Missi the Mage

Last but not least, we have Missi, already a personal favorite of mine and something tells me y'all will like her too! Missi is a full elf, meaning she's quite short but very stocky to say the least. Thicc to the nines, she is as soft to the touch as she is in demeanor. Missi is a quiet, shy girl with a big heart. A rookie mage, she has great latent power in her but thanks to her inexperience she is pretty bad at controlling it and it often leads to mishaps. She's also very clumsy in general, her outrageously large ass often bumping into things. 

These and many more characters await us in what shall be a wild ride... stay tuned y'all, you should be seeing more very soon~



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