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  • Commissioned by Yeran

Me oh my, where do I began… err, well I guess that’s a silly question, it’s actually very obvious where my story here starts. The one I intend to tell you today, that is. Uh… let me start over, sorry, I’ve never done this before…

Before I get into this, I guess I should say a little background about myself. I’m a practicing alchemist. I began my study in 543 AD, so, I haven’t exactly been doing it for very long or anything. I was about four years into it when all this started happening, and I did have a skill for it. I was still a young man though… inexperienced in plenty of other ways. 

I lived alone at the time, in a quiet woodland village. Less than a hundred people lived among the yurts and simple cottages. It was a pretty place in the spring, fields of green and flowers and woodland critters… the settlement was effectively at the very edge of a forest that got much thicker and supposedly more dangerous as you went, but we rarely went very far. We did know that a much more expanse city was on the other side, and on very rare occassion we would get the chance to trade goods with them when a carriage and cart would visit.

That wasn’t gonna happen anytime soon though, given the time of year… we were in the dead of winter. And for as nice as the spring was, the winter always hit our land rather hard. Many would even leave the village and wait out the months to avoid the heavy snowstorms that tended to strike us. Just a day before this all went down, one such storm assailed our village.

It was blisteringly cold, even for the standards of our winters, and when it finally subsided, the snow had piled up about three or four feet high. It was thickly packed, to the point that many a door refused to even budge. I did what I could to help out… I actually did manage to cook up a few potions that specialized in swiftly melting the snow, but I could only provide enough to allow people to leave their houses. It was still a burden trying to get around the town, and pushing a cart was absolutely out of the question. 

To put it succintly, it was bad, one of the worst snowstorms I’d ever seen and we’d be dealing with it’s aftereffects for a while. All we could really do after a point was focus on our own safety and keep ourselves as warm as possible. That was easier for me than others, as I had plenty around to help keep a fire burning strong. 

My house undoubtedly must’ve been the one that glowed the brightest with the beacon of bright orange warmth… and perhaps that was why, of all houses, that most unexpected visitor came to mine.

I wasn’t surprised when I heard the knock on my cottage door. I figured that someone’s doorway had snowed itself back in and they needed my aid again. So in advance I went ahead and grabbed a vial, a spicy red potion that would turn that snow to a puddle in a heartbeat, and walked over to answer the door.

When I slid the panel open, what I saw shocked me to my core and changed my life forever. In addition, I felt quite the immediate tingle…

Standing in my doorway was a woman, one I’d never met before and frankly one that was nothing like any woman I’d ever seen. She had long, red, wild hair that trailed several inches down her back, dark brown eyes and tanned skin… atleast it seemed it would usually be tan but it was paled a fair bit by the cold. She was statue-esque, a little taller than me, and curvaceuously built… long powerful legs leading up to thick, rounded, smooth hips… a taut stomach with a hint of definition and enormous, bounding breasts with currently quite erect nipples…

I promise I wouldn’t usually focus immediately on such things but in this case it’s imperative for setting the stage because… well, this woman was absolutely buck naked. Not a hint of clothing to shield herself from the harsh chill of the outside, she stood there with her a bare feet dug into the several inches of snow that remained outside my own doorstep. Varying bits of snow trailed down from her waist to her calves.

It should really go without saying that it came as quite the shock to see her there. So much so that I dropped the vial, and it shattered on the floor without me even being aware as I stared at her in awe.

“...Hey, you mind if I crash here for a little bit?” she asked. “Like, just for the night, so I can warm up? I’m kinda done with freezing for a while...”

“Wh-wh-wha...” I uttered, blushing madly as I tried not to stare at her immaculate breasts or glance down at her beautiful pussy… I was much more bashful about her body back when I first saw her, I really couldn’t have written this at all back then. I was certainly far more embarrassed on her behalf than she was, she didn’t seem to think anything of me seeing her in the nude. After I was finally able to catch myself I covered my eyes up as I asked, “Wh-what happened to you?! What happened to your clothes?!”

“Well, I was taking a long dip in the lake out in the forest this morning...” she began and already I was befuddled. That lake had to have been frozen over by the cold… she’d spent time naked in that?! “...And some wiseguy monsters came by and took my equipment while I was busy in there so I’m stuck like this. Had to trek through the snow on foot to find the nearest civilization...”

The true meaning of all this sank in to me slowly. There was only one particular body of water that we knew of in that forest from our scouting, the nearest atleast was several miles out, atleast a few hours away by the pace of most… she walked that long, through waist-high snow in the buff...? Immediately after a lengthy stay in a frozen lake?!

 “Y-You can’t be serious...” I stammered, before realizing she was still out in the cold. “B-But please, do come inside, you clearly need warming up! Poor thing, must be delirious from the hypothermia...”

I ushered her inside, trying not to gawk as she casually stepped by me. As I shut the door and uncovered my eyes for a moment, I noticed the sizzle coming from the floor where I dropped the potion. I was so rattled by her appearance that I hadn’t even given it a second thought. With a frightened yelp, I stamped out the obvious fire hazard, before turning to see her casually sit on my sofa near the fireplace, her limbs splayed out nonchalantly, not a care in the world to cover herself up. I’d never seen someone so open with their nudity towards a stranger.

Chalking it up again to the hypothermia, I rushed over to get her a warm blanket, darted to her and wrapped it around her best I could without… inappropriate touching. She just let me without making a move in response.

“Poor thing must’ve been on the edge of death out there...” I murmured. “Tell me, what is your name?”

“...Uhhh...” she hesitated, looking up thoughtfully at the ceiling and scratching her head. “Hm. Hrrrnngh...”

“A-Are you okay…?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m just, thinking...” she mused. “It’s uh, been a while since anyone’s asked… is it… it’s not… Alaina is it…? Alana…? No, that doesn’t seem quite right...”

My concern was only growing. I was a little surprised I even felt compelled to partake in guessing, but I blurted out, “Alanis…?”

“Huh… yeah, that sounds right!” she chipperly replied, with a strange huge grin. “You can call me Alanis! Heh, thanks for letting me stay in your house.”

“N-Not a problem, as long as you’re okay!” I replied with a nervous smile. “My name is Wallace and please, make yourself comfortable. I think I’m going to brew up some warm soup for you… is there anything else you need?”

To this she merely let out a yawn and began to stretch out… absentmindedly exposing herself again in the process, casually flashing me her breasts as she said, “I’ll tell you if I think of something.”

My face must’ve been bright red as I meekly responded, “O-Once you’re stable I’ll go out and b-buy you some clothes...”

I then hurriedly turned and whisked away to the kitchen to prepare her some soup in the hopes of warming her up inside. A simplistic home remedy and one without a lot of science to back it up in treating a cold, but it tended to make people feel more comfortable. 

I did notice as I left, out of the corner of my eye, that she had glanced curiously over at the fireplace, but thought little of it. 

A few minutes later I’d finished stirring the ingredients and had it cooking in a pot, so I figured I’d go back to check on her again, more thoroughly… n-not like that, I wanted to get a better grasp of the severity of her condition.

One can only imagine my shock when I stepped into that room to see that she had strewn off the blanket and was now sitting… nay, lounging in the fireplace, her bare backside nestling into the blazing firewood! 

I shrieked and rushed up to her, frantically hollering, “Wh-what are you doing?! Get out of there, get out of there!”

“Relax, I’m fine in here…” she casually replied. Her voice was tranquil, crazily calm when considering what she was doing. Anyone else would be screaming in anguish and I was bewildered as to why she wasn’t doing the same. In fact, she leaned back with a delighted, content sigh as she settled herself deeper within the embers.

She was treating that roaring fire like she was in a sauna! I was so utterly gobsmacked that for a moment I couldn’t really react.

“Mmmmm, you have no idea how good this feels right now...” she cooed, running her hands through her hair. “I mean after all that ice and snow, this is just such a welcome change of pace… it’s awesome.”

Shaking my head wildly as if I needed to cast out my shock, I again yelled, “PLEASE GET OUT OF THERE!”

I reached down trepidatiously and touched her wrist. Her body had become so hot in there that it actually seared my hand a bit and I instinctively pulled my hand back, but I knew she was too out of sorts to come out herself so I just had to brave it. I grabbed her hand, gritted and bared the heat as I yanked on her arm. 

She wasn’t really budging, until she shrugged and sighed, “Fiiine...”

Casual as everything else she did, Alanis climbed out from the fireplace, allowing me to help her to her feet. Still panicking a bit, I shouted, “Q-Quick, come to my lab! I’ve gotta get some potions on your burn wounds!”

“Ohh calm down, will ya?” she rolled her eyes, as she turned around before me, bending over a touch. “I’m fine, see…?”

Her position and the circumstance gave me no choice but to take a close look at her bodacious ass. And to my shock, there was no real burn to speak of, certainly not the gruesome second degree ones I was expecting. Really, the large round cheeks were only a little red… flawless, otherwise. Completely… completely flawless…

I could feel my breath start to shorten as I took a step back and struggled to look up from the sight. “H-H-How…?”

Alanis turned to face me and gave me a cocky little smile. “...I’m tough. Real tough. That is to say, my body is super resistant to stuff you might consider uh… fatal.”

“B-But how on Earth… I mean… y-you are human, aren’t you?” I asked, truly astonished.

“Yeah… just one that’s been through some crazy ass training.” she smirked as she strode over and sat down on my sofa again, leaning back casually as I tried to look away from her beautiful body. “I’ve been on a journey for a real long time now… putting myself through the most brutal training regimens I could think of. I was a little weak at first so it was pretty normal stuff to start with, running up hills with rocks on my back and stuff like that… but before long that became easy for me, so I had to kick it up a notch and… well, I just never stopped kicking.”

“Uh… huh...” I nodded along warily as I walked over and sat on an adjacent chair.

“I’ve come to find that once I get used to something, it pretty much stops being an issue entirely.” she noted as she continued to stretch out on the sofa. “Stuff hurts me like normal at first, but… eventually it weakens until it’s next to nothing. Not too long ago I couldn’t even imagine surviving that lake of ice for so long, but after a handful of test dips I was able to adjust.”

I was speechless. What was there to say other than the trite and obvious? So I opted to just let her keep going.

“So yeah, I’ve been trying to expose myself to as much as I can… ‘cause I want nothing more than to be the strongest and toughest person I can possibly be. Simple as that.” she claimed, as though there were anything simple about what I was hearing. “I overcame my weakness to fire a long time ago, it actually feels pretty cozy to me these days… but yeah, I’ve been out on my own, living in harsh conditions ever since I was little. So uh, if it ever seems like I don’t get like, societal stuff, that’s why.”

“I-I see...” I stammered. “That’s… truly remarkable. I’ve never seen a specimen like you before… uh, I mean, physically. I mean! I-In terms of sheer resilience!”

She had a nice little chuckle at my shy bumbling, obviously aware enough atleast to know why I was so awkward around her gorgeous naked body. After that, her expression turned a little sly, and I wasn’t sure what to make of that.

“Soo Wally… you said something about potions and uh, having a lab of your own?” she asked, showing she had some perceptiveness.

“Oh, yes.” I remarked, having forgotten that I let that slip. “I’m an alchemist by trade… I make, uh… well, all sorts of things really.”

“Have you ever, uh… dabbled in poison?” she asked, her grin turning a little villainous, to be quite frank.

“Uh, no...” I replied, uneasy.

“Well… do you think you could make some?” she followed up, leaning in closer...  which funnily made maintaining eye contact all the harder.

“Wh-why would you ask me to do that?!” I shuddered. “Who the hell do you want to poison…?”

She rolled her eyes at that. “Haven’t you been listening…? I want to use it on ME! I haven’t gotten a chance to play around with poison before, I’m like half certain something lethal enough could actually kill me right now… so I need to give myself some resistance! You can help me with that, yeah?”

“You’re… you’re serious.” I uttered, blankly. “You’re asking me… to poison you? And you think I’ll go along with something like that?!”

Alanis leaned in a little closer and put a hand to my cheek, licking her lips a bit as she breathily remarked, “I’ll owe you one...”

That sent utter shivers down my spine. Once again I found myself short of breath as I panted, “Y-Yeah, okay.”

And so, at her beck and call I stood and ran off to the lab to start whipping something up, much to her satisfaction.

Of course as I said I’d never concocted a poison before, nor had I ever even dreamed of creating something for the sole purpose of harming anyone. I had already seen proof that her body was strangely sturdy but to me, poisoning seemed like a bit of a different story… you couldn’t simply brace yourself for that and brave through it like you could heat or cold. No amount of muscle or thickness of skin would make it easier to survive the effects.

I did have the knowledge though, so I started to brew something up… of course I was hesitant to give her anything truly potent. And man, the only things I had the ingredients for was some truly lethal stuff…

I ended up settling on a blend that could easily stop one’s heart in mere moments with enough of a dose. Of course I poured about a tenth of the lethal amount into the cup I was going to give her… I went back in, handed it to her and she gulped it without a second thought. Immediately I was uncomfortable, knowing I might have made a terrible mistake.

“N-Now be sure to tell me if you feel any seizing… especially any tightness in the chest.” I noted, going through the formula for the antidote in my head.

“...I don’t feel a thing.” she shrugged.

“Uh… well it’s supposed to be fairly fast acting.” I explained. “Usually it only takes a few seconds for the effects to start kicking in.”

She just stared at me as she waited for anything to hit her for the next few moments, before holding the cup back out and curtly asking, “You didn’t give me enough, did you Wally? I knew that seemed like a tiny dosage… make more for me.”

“W-Well I’m not trying to kill you!” I explained, hesitantly taking the cup back. “I mean, come on, we can’t know how well you’ll react to poison if it’s your first time, how am I supposed to be sure that-”

Cutting me off, she once again leaned in and this time planted a kiss on my cheek that made me blush more intensely than I ever had before. She whispered into my ear, “Just trust me, big boy...”

Next thing I knew, I was back in that lab, mixing up the same brew and pouring a dangerously volatile dosage. She’d already had a little so it truly seemed like playing with fire to give her a nearly full cup of the same stuff… but she really wormed her way into my head with that peck on the cheek. 

In hindsight, it’s disturbing and rather embarrassing, the ease with which she could manipulate me. She obviously knew right away that I was more than just flummoxed about nudity in general… she had to have some measure of understanding that she was such a beautiful, shapely, desirable woman, she simply didn’t feel any shame about showing that body off to the world.

But it was more than just an obvious sexual attraction, though yes, there’s no denying that I found her incredibly hot. But she was also just… so unique. Such a breath of fresh air in a world that had grown rather dull to me of late.

Frightening as it was on one hand, on another it was impossible not to be impressed with how tough she was, how confident she was. For someone so meek as me, it was almost inspirational to know that she had achieved this through sheer training and perseverance, even if it was impossible to believe she was truly a regular human being at her core… even so, she got to be so strong due to her own determination and discipline. 

If she could better herself like that, all on her own for so long, then… I don’t know, it made it easier to think there might be more for me to accomplish as well. 

So yeah, for her, I was mixing that poison up as though I were making her some kind of delicacy. I came out with it, nearly the full cup this time, and only as I handed it over did it again occur to me just how ludicrously dangerous it was.

I wanted to catch myself but it was too late, once more she had chugged it with considerable ease. My jaw dropped as I found myself muttering, “Wh-what have I done?!”

Frantically I turned tail and ran back to the lab, brewing up the antidote in rapid fashion, hoping I was quick enough. I nearly spilled it as I came storming back to see that she was… totally fine, still just sitting there looking carefree.

“T-Take this, Alanis, quick! Before your heartbeat diminishes to nothing!” I croaked, holding out the beaker.

“Nah, I’m fine.” she waved it off. “There’s a little tickle in my chest but that’s about it… pretty sure that’s all I’m getting out of this dose.”

“I… what? That’s impossible!” I gasped. “You should at the very least be extraordinarily weak right now, your chest should’ve tightened to the point of laboured breathing… you’re telling me you don’t feel anything in your lungs? Not even like, a congestion…? No effect to your heart rate?”

“I dunno, you tell me.” she shrugged, before grabbing my wrist and pulling my free hand to her chest, forcing my palm to her flesh so that I could feel her heart. My face felt warm as I was very, very aware that my fingers were but an inch away from her magnificent breasts as I tried to focus solely on the rhythm of her heart.

It beat powerfully and regularly… and realizing I was feeling it somehow didn’t make me any less shy about the situation. In the dead of winter, a bead of sweat was streaming down my temple as I slowly pulled my hand away and took in a deep breath. 

“Y-Yeah… it um, actually does seem okay...” I sputtered, forcing the words from my lips, barely able to formulate my thoughts.

Alanis shook her head and chuckled. “Shouldn’t be a doctor be more comfortable about stuff like this…?”

“I-I’m not a doctor. Not really.” I told her. “Although, I mean… I do have a medical degree of a sort, you need one to legally create potions… and I am… playing the part of a doctor to you right now I suppose… er, nevermind.”

“Regardless, I’m gonna need some stronger stuff. This ain’t even close to cutting it.” she proclaimed, gesturing towards the empty cup. “You gotta either switch to something more toxic or like, super increase the dosage here.”

I stared blankly, truly stunned to see how entirely fine she was… n-not in that way, but yes also in that way. Scratching my head and continuing to blush as I struggled to keep my view locked on her from the neck up, I replied, “Before I do that, um… you seem in stable enough condition. So I think I’m gonna go get you some clothes now, atleast a pair or two. I’ll be quick, so uh, don’t go anywhere, okay?”

She just nodded.

“By the way uh, do you happen to know your measurements…?” I asked, realizing that it was a bit of a longshot.

“Nah...” she uttered, before stretching her arms out and puffing out her chest at me. “Wanna take ‘em for me?”

“Th-that’s okay, I think I’ll manage...” I quickly spurted.

She shrugged as I turned and walked out of the cottage. I had to take a deep breath of the cold winter air as I slumped against my door, trying to process what had occured over the past thirty minutes or so. What absolute madness it all was, or seemed at the time anyway… it happened so fast it was hard to even let it sink in. I mean, an incredible, invincible woman from the wilderness had just dropped into my lap!

My mental word choice made me blush yet again. The heat from the cheeks was rather nice though as I trudged through the snow to the store. Believe it or not, business wasn’t particularly booming at the time so I was able to get in and out pretty easily.

I had no idea what kind of clothes she would’ve wanted… if I were less scatterbrained when embarrassed I would’ve thought to tell her. But I knew she would likely be trekking through the wild again, so she needed something hardy, and the winter would remain for quite a while yet, so she needed warm wear as well. 

Settling on leather and furs, I got a few garments worth and brought them back to her, allowing her to try them on. For a brief moment, I could actually get a close look at her without feeling dirty as she stood there in what was essentially a dress made of leather and lynx skins. With her wild hair, bare feet and general demeanor, she could’ve been mistaken for a cavewoman… granted, a particularly gorgeous one.

It was rather big on her though and she looked rather dourly at the long sleeves. “Uh… thanks, but do you mind if I trim this down? It’s a little awkward moving around in this.”

“Well, if you’d like to get it hemmed, we can take it to a tailor in the morning.” I offered. “It’s a little late at the moment, but...”

“No, it’s fine, I can handle it.” she remarked, grabbing one of her sleeves and giving it a swift yank. To my shock, she had torn it right off, ripping through the seemingly tough leather with the greatest of ease. She did the same to the other sleeve before grasping her top and, with one effortless pull, did the same to the fabric that covered her abdomen, tearing it all the way around to expose her entire midsection… she had, maybe misjudged how much she’d ripped as she left a fair bit of underboob as well. Finally, she grasped at her kneelength skirt and one quick tear, turned it into a thigh length skirt instead.

“Hooo, there we go!” she remarked with a huge smirk, posing with her fists at her hips. “Hah, that feels a lot better. Thanks, Wally!”

“D-Don’t mention it...” I mumbled as I reached down and grabbed some of the larger leather pieces remaining from her sudden assault on them. I wondered if maybe the material just wasn’t as durable as I thought. So with both hands I gave the piece a few tugs with all my might… but all I could do was stretch it out an inch or so. 

“You can find another use for that stuff, right?” Alanis asked, stretching her hands behind the back of her head. “Like, alchemist stuff… or whatever?”

“Um, sure.” I lied as I tossed the leather away. “But my, it’s not just a matter of resilience with you, is it? You’re… really powerful too, aren’t you?”

“Heh, yeah, done a ton of training like I said.” she grinned. “I can give you a demonstration after you’re done poisoning me!”

“R-Right...” I nervously replied. There was no way to hear someone say something like that and not feel uncomfortable.

Still, at that point I was fairly convinced that she could take some severe poisonings and come out fresh as a daisy. And with the human in me satisfied that this was something that could be tested safely, the scientist in me became increasingly curious as to how much she could take before any ill effects set in.

So I decided to whip up several batches’ worth this time, taking a good twenty minutes filling up one beaker after another. I ended up using every last one that I had and before I knew it, a good fifty beaker’s worth of various deadly toxins were in front of me, all on a cart ready to be wheeled out. 

At that moment I had to take a step back and reflect on how mad what I’d just done was. I’d never even contemplated creating poison until day, and now I suddenly had enough to kill the whole village sitting right there in front of me. I shook my head and reminded myself it was for science before carting it all out there.

“Oooh, this looks promising...” Alanis chuckled as she studied the various deep liquids I had brought into the living room.

“Okay, now before we get started, I need to say that, uh...” I began, only to trail off when my vision went to the kitchen door… and spotted the smoke that was now billowing out from underneath it. “Oh… oh God, the soup, I forgot all about it! G-Give me just a minute!”

Alanis stared blankly at me as I rushed past her, scrambling into the kitchen. Some mistook me for a genius on occasion, but I was really quite the scatterbrain… especially around her, for some reason. That soup had been on the fire for far longer than it was ever meant to and the stove was getting much too hot. Had I taken much longer concocting those brews, I might’ve burned the damn kitchen down in my negligence…

Thankfully, it wasn’t quite that severe and I was able to put a stop to it after just a minute or two. Wiping the sweat from my brow, I waltzed back through the door, saying, “Sorry about that… now let’s get… to...”

I stopped dead in my tracks as the sight before me in that living room shook me, like a cold knife stabbing through my heart.

Every beaker, every single one of them was empty… and on the couch, Alanis was laying on her side, entirely motionless.

“...No...” I uttered. “N-NO!”

I ran over to her, fighting back tears as I grabbed her by the shoulders and began to shake her. “ALANIS! SPEAK TO ME!” I shouted, panicking so much I wasn’t even thinking clearly, not even considering the antidote that I’d already brewed.

“Nnnnggh I’m fine...” she said in a daze, as she slowly looked up at me with a weak little smile. “Haahaaa… just a little… sleepy… that stuff did the trick this time I think… hooo… got me allll worn out...”

“Wh-what…?” I grunted, trying to compose myself. “You mean… are you really… still not in any pain?”

“Nnnnooo… but I could sure use a cuddle partner, heheh...” she chuckled deliriously, sounding rather high. 

Forgetting my shyness, I sat down with her, pulled her to a seated position and pushed my head against her chest, putting my ear right up against her to listen for her heartbeat intently. It had slowed somewhat, but not to an alarming level… it was about on par with what someone would experience as they fell asleep.

“Nnngh, that’s nice...” Alanis moaned, as she wrapped her arms around me and put a hand to my head, keeping me there in her chest… and pushing my face down a little so that my cheek was atop her heavenly breasts.

My fear was quelled right on time for the biggest spike of embarrassment yet, as I struggled against her grip - mighty, even in that state - to remove myself from her tits. She relented on this, but just as I backed away, she wrapped her arms around me again, this time pushing her head onto my shoulder. “Mmmm, Alanis needs hugs...”

“A-Are you always like this when you’re sleepy…?” I asked, feeling every last bit of my inexperience with women as she held me snugly.

“Mmm usually only after a really hard day...” she replied with a yawn. She curled up a bit on me, pushing her knee gently into my groin in the process, pressing firmly against my bulging erection and earning a quiet ‘oof!’ of surprised pleasure from me. She continued, “Whenever I feel really beaten down I just… need a little cuddling… to get to sleep...”

Nervously, I started to put an arm around her, since she really seemed to want me to. I saw my hand shaking… in fact, my entire arm was trembling as I wrapped it around her shoulder. She let out a sweet little sigh as she nestled up against me and I know for a fact my face had never been redder.

...It was more than a lust thing. I knew then that… I was smitten. Like never before, I had fallen head over heels for that woman, even knowing that she was in all honesty way, way out of my league… but maybe… she couldn’t recognize that, or maybe she just didn’t care, or…

I had to push that out of my head. I couldn’t make assumptions like that, it’d only set me up to get hurt. She was just here for what I could help her with, and she was thankful but I didn’t have any reason to think there was anything more to it than that. For all I knew she would leave the next day and I’d never see her again… still, the way she cuddled with me was rather sweet. Still, there was nothing to take away from it, really, considering what she’d said. And besides-

My thought process was cut off hugely when she adjusted her cuddle position… she actually laid out in my lap, stretching out like a cat before curling up into a little ball like a small animal, grazing constantly against my crotch in the process. Honestly I was humiliatingly close to cumming as she finally finished nestling in and within seemingly moments, fell right asleep in that position…

As I caught my breath and watched here lying there, admiring how strangely adorable it was, whilst simultaneously so mind-blowingly sexy… I stopped worrying, and decided to be thankful for having met her. I wasn’t sure if I could fall asleep like that, but I really didn’t mind staying awake in that position anyway…

I had no idea at the time, just what a big part of my life Alanis was going to be.

To be continued...


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