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Hey. Uh… yeah, I have no idea how to start this. I guess the obvious is to tell you my name… I’m Karen. And recently, I uh… well, I’m not good at sugarcoating stuff, so I’ll just put it bluntly: I got into a fucked up situation. Like, no, like a fucked up situation.

It all started so innocently too. I was just, out on the town, honestly. I had an appointment later that evening, I already happened to be in the area after I got off work and it was still an hour away after my time in the gym, so I opted to dick around for a bit. I was never really a city girl, usually only saw any of it during my commute, so I figured this was a good time to see the sights. 

This led me to this little knick knack store. I’ve always been a sucker for one of a kind items… doesn’t have to be something super expensive, just, something personal. Stuff people made by hand, never to be replicated or churned out on a factory line. That kind of thing is special to me, since… ah what am I doing, I don’t need to tell you my life story...

All I really need to tell you about the place was that it was ran by this sweet acting old lady who’d apparently made everything there herself, and every little accessory, every old-timey toy, every homebrew was unique to itself in some little way. Thinking back, it was a pretty odd store, but at the time I was too impressed to think on that, it charmed me.

She’d tell me odd bits of trivia and tall tales about everything I settled my eyes on. “Oh, these earrings are adorned with real moon rocks! Aliens can spot them from space and they let them know that you’re one of the good humies!” she’d tell me. “Ahh, that quill is made with the feather of a dodo! Write about anyone or anything with that thing, and they’ll be sure to go extinct!”

Okay, in hindsight she sounds like a bit of a maniac, but I swear she made this all sound really charming… it was the tone of her voice, okay? I just thought she was kidding around with me, giving a little color to the trinkets she’d put on display. Honestly, I doubt anybody would’ve thought there was anything to her stories…

I sure as hell wasn’t in there looking for trouble, and I certainly didn’t think I was going to get in the mess I ended up in…

Now don’t worry, my story isn’t about aliens and I didn’t end up writing anyone to death either. But there was one thing in there that tickled my fancy… a little perfume bottle. The liquid was a deep purple… the bottle itself, a mundane little glass flask. For whatever reason I found myself staring at it, and she was quick to explain it’s weird little mystical story.

“Oh… mhmhmhm, that, my dear, is a very special item indeed.” she grinned. “An attempt at a love potion ended up becoming more of… well… a lust potion. Just a dab of this, and men will find you absolutely irresistible, and I do mean irresistible! But that’s probably just a day in the life for you anyway, dearie.”

I chuckled at the compliment… I dunno if I’d go that far but I’ve certainly never had trouble getting dudes’ attention. Or other chicks… depends on my mood, that. See, I’m… well, talking about myself like this is kind of awkward, but I have a feeling the people who read this are gonna wanna know. I guess I should, describe my appearance.

Well, I’m a redhead. Like, a natural red head, so yannow, a pretty deep orange. I’ve got hazel brown eyes. And uh… ah, fuck it, I’m stacked, alright? Proud of it too, if I’m being honest. Rockin’ 46E cups, and some days, this one included, I like to walk around in push-up bras and show ‘em off. Even with it on, they had a fair bit of bounce to them when I walked, which just kinda amuses me. And I happened to be wearing a low cut, baby blue, sleeveless tanktop as well, so my cleavage was preeeetty in-your-face. I mean, in a manner of speaking...

I also happened to be wearing a black miniskirt… not really my usual thing, but it’s kinda, expected with the job I have. And I realized too late that I didn’t bring any other pants to change into after my gym set so, yeah… miniskirt, bare legs. I also had matching black wedge shoes with a silver zipper on the side. I looked pretty damn good if I do say so myself.

This is all gonna be relevant soon, technically, so I’m not just bragging… but okay, yeah, I’m also bragging. Whatever. Anyway…

Yeah I just thought she was a sweet old lady with a quirky sense of humor. I’m not the superstitious type, or atleast I didn’t used to be... nothing she said really bothered me. And I realize this will sound judgmental, but something about the place and the woman herself, gave me this feeling that she wasn’t particularly wealthy. I looked at the perfume and, it was probably the most expensive thing there. Not a big deal for me, but I felt like it might’ve been for her…

Besides, I may be a bit tomboyish - in case you couldn’t tell - but I doooo secretly have one or two girly girl guilty pleasures. I mean push-up bras are really feminine but I don’t think a genuine love of huge titties is all that girly on it’s own. But yeah, perfume is definitely one of those guilty pleasures… don’t tell nobody, mkay?

So I decided to spring for it. And she was happy. Her smile made me smile, and all that mushy crap… and as a sign of good faith, as soon as I paid her, I uncapped the bottle (oldschool style) and gave myself just a dash of it. I packed it into the fannypack I wore just above the hem of my skirt, an odd look I know, and made my way out.

Feeling pleased with how the day had gone so far, jinxing it frankly, I waltzed on out of there and down the street. I figured I still had time for a quick coffee before my appointment, and there was a place close by that I really liked, so I opted to walk.

As I strode across the sidewalk, I got some side eyes from guys, which wasn’t anything new. Still, I chuckled to myself a bit, thinking, ‘Oh wow the perfume really worked!’

I have a very sarcastic inner monologue. But yeah, the guys were into me, one in particular that I happened to be walking towards just could not take his eyes off me. I didn’t really mind, just smiled and passed on by him...

Except he didn’t let me walk by. He turned with me and reached out, grabbing me from behind. Specifically, he grabbed for my chest.

“Wh-what the fuck?!” I croaked. As you can imagine I was pretty shocked to feel his grubby little fingers pressing into my breasts. He fondled them and bounced them around jubilantly, and I could feel his breath against my ear as he groaned hungrily, his voice dripping with sex. 

I turned my head back, just enough to see the look in his eyes. It was… strange. They weren’t the look of lust or macho pride that you might assume, not exactly… they were a bit milky, glassy and glazed over... almost like he was in a trance. The huge smile on his face belied his enjoyment though.

“T-Tiiiiiiiits...” he moaned, like some kind of pent-up zombie as he continue to give them a firm squeeze. 

“Sh-shit, what the hell?! What are you thinking?! We’re out in broad daylight, you asshole!” I cursed, before looking out at the three bystanders who happened to hear the commotion. As I struggled against his groping hands, I cried out, “Hey! H-Help me! Somebody help!”

They were all dudes and I figured one of them woulda come running. But no… they just, stood there. One cocked his head, like a curious little puppy. Another mumbled something, it sounded like… “Jealous...”

But most upsetting was the one who spoke out, “N-Next… my turn next!”

To say the least, I was shocked. It’s not like I expected them to be superheroes, but never would I have imagined such an abhorrent reaction. It seemed… unreal, like, genuinely. Surely even the sickest of pervs wouldn’t actually say something like that, on a public street corner no less.

With them refusing to help, I struggled all the more. I threw my head back, blasting him in the face with my cranium… it hurt like hell, but it didn’t stop him so I sucked it up and did it again. I heard him groan in pain, but his hands just kept fondling me like nothing was happening to him. I’m almost certain I shattered his nose, but he didn’t stop to hold it or anything… it was like he didn’t give a damn what he went through as long as he had my tits in his hand.

But the feeling of my aggressor’s cock pushing firmly against my backside made me abandon that notion real quick; much too vivid to be a dream. Shivers went down my spine when I felt that… and yet, it also helped me calm down a bit. Because I knew he’d just made a big mistake.

He just gave me a clue as to where his weak spot was…

I took a deep breath, reared my foot forward, and used his throbbing, if rather thin cock as a compass to my target. I wasn’t sure if I’d get another good shot at this if I fucked it up so I had to focus. But I put my all into the attack… bending down as far as I could, getting all the leverage and momentum I could muster, generating as much force as possible as I shot my foot back. My aim was just beneath the prick’s prick, and a little further in towards his body.

And my aim was true. The heel of my pump landed square in his balls, smashing them through the denim jeans he was wearing. And this, he couldn’t ignore.

He cried out, a loud, satisfying howl of pain as his hands drifted off my breasts, down to my sides, his squeeze become limp. Why he was still touching me at all rather than tending to his nuts, I didn’t know, but all I cared about in the moment was that I was now free to follow-up and truly incapacitate that dickhead. (And the guy it belonged to, as well!)

I stepped forward, slipping out of his grasp, and then turned to face the worthless bastard. Getting a better look at his face, it was honestly sickening… even in that amount of pain, he kept that smile on and just stared right at my tits. He was even licking his lips… still thinking about ravishing me above all else, even above protecting his jewels. He wasn’t gonna think of me as anything else but a sex object, in spite of a blow to the plums. Hmph… well, I was certainly about to put that to the test.

Glancing down briefly at my basically bared legs, I couldn’t help but crack a little smirk, thinking about how much I was about to hurt this jerk. (Hey, that rhymed!) Not to boast but like I said, I had just been to the gym before all this started and I was actually thirty minutes removed from nailing a StairMaster set, so my legs had a pretty solid pump going. They looked pretty jacked… still feminine, I’d like to think, but boasting a lotta power. And I wanted to let him know they weren’t just for show.

He slowly leaned in towards me, his hands still far away from his scrotum. Making no attempt to protect himself or attack me with any aggression, he made himself a bizarrely easy target. So I took advantage, rearing my leg back as far as I could. Amazingly he didn’t even flinch at the sight of it, if he even noticed. 

That next split second, I kicked him right in the nuts as hard as I possibly could, my shin blasting in to his crotch. Beneath the denim, I could feel the softness of his balls as they began to give way to the kick. The thud was loud, and was music to my ears… I must sound like a real sadist when I say that, but honestly, I just have no empathy for people like him. When I’m attacking someone in self-defense, you best believe I’m looking to do permanent damage.

Once again he screamed in misery, his pained yelps maybe the only thing about the guy that seemed normal. He doubled over, hunching over my leg… but then he just began to caress my calves, running his fingers up and down them. He sure as hell registered the attack, but it didn’t do a whole lot to dissuade him.

Pissed, I ripped my leg away and, well, there was only one obvious thing to do… try, try again. He STILL left his balls exposed, so I went for the double, and scored again, this time the toe of my pump colliding with his soft bits. And this finally brought him to the ground, the pain proving too debilitating at that point.

Seeing him squeal like that was nice, but I was no less pissed for it. I could still feel where he’d grabbed my tits, leaving them sore... and they’d damn near popped out of my bra. I readjusted and caressed them a bit, watching with malice as he was down on his knees, groaning, staring at the pavement. 

I sent a snap kick to his stupid face, nailing him right between the eyes. “Fucker.” I hissed, although with any luck, calling that was a huge misnomer now, thanks to me.

But no sooner had I dealt with him had another man come up behind me. One of the unhelpful spectators had stepped up close enough for me to hear. I could almost feel the heat radiating off his hand as it came perilously close to groping my ass.

Bad move… I was in BB Mode now. I’d only found myself in this groove a couple times before and it’d been a while but I found that when I started going low, I turned into a nutkicking machine that couldn’t be stopped for anything. 

Just before he got his greedy little fingers up my skirt, my reflexes kicked in, and I reached back right on time to grab his wrist, turn on a dime to face the creep, pull him in closer and bury my knee into his balls with a primal howl. 

That… was awesome. I felt invincible as I kneed that dipshit’s dipstick with all my might. And the lust in his eyes turned to pain right away as he screamed his well-deserved suffering… but just like the other predator, this guy didn’t put his hands to his jewels or fall down at first either, nor did he stop his advances. To my surprise, he reached his hands around me and got ‘em up my skirt anyhow! 

This son of a bitch looked me right in the eye as he gave my ass a firm squeeze. You best believe I was seeing red. I let go of his wrist and grabbed his shoulders instead, making sure to get a tight grip, as I yelled, “Know when to quit, numbnuts!”

Heh… numbnuts. Didn’t even realize what I was saying at the time, but that was a pretty funny taunt… ‘cause he was about to WISH they were numb.

With rapid fury, I snapped off another quick knee… and then two more for good measure, bouncing it right off his testes! With each shot, his fingers sank deeper into my ass as his body starting tensing from the pain, and that just motivated me to go even harder the next time.

I bit my lip, and took a certain stance, one leg slid waaaaaay back. I yelled out a huge, “HI-YA!” as I put every bit of my considerable lower body strength into an explosive (literally, I’d like to think) knee to the cherries! I drove my knee all the way up his groin that time, not stopping until I felt kneecap on pelvis. That assclown wasn’t having any kids… heh, the world’s gotta be weeping over that one.

That last shot rang echoed even through the bustling city and finally, I felt the guy starting to fall. Being the merciful type that I am, I let go of his shoulders and let him slump down, his hands slowly peeling off my ass as he went down to his back. 

He still wasn’t doing anything to protect his genitals from further abuse, even though he was in exceptional pain. And even then, there was a lecherousness to his stare. He groaned in equal parts pain and ecstacy… and I realized that despite what just happened, the dumbass was peering directly up my skirt! 

“Jesus, you won’t stop until you’re a fullblown eunuch!” I remarked, as I rose my leg up off the concrete. “Well fine by me! Let me help you with that!”

The guy didn’t do a damned thing to stop me as I stomped as much of my weight down as I could onto his scrotum. I could feel how heavily my tits were bouncing as the bottom of my shoe slammed square into his nuts. Not content, I sidled them back and forth, grinding them out… tenderizing his man meat, until his balls were flatter than deflated balloons. 

I have no doubt that his balls didn’t survive that attack but before I could check, I noticed out of my peripheral that the other guys were lumbering towards me. As the wind picked up, blowing my hair back, I looked up to see them, a few paces away, their hands outstretched and groping, licking their lips obsessively as they eyed me like a piece of meat.

“Wh-what the hell is up with you big city guys…?” I murmured, thoroughly disturbed. But as usual, that swiftly converted to rage as I yelled, “You watch me drop two chumps and you still want a piece?!”

This whole thing freaked me the hell out, but I wasn’t gonna be anyone’s victim. Still in the zone, I was ready to add two more castrations to my schedule, when I heard yet more grunts and groans behind me. I looked back to see a band of dudes, six of them to be exact, all grouped together and giving me that now rather familiar look. It looked like a gang… and they were looking for a gangbang.

So yeah this was becoming more terrifying by the moment and I didn’t want any part of it. They blocked the way I was trying to go, so I turned towards the three pervs on the other side of me - lesser of two evils - and ran for it. Of course, one by one, they all had to try and block me off… so they paid for it.

Off a run, I nailed the closest with a straight kick to the dick, letting him feel the wrath of my wedge’s toes. This stunned him enough that I could easily run past him. I just about whizzed by another guy, but he managed to reach out and grab me around the elbow. I spun with his grip and buried my knee into his nads before shoving him to the ground and continued my escape. But I turned right around to see the third guy already there, reaching right for my tits. I ducked away from his pervy hands and gave him a solid uppercut to the twins before juking out of the way of him.

As I continued on, my tits bounced up so high that they nearly smacked me in the face as I pounded the pavement with all that I had. I know I was pleased with it earlier but I was starting to wish I hadn't already done my workout that day. Eventually I ducked into the side alley,  my bare legs pumping like never before as I rushed to the other side.

To my surprise and convenience, there wasn't a soul on the sidewalk that way, and I was still near the coffee shop. I guess just because I was already there,  I had the thought of rushing inside for shelter. I barged right through the door and slammed it behind me, putting my back to the glass as I let out a sigh of relief.

"Uh... is something wrong, miss?" the barista asked me from behind the counter, several yards away.  "That you, Karen?"

He sounded a little sheepish, since I made a bit of a scene with my entrance. The rest of the place only had a handful of patrons, all giving me odd looks.

"Um... I..." I stammered. How was I supposed to explain what happened to me? Did I really wanna talk about it in a place so public anyway? "Y-Yeah, Joey, sorry, was just in a rush to get a cuppa... I''m on a tight schedule."

I let another sigh as I walked over, telling myself I'd go ahead and let the authorities know what happened later. Nothing to be done about it in a place like this anyway. Honestly, I wanted a stiff drink a lot more than I wanted coffee at that point... I was more than wired enough. But I figured I could relax in there for a bit and get my heart to slow a tad.

So I walked on slowly past the other customers. There were four other people there, a man and a woman sitting together, and two other dudes who sat alone at their own tables. I was a little embarrassed so I was kinda avoiding all eye contact as I made my way to the bar.

"So what'll it be today? The usual?"  Joey asked. I'd been in here with him plenty of times so he knew my tastes pretty well.

"Yeah, sure, just uh... just a small one today." I huffed as I sat on a stool in front of the bar.

"Okay... you sure nothing's up?" he inquired whilst absentmindedly making and mixing my coffee, like second nature. "You don't seem like yourself.... it's a tad quiet in here."

"Heh, what's that supposed to mean?" I chuckled.

"Haven't even insulted me once yet..." he shook his head as he topped it off with whip cream and slid it my way. "Gotta say, it's got me worried."

I laughed as I took up the cup. We always had fun trading barbs. I took a sip and sighed as he started wiping the counter. It wasn’t dirty he was just a tad neurotic. 

“Seriously, what’s wrong? You can talk to me.” he said, without looking at me.

“It’s just… been a rough day.” I began, looking out towards the window. I heard him finish polishing as I wistfully went on, “I’ve been uh… harassed a fair bit you could say. Don’t even know how to get into it, in polite company anyhow… I dunno. You ever feel like everybody wants you but they don’t… give a...”

I trailed off as I felt my tank top being pulled away from my chest. I looked back at Joey to see that had a grip on the front of it, yanking it a few inches out so as to stare at even more of my cleavage than was already on display. He had that familiar look in his eye…

That… really struck a nerve. Joey was a wiseguy but I’d only ever caught him sneaking peeks at my peaks a handful of times, significantly less often than most. And he was a friend of mine… but on this day even HE felt like pulling this shit.

“...What the fuck are you doing, Joey?” I growled.

“They… they’re really big...” he droned on, looking stoned as hell. “I never realized just how nnnnice they werrrrrreeee...”

With his other hand he slowly began to reach forward, towards my push-up bra, ready to pull it out in the same fashion. 

“Son of a bitch...” I hissed, grabbing the waistband of his pants with my free hand and pulling it out. “Let’s see how you like it!” 

In my other hand, I had nothing but a freshly made cup of scorching hot coffee. So I decided to empty it out onto his manhood. I could hear the sizzle as it seared him and he fell to his knees in overwhelming agony. As I tossed the cup away, I thought about how I had a running gag of implying Joey was impotent… guess that counted for a brick joke.

“Wh-what’s going on over there…?” the only other lady in the room asked, her attention grabbed by the noise. I ignored her for the moment, still too focused on Joey.

Not content, I leaned over, my ass in the air as I looked past the counter and gazed down at him. “Hope it falls off, jackass! Picked the wrong day to-”

As I did this, I felt two hands… one clamping around either buttcheek. I was seriously about to lose my goddamn mind… I whipped around to see the perpetrator, only to find that they were in fact two of them. The men who were by themselves had walked up behind me, each talking to me with one hand, like they were sharing my ass.

And when I whipped back around in my rolling stool, sliding my ass away from them in the process, they gave me these dumbfounded, hurt looks, like I’d done something terrible to them, like they had no idea why I would dare put a stop to their dual squeezes.

“B-B-... B-Booty…?” one of them asked, confused.

I put my hands on the counter behind me, using them to keep myself steady and give me a little leverage. “Fuck. OFF!” I yelled, as I kicked the one who spoke up square in the groin without even getting up, and even seated, my shot packed a wallop as I saw his toes start to leave the ground. The other guy of course just watched on blankly as the first groaned, so with my other leg, I lashed out and got him right in the stones too.

One was groaning, pained, while the other doubled over, but neither fell nor did they have the good sense to protect themselves. None of my assailants seemed to. Gritting my teeth, I put my all into a double kick, a shoe for each crotch, the toes of them burying themselves in man flesh. I felt it this time… and what a rush it was. All four nuts gave way at the same time, a double castration! I was getting REALLY good at this... 

This was enough to bring them to the floor, as I shot up to my feet in a fighting stance, ready to give ‘em more if they dared force it. 

“Get up, I dare you! Get up and I swear you’ll never get it up again!” I howled, as if there was any chance of them ever getting an erection again as it was. “I’ll give you pussies a pair of pussies in a heartbeat!”

As I glowered at them, I heard some applause. That same lady that spoke up before had been watching and was cheering me on. “Bravo, bravo! Way to give ‘em what’s for!” she called out. “Ahh, man, Clancy, can you believe those two? I mean right here in the cafe, they just… Clancy?”

She trailed off as she glanced at the empty seat that was now across from her.

I looked up and, surprise surprise, Clancy was now walking slowly towards me. He looked confused, almost possessed… a moth being drawn to a flame, unable to resist despite knowing the peril. That look slowly gave way as his eyes lost a bit of color, a milkiness washing over them as he began to reach out towards me.

“S-Spread… spread your legs… for me…” he hissed.

“That’s right, come here you little fucker.” I murmured, not even remotely shocked at that point. I took up a crotch kicker’s stance, my right leg slid way back, just ready to strike as he lumbered over my way.

“I… I w-want...” he croaked, as I was seconds away from ending his sexual livelihood. “I want… your… p-p-p-”

Just before I struck, I saw a feminine leg lash out betwixt his thighs, a kick from behind. “PUSSY!” the attacker finished for him, as the wicked toe of her stiletto stabbed him right dead center in the scrotum. This was enough to get him doubling over in agony, allowing me to see his girlfriend - presumably now ex-girlfriend - standing behind him. 

“Worthless little prick!” she growled through grit teeth. She was fucking outraged and rightfully so. “You have the gall to try and force yourself onto another woman right in front of me?! You are a whole new level of bastard!”

“Heh… I’m keen to agree.” I chuckled. Still in position, I went for the kick and it was a beauty, my shin colliding powerfully into his balls. She had gotten him so good that I felt compelled to go even harder, a bit of one upmanship. This one lifted him right off the ground, by a good few inches. And to my delight, by the time he was about to land, she’d already launched a second kick, thrashing him with a shin kick of her own. This did nicely to hold him in place as I went down to one knee; the moment her leg dropped, I delivered a fierce right cross, my hard fist slamming into his battered organs.

He let out an unGodly howl of misery as he finally fell to his knees. His balls were already swelling, enough to make a very noticeable bulge in the front of his pants. The woman marched around to face him and spat in his eye. “Needledick!” she shrieked as she reared her leg up and stomped down heavily, bashing her sharp heel against his awaiting bulge, smashing it against the tile floor.

As he squealed, I gave her a pat on the shoulder. “Not bad… but check this one out.” I remarked as I stepped up to him.

With a deft motion, I hopped several feet up into the air, bent my legs at the knees and came down right on his junk, a kneecap for each nut as they crashlanded wildly with a satisfying crunch. His scream of pain turned into a sharp squeal and died out as he fell back, limp on the floor.

I stood up and looked between his legs. A smile crossed my face as I saw the bulge wasn’t there anymore. I turned to my impromptu partner and raised my hand up… she accepted my high five with a little smirk. “Awesome job!” I commended.

“Thanks...” she sighed, looking at the nutless husk of her date. “Sorry about that. I had no idea he was like that… to think, right after two guys had already attacked you too, I mean what are the odds…?”

“Better than you think...” I groaned under my breath.

“Ugh… oh well. Can’t lose sleep over wastes of life like him.” she shrugged and tried to force a smile. “...By the way, uh… what is that scent you’re wearing? It’s interesting, I’ve never smelled anything like it before...”

“Huh…? Oh yeah, the perfume.” I replied, having forgotten all about that by that point. “Uh, it’s actually this one of a kind perfume that’s... supposed to...”

I froze. The revelation hit me like a truck.

Yeah, I guess I can be kinda slow sometimes...

“...You okay?” the woman asked.

“SHIT!” I answered. “Shit, I… I gotta go, I’m sorry!”

Without another word I bolted, leaving her bewildered as I darted out of the coffee shop. I couldn’t believe that her story was true, that it really was some kind of magical perfume… but I had no choice but to accept it. I’d just gone through like eight isolated incidents of attempted sexual assault in ten minutes, that shit doesn’t just happen. Spritzing myself with that stuff had put some kinda curse on me.

Feeling a little guilty over all the ruptured nuts now - just a little - I opted to avoid people as best I could, darting in and out of dark alleys on my way back to the gym. It was the closest place nearby with a shower. Not wanting to bump into the many dudes I’d meet on the way in, I actually went ‘round the side and snuck in through a window, one that I knew was right next to the showers.

I darted inside, not even bothering to check whether it was men’s or women’s. I stripped down hastily, rushed under the shower head and turned it onto it’s hottest temperature, letting it wash over my naked figure. I checked their various soaps and shampoos and scrubbed myself like I’d never scrubbed before. 

Whatever kind of scents they had, I went for them. Whatever it took to block it out and get that stuff of me. The perfume itself was still in the fannypack that I had… I’d take it and chuck it out into the ocean after I was done.

After the most thorough rinsing of my life, I finally turned the nozzle off and breathed a sigh of relief. I couldn’t smell even the faintest hint of that damn scent anymore. I just watched the water drip from my nips, admiring my shiny wet body as I was content that I’d made it through the strangest ordeal of my life.

“...Damn girl, never thought a fine thing like you would sneak into the men’s showers.” came the macho voice behind me. “Although to be honest… I always kinda hoped.”

I turned right around to see one of the many meatheads I’d caught staring at me during my workouts standing at the door, totally naked in all his vascular glory, his dick rising at the sight of me. He grinned wickedly and spoke far too lucidly to be under any kind of spell, “Still, you aren’t supposed to be here, so… I think a little punishment is in order. So you’re not leaving here ‘til I say so… hmhmhmhm...”

All I could do was roll my eyes, unable to believe my bad luck. And then, of course I sprang into action, dashing towards him and thrusting my instep between his legs.

At that point, I was a true master ballbuster. This last castration only took one shot.


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