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  • Commissioned by dpag1980

“Mmmmmnggh… what a long day...” Brooke sighed, as she held the cup aloft and slowly pour the warm, steamy water down her womanly chest. She sighed longingly as it ran down her mountainous cleavage, dripping from her enormous breasts. They were so outrageously jiggle-prone that even this caused a small ripple. Swiftly she relaxed and was able to lay back in her tub, dipping her remarkable tits halfway in the water.

Given her hourglass figure and incredible endowment, it should come as no surprise to learn that the brown-eyed brunette Brooke was once an amateur porn star under the name Allison Chains. In fact she was quite a big deal on various websites years ago, renowned for her… acting ability, and willingness to be humiliated on camera. But somehow she’d managed to hide that from the mainstream public as she’d recently made the transition to the world of supermodels. Now, those days seem to be a sore spot… both figuratively and literally in some places…

Kirsten emerged from the murky water with a gasp. “Hoo! Yeah, I hear you… being beautiful is a thankless job.” she dryly replied as she went horizontal, her front facing the bottom of the enormous tub as she floated freely on the surface. “Some days, it just takes me wanna put my head under the water...”

She scoffed a bit at her own dark joke as she indeed pushed her face into the depths, plunging her head underneath as the rest of her body slowly followed. Her ass was easily the last thing to go under, merely thanks to it’s size, poking out all it’s own for a good two seconds until it finally completed the trek and became submerged itself.

The dark-skinned, raven-haired, voluptuous, bottom-heavy-in-the-best-ways Kirsten got her start as a dancer, wiggling her now famous hips in music videos before entering a reality show for aspiring runway models, where her natural allure and biting personality earned her a new career. 

“Geeze, for a second there I wasn’t sure the water was deep enough to cover all that...” Julie quipped as she laid back on a more shallow end, crossing her legs above the water. She sighed and muttered underneath her breath, “Honestly, who do you think you’re impressing, showing off that thing...”

“Jealous.” Brooke simply quipped, not even opening her eyes. 

A now blushing Julie sat up and yelled, “You take that back!”

She steamed as Brooke giggled at her swift reaction, Kirsten being none-the-wiser as she re-emerged with another big gasp.

Julie was a relatively petite woman, and looked all the moreso next to the aforementioned models, being about a head shorter than both Brooke and Kirsten. The fair-skinned, blonde-haired blue-eyed primma donna did have very lengthy legs for her figure though, which tended to get people’s attention. 

She was thought to be immature by her peers, which is usually said to come from her swift success; she had her fifteen minutes of fame as a singer at sixteen, having already washed out by the time she turned twenty. She believed that she was simply too inexperienced and could still succeed with another shot but now people don’t take her seriously in the job. So she transitioned to the modeling gigs that were always shadily offered to her… though rather than give any attention to her face, legs or anything she found attractive about herself, she ended up becoming a rare hybrid hand and foot model. This focus on parts of her that she wasn’t necessarily proud of likely contributed to the insecurity that’d been spreading since her initials dreams passed her by.

To be fair though, they were rather nice hands and feet…

A deep sigh came from the other end of the room. “Try and be more quiet, please.” Debbie requested, as she sat cross-legged on a nearby bench, a white towel spread on her lap, her broad back turned to her fellow models. “I’m attempting to meditate...”

The tan-skinned amazon with her hair dyed blood red was a sight to behold. Debbie was a tall one, actually about a head taller than Brooke and Kirsten, and that frame was packed with elegant muscle. The powerhouse was a prime fitness model, and a former bodybuilder after getting into it along with her boyfriend at the time though she left the profession after a controversial falling out with him that led to the police arriving. 

They found him bloodied and bruised and her without a scratch. But he refused to press charges and neither have ever spoken about it in the years since, leading to a common assumption that he’d attempted to hit her in a jealous rage after being upstaged by her yet again, only to be soundly defeated in a fist fight. As this narrative spread, she became more and more of an icon of feminine might, though she hardly paid much thought to it, focusing on little other than her training.

Four women from different paths of the modeling world, nonetheless coming together and sharing an apartment in what was surely a sitcom waiting to happen. Four distinctly beautiful bodies, all wet and lithe and completely bare in that bathhouse… all while an ecstatic onlooker gazed on, hidden in an alcove in the ceiling, just behind a locker. It was curved at such a way that he could see them from above but couldn’t really be seen from below. Behind him was a roof window, still open from his sneaking in. 

I probably don’t have to tell you that he was fully erect and jerking himself off furiously at the sight of them, his eyes darting back and forth as he struggled to settle on just one… they each had an allure that drove him wild. 

After a bit of a yawn, Brooke felt the water was beginning to relax her a little too much, so pulled herself out of the huge tub and stepped onto the floor, her naked body dripping relentlessly as she stepped over towards the locker, completely unaware that a man was masturbating just a few feet away, his left hand cupped to his mouth to hide his moans. Oblivious, she opened the locker up and retrieved a towel, which she quickly began to run over her ass. Giggling a bit at the silliness of the motion, she gave herself a cartooney scrub, shaking her torso, and causing her titanic tits to wildly sway to and fro in the process.

He’d been manipulating his dick for a good fifteen minutes, making sure his fun lasted, but just ten seconds of that sent him completely over the edge. The pervert came and came powerfully, his mid-sized cock firing like a giant bazooka as he struggled to contain his groans of lust behind his palm. 

In mere moment, he’d come to regret just how hard that climax really was… his semen shot several feet forwards, and appropriately, a fair bit of it actually landed right dead-center at where his attention was focused, splattering onto Brooke’s bouncy breasts. His sticky white lust dripped down between her already wet titties…

“Ugh, wh-what?!” Brooke remarked as she dropped her towel, understandably startled by the strange, oddly familiar substance spilling on her breasts from seemingly nowhere. She dabbed a bit of it on her finger and studied it… there was quickly no question in her mind as to what it was. Glancing up above the locker where it seemed to come from, she saw nothing… but she decided to make damn sure there was nothing, stepping up onto the bench to get a better view of the inside of that alcove.

The moment the man came, he stopped paying attention, lost in his own little world of ecstasy. He instead simply turned to go back out of the window he’d entered in, moments away from slipping out when he heard, “Hey! Who the fuck are you?!”

That stopped him dead in his tracks. He glanced slowly behind him to see Brooke’s head just popping up into view, an aghast look on her face. After a moment’s hesitation, he swiftly turned back and tried to hurry out of the window, opening and sticking his head halfway through as Brooke reached up to him for as far as her arm could extend. 

“YeeeeEEEAAAAAAAARRGGHHHHH!!!” he bellowed as, to say the least, she’d caught him… her hand clasping painfully around his balls, swiftly locking them into a painful vicegrip. She wasn’t even necessarily reaching for them, but she got a lovely handful of testes, and the moment she realized this, she bore down hard as she yanked him towards her. 

“Get down here you little bastard!” she shouted as the hollering man held onto the lip of the window, still trying to pull his way out, trying to yank his balls free to no avail. His nuts were now simply the rope in an impromptu game of tug-of-war the two of them were playing, much to his intense pain.

It probably goes without saying the other three women took notice of this in a hurry and rushed over. None of them saw the man in question, but could gather pretty easily what was going on, and saw Brooke struggling to keep a hold on the pervy perpetrator. 

“Hold on now, I got you!” Kirsten declared as she wrapped her arms around Brooke’s waist and put her thick lower body to work, trying to push off the ground as she curled backwards, using her body as a lever as much as possible to help Brooke pull with more force. Julie swiftly did the same, sheepishly having to avoid brushing up against Kirsten’s ass before grabbing Brooke under her arms, aiding in adding whatever force she could. 

The miserable anguish between the man’s legs got even worse as it felt like his testicles were about to torn clean off, but still he persisted, desperately wanting to avoid being identified. Debbie grimaced and growled as she marched across the room and wrapped her enormous arms around the waists of Kirsten and Julie. With one single, powerful lurch, she yanked the whole lot of them backwards, including the man as this was far too much, sending him flying out from his hiding place. As the first three women all fell from Debbie’s tug, so too did he, and he landed right on top of them, his own naked body intertwined with the three of theirs. 

His face fell directly onto Kirsten’s ass, one hand curled onto Brooke’s hip, the other on one of of her massive titties, and his dick somehow ended up lodged betwixt the luscious thighs of Julie. His nuts had luckily been dislodged from their snug grip during the fall. As he glanced up at the imposing form of Debbie standing just before him, lording over him, looking more like a giantess than ever from that angle, said cock swiftly grew once again between Julie’s legs, much to her disgust. 

“EWWWWW, get off of me!” she shrieked, and the other girls agreed, roughly shoving him and forcing him to roll onto the floor. He swiftly scrambled to his feet and hightailed it for the door, his newly regained erection awkwardly, comically bobbing as he went. 

With a sneer, Debbie rushed after him, showing off her speed as she managed to outrun him enough to get in front of him, blocking off the door. The man didn’t manage to stop his momentum in time and he ended up slamming up against her rockhard body, bouncing right off and falling onto his ass. 

He cowered, covering up his face as she scowled down at him. “D-D-Don’t hurt me…! I can explain!”

“I don’t think you can.” Debbie growled back.

Before he could say much of anything, the other three girls had made their way over, and now he was surrounded by the gorgeous, naked bodies he’d been ogling all this time. 

“There’s no doubting your intention… you were NOT supposed to be here, you had to have snuck in!” Julie shouted.

“You were hiding in the corner of a women’s bathhouse, naked as we are, for who knows how long...” Kirsten noted.

“And… you came on my fucking tits!” Brooke snapped. “Unless you’re the quickest premie on Earth I can’t see how THAT was a damn accident!”

“Oh God, is that what that is…?” Julie added, glancing aghast at the semen on her world famous tits, making Brooke subconsciously cover up.

“...Okay, so… maybe I, really can’t explain...” he meekly corrected.

Debbie reached down and grabbed him by the hair, yanking him to his feet in one fell motion. He was startled by the sharp pain and reached up to grab her wrists, exposing his face in the process.

“Wait… Tyson? Is that you?” Kirsten asked, an eyebrow raised as she studied his face.

With a whimper he tried to turn away but in Debbie’s tight grip there was nothing he could do to even hide himself. 

“What…? Oh my God, it is!” Julie replied. “He’s that no-hoper who hit on me at the convention last night!”

“Oh wow, you too?” Kirsten answered. “Dude’s pickup lines were terrrrrible...”

“Hmph, even had the nerve to walk up to me and ask for a date… shaking in his boots the whole time, but still.” Debbie explained.

“Same here… so, hold on, you’re telling me this worthless asshole came onto all four of us last night? And we all shot him down?” Brooke remarked. The man was wincing at being reminded of that.

“Boy you really brought your a-game, huh?” Kirsten quipped.

“Well that explains everything...” Julie scoffed. “The guy can’t get anywhere near us legit, so he has to steal a peek...”

“What trash...” Brooke growled. “Debbie, hold his arms up for me… I owe him one hell of a beating.”

“Oh I think we all do.” Kirsten replied. “But uh, you should definitely get to go first… not gonna argue that.”

“H-Hold on!” he stuttered, as the powerhouse indeed hooked his arms behind his head, leaving him entirely vulnerable. He quivered as Brooke started cracking her knuckles, not even willing to wait long enough to get herself cleaned up before dishing out justice to the bastard. “Wait, please!”

“What?! What can you possibly say to excuse yourself here?!” she fired back.

“I… I… ngh, you don’t understand ‘cause… you can’t see yourselves like I do, I… God, you’re all just so fucking relentlessly hot...” he whimpered, as his eyes uncontrollably drifted to Brooke’s cum-covered tits. 

She noticed that immediately and began shaking with rage, her barely contained fury reaching a boiling point. 

“Pathetic fucking LOSER!” she shrieked as she punched him square in the face, and quickly fell into a blind rage, punching his stupid face repeatedly, rocking his head back and forth as her solid fists bounced off his cheeks. With all her might, she smashed his nose, and then jabbed into his left eye. With a loud grunt of female fury, she blasted him in the gut with a mighty front kick, and then followed up with an uppercut to his chin.

“Aaaauugh… st-stop… stop hurting me...” he grunted.

“Fuck you!” she yelled with an angry, humiliating backhand to his face. She was usually a bit more witty than that, and certainly less vulgar, but she was so enraged that there was nothing more that came her to mind other than, “FFFFFUCK YOU!”

With that she blasted him in the face with an elbow that might’ve realigned his jaw just a hair. Looking to hurt him, she started raking his eyes, which got him howling, though she regretted not having her lengthy nails today. What nails she did have, she dug into his chest, scratching the hell out of his nipples.

He screamed loudly as she took a step back and, with some effort, managed to smash his face with a high kick. Quite a sight, coming from a leggy woman like her, especially when she was entirely in the nude. She got her leg up quite high for having never done something like that before, a small trail of water flowing off her smooth skin as her shin threatened to cave in his skull.

Her inexperience did show when, after delivering the kick, she struggled to stay on-balance on her planted foot and slipped onto her glorious bare ass. Even from there, she didn’t stop, not missing a beat as she powered a punch into his midsection, and then another and another, a pained gust of air escaping from the pervert’s lips.

She rushed to her feet and then delivered another full force punch to his nose, trying her damnedest to shatter it. He was grunting and groaning in misery as Brooke began to pant, her womanly chest heaving.

She was already out of breath, partially thanks to the thick humidity in the steamy air and partially because this was far from something she normally did. She was no fighter or any kind of athlete, though seeing the shape she was in, you’d be forgiven for thinking otherwise. She didn’t learn any technique, she was just echoing things she’d seen in TV and movies.

But one thing she did have was a primal fury deep inside, an amazonian rage that she might not be able to identify, but had no trouble calling on when she needed it. A pride in what she was, a pride in simply being a woman that would allow his transgression to be forgiven. To have not only spied on her and her friends in the nude, to not only masturbate to their figures right before them without any of their knowledge, but to also be so callous as to let his deviant seed touch her body… spilling on her in a way that she could never believe was an accident… it was an affront to her, and her entire gender.

She needed reparation, and there was only one way to get it, one thing to take from him to make up for it. Actually, no…

There were two.

The woman growled, “This is what you deserve...” and then, she unleashed a truly brutal kick to his groin, the first of God knows how many he’d receive. Her lengthy, powerful leg, slick with spa water, uncoiled without a hint of mercy, wasting no time going full-power as her shin smashed his testicles up against his pelvis.

“NGHYYAAAAA!” he screamed in abject horror and misery. He would’ve fallen right then and there, if not for the woman behind him keeping him in place.

Brooke wasted no time following up, kicking with her left leg this time as she again brought her shin crashing like a hammer of righteous feminine fury into his sensitive balls. As he howled, she grabbed him by the hair with her left hand and repeatedly smacked him in the face with her right, her palm stinging his face once, twice, three times… before she capped it off with a vicious, sudden knee to his crotch.

“RRAAAAAAUUUGH!” he bellowed, jerking and lurching violently, yet pointlessly in Debbie’s arms. As Tyson’s erection wilted from all the pain, Brooke paused to wipe some of the man’s cum that remained on her tits, furious as she saw it in her hand. She gave him another smack with that very hand, forcing it back onto his face before she took a step back and unleashed a vicious snap kick, her leg mimicking the crack of a whip as the very top of her foot stabbed up into his balls, making them bounce off impact.

As he shouted and begged, “STOOOOP!”, she just went on snap kicking him, her foot coming up rapid-fire a second, third, fourth… she paused only to surprise him with her left leg again, coming in for the fifth snap kick to his jewels. 

“NNnnggh oh fuck… please, I don’t deserve this…!” he pleaded. “I-I’m not a bad guy, I just…”

“What?! What are you?!” she shouted. “Give me one good reason why I should forgive you, you worthless little asshole!”

“Oh, this should be good...” Kirsten rolled her eyes.

“I-I’m… I’m the real victim here...” he miserably groaned. “None of you wanted anything to do with me! As though I’m not good enough, like I don’t deserve you, like I’m not worth anything! Y-You treat me like scum, and so that’s what I became…”

This unsurprisingly didn’t convince the wall of jiggling, feminine flesh that he deserved any sympathy, a wave of disgust coming from the room.

“What, you’re mad ‘cause we weren’t interested?! As far as I know, not a one of us ever did a thing wrong to you. And even if we did, it doesn’t excuse THIS!” Brooke fired back, gesturing at the cum on her breasts. “You think you deserve us, like we’re here to serve you and your pathetic cock?! I’ll show you what you deserve!”

She knelt down on one knee and punched him square in the balls. As he screamed in pain, she reared back as far as she could for the next shot. With a loud, aggressive grunt she fired off a vicious uppercut to the nuts and then another full force jab. She was no boxer but from his cumming and already taking a beating to the balls, she might as well have been a heavyweight champion as her fist crashed furiously into his manhood time and again. She proceeded with a swift flurry, her fists a blur as she used his balls like a punching bag before finishing with one last heavy uppercut.

Tyson was in tears by the time she stood up, once again panting, losing her wind quickly, though she lost no rage, evidenced by her spitting in his eye. She stormed away and said, “Fuck him up, girls.”

“Well then, I know exactly what I want to-” Kirsten started, but Julie pushed her out of the way.

“Me next, me next!” she yelled, much to Kirsten’s dismay. She rolled her eyes but just let it go, throwing her hands up in the air. She’d dealt with Julie long enough to know it was best to just let her get her way sometimes.

Whilst she made her way to him to dish our own form of justice, Brooke went over to a shower nozzle and let it run over her bountiful breasts, trying to tenderly scrub them free of his man essence. While she took the time to get herself cleaned up, she made sure to be facing the beatdown the entire time, not wanting to miss a second of his punishment. 

The cute little blonde walked up to him with a smile, posing with her legs put forward, bending and flexing them subtly, getting his attention in a hurry. “Mmm… your teenie-weenie l’il weiner really liked my legs, if I recall… isn’t that right, baby boy?” she asked as she mockingly tapped his erection. It wasn’t really small but she sure could make a man feel tiny in a hurry. “Well I think it’s time he got more acquainted with them...”

She grabbed his ears and performed a swift crushing knee lift to his balls. Her kneecap felt incredibly solid against his soft manflesh. He bellowed his pain as she brought it down only to send it crashing up again and again. Julie giggled at how high pitched his screaming became. “You like that…? Did you know that before I caught up in music, I was well on my way to becoming an ace cheerleader…?”

She took a step back and put her hands on her hips, bending her leg at the knee as she hesitated, letting him anticipate her next attack. “Ready? Okay!” she mockingly shouted as she shot an arm up into the air with a flamboyant pose and unleashed a truly brutal snap kick, her shin crashing viciously into his genitals. 

Julie proudly strode away with her hands on her hips, her nose up in the air as the man’s screaming was choked off like he’d just been strangled, nothing but a hollow gust of air coming from his throat as that kick hit deep enough to knock the wind out of him. 

Kirsten gave a little applause for her efforts as she took her place. “Not bad… but I can top it.” she cooly declared, as Julie stuck her tongue out at her the moment she turned around to face Tyson.

“Hmph… mmm-mm-mm-mmm, poor, poor sad little boy.” she shook her head as she locked eyes with him. “I’m sure getting rejected so damn furiously was a big blow to your ego, but it was nothing compared to what I’m about to do.”

With that Kirsten turned around and bent over a little, giving him far too perfect a view at her big, glorious ass. She gave it a little wiggle, making it jiggle as she turned her head to him. “You love this booty, right…? I know, I caught you looking at it. I saw that a few times before you even said anything to me… you want it…?”

She bent down deep and actually began to twerk a little for him, her raucous ass bouncing up and down in an eye-popping sight. Kirsten giggled as she straightened up, “Well then… have it big boy.”

With that, she thrusted her hips backwards with a loud grunt, slamming her huge cheeks into his genitals with surprising force. Tyson shouted his agony as Kirsten reached back to grab his hips tightly, thrusting her pelvis out and then pulling him in as she powered her enormous ass into his comparatively diminutive testicles again… and again, and again, speeding up to really batter his balls with her booty.

The other girls began to chuckle at this, as Julie chirped, “Nice! Wow, what an embarrassing way to get your balls busted… hah!”

He evidently agreed, beginning to sob, his face turning bright red from shame as Kirsten continued mockingly smashing his balls with something he’d so love to stick his dick into. After her ass crashed into his manhood with a loud thud for the tenth time, she pulled it away and stopped. “Mmm… I’m sorry baby, do you not like it that way…? Maybe the little boy would prefer... a more gentle approach…?”

As he saw Brooke still washing her titties in the back of the room, Kirsten slowly and tenderly pushed her ass into his crotch. With a more soft touch, he was able to appreciate how smooth and cushiony that ass really was as it smooshed lovingly against his genitals. Tyson gasped in surprise at how lovely it felt… he’d never encountered an ass like hers. 

Kirsten chuckled at the sound of his shock. “Aw, you like that…?” she teased, as she began to shake her hips, wiggling her ass tenderly against his dick and balls, going up and down his groin, running repeatedly across his shaft… and despite all the punishment, his cock sprang to life between her cheeks.

As he began to forget himself in the moment, Kirsten reached back to fondle his testicles, earning a soft wince as she carefully caressed them. “Awww, poor little guys… they’re so sensitive now… they could really use a healing touch...”

She proceeded to slightly spread her ass cheeks and back up just a couple of inches, taking his nuts into her ass in the process. When she let go, he felt the snug embrace of her legendary backside… he couldn’t help but moan at the warm, soft sensation…

“Mmmm… how’s that? That feel good?” Kirsten cooed. “I hope so… because this sure as hell won’t...”

With no more warning than that, and a loud grunt of effort, she began to show off her muscle control, squeezing her ass cheeks together tightly in an attempt at crushing his nuts. He threw his head back and belted out an agonized scream as Kirsten bent over, her fists balled, her teeth clenched as she put everything she had into destroying his balls with her massive, supple, rippling ass…

His dick shriveled in a hurry and his whole body spasmed from the unique, fresh new pain emanating from his manhood… after a good thirty seconds of this, she finally relented, taking a step forward, soaking in the applause from Julie and the very wet Brooke. The former dancer explained, “I really think I could’ve ended that boy’s balls that way if I kept that up long enough, but I wanted to save some for the rest of y’all.”

“Much appreciated…” Brooke murmured to herself as she ran her hands over her breasts, clearly not finished with Tyson’s poor, poor junk…

“So… I guess it’s my turn.” Debbie quietly commented. 

Despite her calm tone, it sent a shiver down Tyson’s spine. “N-Nooooo… please, no...” he begged.

In one swift motion, she released his arms and then hooked him by the hair once again. She forcefully turned him around, making him face her awesome, muscular body. He had to look up to look her in the eye, and couldn’t even maintain eye contact for her steely gaze for very long, cowering in her powerful hands.

“There’s no escaping this.” she matter-of-factly stated. “We’re not going to forgive you, certainly not in time to save your body from decimation. Take your lumps… all you can do is try and bear it.”

“Nooooo!” he whined as she reared a fist back.

With unbelievable strength, she punched him in the stomach, her fist burying itself deep within his soft tummy. As he wheezed, she followed up with a vicious uppercut, letting him go just before her fist made contact with his chin. The force damn near flipped him in mid-air as he landed flat on his back on the wet tile floor. 

Debbie took a step forward and then raised her bare, powerful leg into the air before coming down hard onto his chest with a vicious stomp. As she bore some weight down onto his torso, making him wheezily try and fail to eek out more pleading utterances, the powerhouse leaned over, reached down and grabbed him by his beleaguered balls.

He wasn’t even close to ready to feel her mighty grip squeezing his testicles. Her overbearing strength threatened to flatten them against her palm and by the sound of his shriek of horror, you’d think they’d already ruptured. 

“Pussy.” she muttered. “I’m not even beginning to squeeze yet...”

With her grip still tightening, Debbie took her foot off of his torso so that she could stand up straight, with his nuts still in her hand… showing off her remarkable power, she lifted him right off the floor by the balls! Tyson was in a whole different universe of pain he never knew existed as she saw his body bob and flail helplessly. Just to rub it in, she started walking around the room with him, his body swinging like a pendulum from his nuts. Never had he felt less human… it’s more like he was just a big duffle bag or something to her, with his swollen testes as the handle.

Suffice to say, the other girls enjoyed this immensely, cheering her on. Brooke was finally smiling for the first time since he came on her as she walked over, her massive tits now very much clean but absolutely dripping wet. “Heh, I’m so glad we all just kinda, unanimously went for his balls without even saying anything.”

“I saw you do it and felt like it was the natural response.” Julie answered.

“Yeah, I mean that guy doesn’t even deserve his balls, the way he uses them...” Kirsten quipped.

“No… he really doesn’t.” Brooke agreed, her smile diminishing rapidly. She looked down, trying to hide the dark expression forming on her face. “When I look at them, I… I want them gone. I hate those damn nuts. I want… I want to break them. I want to break his balls! I want to feel them explode…!”

Kirsten and Julie looked a bit taken aback by her uncharacteristic sadism, but Debbie simply replied, “That can be arranged.”

The amazonian held Tyson up higher into the air, and then adjusted her grip so that he was hanging upside down by the balls, forcing his nuts to endure not only her vice grip but also support the man’s full weight. He howled in sheer agony as the other girls went up to get a closer look, in awe of Debbie’s ball-destroying technique.

“May I… add a little something to this?” Kirsten asked. “Would you mind holding him up a little higher for me?”

Debbie silently acquiesced, hoisting him up enough to where he was now eye level with Kirsten’s pussy. She smiled mischievously before turning around, bending over and pushing her ass into his face. She mockingly began to twerk, letting her booty bounce and pop furiously all over his face.

As this went on, Brooke walked over and buried her fist into Tyson’s softening gut. His screams now muffled in Kirsten’s ass, she continued punching his torso, giving the occasional spiteful jab to his softened prick as well. Not wanting to be left out, Julie went up behind him and though she had to jump for it, managed to deliver a sharp, crisp smack to his ass. 

Never had Tyson even imagined such remarkably high levels of pain and emasculation all at once…

After suffering through a few more punches and a little more twerking, Debbie abruptly dropped him, letting him fold like an accordion as his body roughly hit the floor. 

Showing some surprising boldness, Brooke looked Debbie in the eye. “Pick him back up, I want another go at him.”

There was a tense staredown for just a second or two before Debbie smiled. She happily picked Tyson’s carcass back up, again hooking his arms. Brooke looked ready to go but Julie butt in, “Me first this time, me first!”

As Brooke backed away, Julie let loose another cheerleader style snap kick, managing to put even more force behind this one than the first. As Tyson howled, Brooke made her way to the other side of the room as Kirsten took Julie’s place. She again turned around to show him her immaculate ass, tauntingly waving it before unleashing a surprise back kick, her heel bashing his balls.

She stepped aside in time for Brooke to start running… from several yards away she managed to get a big head of steam, the water flying off her heavily bouncing and swaying breasts with every lunging step. An intense fear was stricken into Tyson’s eyes at how much speed she managed to build up. 

With a yell of feminine fury, Brooke unleashed an absolutely devastating running punt kick to his nethers. She actually slipped at the last moment on the wet floor, falling onto her ass, but this simply drove her foot that much further into his crotch, an unbelievable amount of force colliding with his nuts.

She came up panting as Tyson’s scream was deafening. “Shut the fuck up...” she muttered, socking him in the jaw.

With only Debbie left to take a turn, she released his arms and went down to a knee in that next millisecond. Before he could even begin to fall, she powered her arm up between his legs, catching him in the nuts with her mighty, muscular forearm, delivering so much force that it lifted him right off his feet.

He collapsed on the ground, but Brooke still wasn’t done with him… she walked over and turned him onto his back, grabbing his ankles and lifting his legs up into the air. But his hands were tightly grasping his package, even as she stomped on them repeatedly. This was quite painful itself and he couldn’t absorb all the damage for his nuts, but it was far better than the alternative, or so he thought.

Debbie decided to give an assist, reaching down and grabbing his arms, roughly snapping both of them at the elbow. As his shriek became particularly high pitched, she forced his now broken arms painfully under his torso, assuring that they’d be useless to him. 

“Thanks.” she curtly stated, before stomping her bare foot down brutally onto both nuts. 

Kirsten took the second turn this time, spreading his legs and delivering a swift punt to his balls that made them bounce. Julie held up his legs and leapt up into a big legdrop, her thick thigh coming down hard on his soft bits. Debbie, as always bringing up the rear, unleashed a vile leaping elbow drop to his groin.

His balls were black and blue and swollen to three times their regular size. Tyson couldn’t even speak anymore, delirious from agony, having been beaten beyond his limits by these four beautiful naked women.

“Still not broken… what can we do about that…?” Brooke mused.

A lightbulb seemed to go off in Debbie’s head as she began to whisper something to each of the girls. They smiled, obviously liking her idea.

She stepped up and planted her foot firmly onto specifically his right testicle. As he howled the pain only intensified, as she showed off her balance, standing on one foot to put her full weight down his lone ball. And then, it got truly horrendous… Brooke and Kirsten stood before Debbie and she wrapped an arm around each of their waists. With the greatest of ease, she picked the both of them up… and now three women were effectively bearing down on his weakening testicle. Tyson almost found his voice, brought back into a screaming fit, but it was quite hoarse at that point. 

Julie looked to finish… with a running start, and a very necessary vaulting front flip, she landed on Debbie’s broad back. That was the last little bit of weight needed… Tyson’s right nut ruptured beneath all the pressure, turning to pure mush. The pain was finally overwhelming and he blacked out as the four girls dispersed.

“One left… I think you want it the most, girl.” Kirsten noted as she turned to Brooke. “What do you want to do with it?”

“I think I got an idea… but I really don’t need to hog it.” she replied. “He may have came on me, but he spied on all of us. We all owe him a popped nut...”

“Well, I suppose that first one counts as mine.” Debbie shrugged. “I’m going to go wash it’s remains off my foot...”

As she stepped over back to the bathtub, Brooke surprised her by following her, dragging Tyson’s body along. She pulled him by the legs, letting him drag across the floor, until she was in the tub. She forced his bottom half into the shallow end, his nuts seemingly floating atop the water. She continued her curious behavior, walking over and picking up a set of steps. Usually used by those who want a place to sit during a shower or prop up their foot to shave, she situated it right atop of Tyson’s torso. 

With the dip created by the tub and his upper body being slanted higher than his lower, there was now quite a bit more distance between that top step and his nuts than there would usually be. “I think this should help us get a little more force, don’t you?”

The two girls seemed to pick up what she was getting at. Kirsten nodded and glanced over to Julie. “Don’t suppose we gotta ask who wants to go first...”

Julie blushed a little at that, before patting Kirsten on the shoulder. “Eh… how about you go first this time?”

She was quite pleasantly surprised by that and they shared a little smile. The dancer proceeded to take the first turn, stepping up all three steps. She looked down, and felt she was a good three feet above his balls. “Mmmm, yeah, this’ll work...”

Kirsten began to do a few squats, taking care to stay balanced as she prepared herself for a jump, her modest tits bouncing gently… she proceeded to leap up a few extra feet into the air, coming to about six feet total, and she came down cannonball-style, landing her massive ass perfectly onto his remaining left nut, crashing down with intense force.

Brooke and Julie cheered on her showy move as she stood and posed. She poked his ball with her toe and glumly confirmed, “Dang, it’s still in one piece...”

“Go ahead and take the second spot, Julie.” Brooke murmured. “Even if you pop it, I’m still taking a turn anyway...”

She nodded and waltzed on over. She had to steady her lengthy legs as she carefully made her way up to the third step. A mischievous grin played on her pretty face… again calling on her background, she performed a perfect vault forward, her powerful legs launching her. She was ultimately eight feet up above his groin, before coming down with a double stomp, both of her bare feet landing solidly onto his sole testicle.

“Awww… it didn’t give...” she pouted. “Well Brooke, I guess you’re getting a legit turn after all.”

Brooke didn’t say a word as she stepped up and Julie took her place. She stopped at the man’s head, looking at his unconscious face. She smirked for a bit, thinking about what he’d be waking up, envisioning the despair. Brooke knelt down and pushed her breasts into his face. “Is it worth this…? Hm?” she asked as she gently brushed them across his face. “Is losing your balls worth getting a little of this…? I guess we’ll see...”

She stood up and then, took a step back, staring at the steps. With one more loud, elongated feminine scream she took up a running start, rushing up the steps and leaping off the top with all her might, not showing a hint of hesitation. She ended up higher than either of her more athletic counterparts, a good ten feet above his helpless, unsuspecting nut…

Brooke stuck out one knee as she fell. Her aim was true, her timing perfect, the very point of her solid kneecap driving deep into his nut, splitting it on impact.

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