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“HIIII-YA!” the two women simultaneously yelled as they flew in from opposite sides of their male opponent, their legs outstretched in dramatic leaping kicks. With dual front stomps, the bottoms of their bare feet crashed into his back and stomach simultaneously. He tried to downplay his groan, but there’s no denying it stung.

They landed with growing confidence. In front of him, the always feisty Brandy had the look of a wild woman with her dark brown, long and messy hair hanging over her similarly dark eyes. She was noticeably shorter than the other women at the Order, which might’ve had something to do with how thickly built she seemed to be… especially at the hips, and the chest as well. Her breasts were actually too big to fit into the training gi they got for her, so it had to be left widely open, revealing expanse cleavage behind her sports bra. Born and raised in Tahiti, Brandy was an island girl with the tan to match and in that moment, bore a huge devilish grin. 

Behind him, the more shy but quietly determined Kirra, noted for the fury that was always hidden beneath surface, was a bit taller than most and of a more slender build to go along with it. Her dirty blonde hair was wrapped into a ponytail behind her with two thick bangs framing either side of her face. Somewhat pale with deep blue eyes, she sure didn’t look dangerous, but she had found in herself the resolve and will to bring the fight when pushed too far, and was more than capable of dealing out some real pain to those who richly deserved it. Once just a simple girl from Wisconsin, she now stood proud as a warrioress.

Both of these women were, about five months prior, being kept as slaves by one of the most infamous and shockingly powerful (in the wealth sense) women abusers of all time, the self-proclaimed ‘King’ Magnum Verpa. He had taken them and a shocking amount of other women from their homes and kept them on his own personal island, where he and his men systematically stripped them of their humanity and ‘trained’ them to be their sex toys. 

This unbelievable atrocity was finally ended at the hands and feet of Sheena and Sylvia, elite warriors in the Order of the Female Dominion. (And of course Sheena’s trusty pilot, Tim!) Said order existed in the name of protecting and strengthening women the world over, and while the expansive, secretive organization produced far more than just warriors, they could never have enough of them, to be sure. So when some of the liberated ladies displayed some prowess at dishing out justice, they were offered a tryout with the Order. Of the select few brave enough to accept, only Kirra and Brandy had made it as official members.

Kirra was the first victim that Sheena had encountered and rescued, having met her at an Outpost near the crash site of the Order’s chopper. While she was a timid girl that, at the time, had never hurt another human being in her life, when prompted she was able to tap into a seething anger that had mounted in her time on that despicable island, and unleash a merciless fury onto her abusers. Merely a day later she would be called on for aid in a siege mission where she showed off much proficiency with her newly acquired tasers, and she’s since been officially trained to wield stuns of various forms as weapons. This made her an obvious one to offer a spot, and she happily accepted, though it’s rumored by some of her peers to mostly be out of gratitude.

Brandy on the other hand was kept in the castle of Verpa himself, a favored slave of his. She had a steely resolve and never broke, not once letting them see her cry, no matter how many times her enormous tits were fucked without her consent. When the time came for the women to fight back against their oh-so-beloved king, she may have put more effort into punishing him than any of them, delivering 100 consecutive full power punches to his scrotum. Her bravery, tenacity and an emerging love of combat has made her an easy recommendation for future missions. She enjoyed her assault on Verpa so much that she was itching at the chance to take down more lowlifes, and that alone was enough to get her on-board. Brandy has refused weapons training up to this point, much preferring the direct sensation of unarmed combat. 

The two had been partnering up in training, easily relating from their experiences and coming into the Order at the same time. At the time this story is set, they were still preparing, working hard to get sent onto their first official mission. Hence, their time in the sparring arena with Baron, one of the Order’s most prolific trainers. He was considered such an elite fighter that it was agreed to be for the best that they take him on at the same time. And while they were feeling good about their performance, there was definitely no doubt that he’d done a number on them up to that point, judging by the tattered state of their gis. Meanwhile his own seemed quite pristine. 

But they ignored that. Brandy rushed in as she usually did, and aimed a punch towards his face. He smacked her arm away then closed in and wrapped his arm around her neck, doubling her over as he pulled her head into his side, forcing her into a headlock. She struggled but couldn’t even make him budge. Kirra, still behind him, ran in to try and rescue her from this, diving at his legs in an attempt to clip them out from under him. But with quite the veteran move, he managed to avoid this with a leap that saw her instead clipping Brandy’s legs, leaving the both of them horizontal in mid-air.

As Kirra slid past them on the floor, Baron held Brandy tight as they fell, making sure she took the impact head-on whilst he landed on his knees, her womanly front coming down hard on the floor, earning a grunt of pain. He followed up swiftly, a front roll that saw him sitting on her lower back, torquing her neck painfully in the process. Kirra got up on one knee and turned around in time to look Baron in his steely eyes as he released Brandy.

Kirra shot up to her feet but gasped when she saw him get up at the exact same time, startled by his mirroring the movement. With a desperate look on her face, she uncorked a swift kick, her leg sailing up between his own. Her target was unmistakable, but she didn’t quite get there… as at the last second he’d managed to squeeze his legs together, enough to catch her ankle between his thighs, just inches from reaching his crotch.

She gasped, realizing the predicament just seconds before he countered with a punch square to her pretty face that, while at about half-force, still took her down as she was a little off-balance standing on one foot to begin with. Comically her leg stayed caught between the both of his as she went down. Baron took advantage, grabbing her ankle and leaping up past her in another forward, pulling that leg along with him. He knew to let go just before it got to the point of hyper-extension, but nonetheless he brought it far enough to cause quite a sting in the young ladies’ hip and got a high-pitched yelp out of her as well. 

In the time he had dealt with this, Brandy had stirred and turned to see him still paying attention to the fallen Kirra. She rushed to her feet and ran up to him, her fists flying. Despite not even looking at her, he managed to evade this, backing up to avoid punch after punch of an aggressive but somewhat uncoordinated volley. After a few shots missed the mark, she got a little frustrated, yelling “SIT STILL!” 

Switching gears, she instead abruptly grabbed him by the shoulders and launched a knee towards his balls.

Baron avoided this in the simplest way possible, by just taking a step forward. Suddenly their bodies were pressing up against each other and he was much too close to complete the strike, Brandy’s knee instead bouncing off his hip, which while stinging was a far cry from a shot to the nuts. And it took her off-guard enough that she couldn’t react in time when he went in for a headbutt, the crown of his head smashing into her forehead and rocking her head back with a groan of pain. He followed up quick, wrapping his arms around her waist and, with a swift pop of his hips, left her on the floor with a belly-to-belly suplex. He knelt down and delivered a swift punch to her stomach that knocked the wind out of her.

“OOOOUUGH, d-dammit...” she wheezed.

The calm and composed trainer turned around in time to see Kirra launching an upkick towards his crotch. She’d been lying in wait for that opportunity, but was evidently still not prepared enough to get the drop on him, as he caught her by the ankle a second time.

“Oh no...” she whimpered, not liking how this ended up on the first occasion. 

The powerful man took a step forward and gave her leg a mighty shove, mustering enough force that he was able to roll her onto her front. She ended up on her knees, not sure where she was at until it was too late. Baron nailed her right in the face with a running knee of his own, again putting her onto her back.

Baron rolled backwards to give himself some space, and assumed a fighting position as he gazed down at Kirra. The former slave girl looked up meekly at the imposing figure, obviously now beginning to doubt her ability to continue. During this standoff, Brandy was doing her best to make a swift recovery, but she struggled to get back to her feet so she instead crawled towards the pair. She managed to get up one knee just behind Baron, seemingly without him noticing. So she aimed an uppercut up towards his loins, only to find that he indeed had heard her, as he managed to reach down and grab her by the wrist, once again avoiding any impact to his testicles.

“DAMMIT!” Brandy repeated through grit teeth. 

Baron kept a tight, controlling grip of her arm as he stepped over it and pulled her up to her feet as he dragged it over his shoulder. Seeing his apparent pre-occupation, Kirra leapt up from the floor to try and strike, but before she could even do anything, Baron performed a judo throw on Brandy that saw her fly right into her partner, her ass slamming into Kirra’s face as the both of them went down in a heap.

A loud clacking noise was heard over the PA, followed by a voice. “That’s enough for today. Baron, please evaluate their performance.”

Kirra and Brandy sat up with matching winces as they looked up at the large frosted window, into the room where the High Chief herself presided and watched over their showing, only her silhouette visible as she sat at her office chair.

Baron offered them both a hand and they graciously accepted it as he helped them to their feet, they certainly needed it.

“Man… you’re really good!” Brandy chirped, a large smile. “Heh, I was getting so pissed, I can barely do a thing to you… I guess just ‘cause I really like fighting doesn’t mean I’m all that good at it.”

“I don’t suppose we did too well, huh...” Kirra sighed. “We must be a long ways away from actual field work.”

“Oh no, you both did excellent. Atleast, for your current level. You’re actually exceeding expectations if anything.” he replied. “For women with as little experience as you had coming in, it usually takes a good eight months to get to where you two are at. So you certainly shouldn’t feel discouraged. But obviously there’s plenty to work on here...”

He pointed a finger at Brandy. “You need to work on your discipline. You let your frustration get the best of you much too easily and it takes you off your game, you end up regressing to fighting like a neanderthal. You got way too much skill to swing that sloppy.” he said, before pointing to Kirra. “And you need to have a stronger resolve in the heat of battle. The moment things swung the other way, you always flinched, you looked like you wanted to do anything other than keep fighting. It’s only natural to be afraid, but if you show your opponent that fear so easily, you’ve already lost.”

He finished, “And BOTH of you… need to stop going for the groin as a first step. Leaning on a tactic that heavily makes you way too easy to predict.”

“But… I watched Sheena kick all kinds of balls when she rescued me!” Brandy blurted out, flustered.

Kirra nodded. “It seemed a favored technique, certainly. And I actually managed to… well, get a rupture on just my second kick. It seemed far more effective than I ever imagined…”

“I know, I know… almost every woman here loves to kick guys in the nuts, and it can be extremely effective if done right. But you can’t just go for it blindly, and you seem to be in the mindset that you can use it to create an opening when there isn’t one.” Baron explained. “That’ll probably work if you’re just dealing with some street punks, but trust me; any guy who knows what they’re doing in a fight is going to know how to protect their privates, they’ll be more on-guard with that than anything. You have to do it the other way around, create an opening by striking elsewhere, THEN go low. If you think of low blows more as finishers after you’ve already done some damage and got your opponent reeling, then you’ll probably be better off in the long run.”

“I’d listen to what he says...” said a familiar voice with a sultry accent.

They turned to see Sylvia stepping into the training room, in her usual black, shiny PVC outfit, her hands behind her back. The french blonde finished, “...after all, he is the one that taught me. And don’t feel too discouraged about getting beaten up by him, even I still lose to him sometimes.”

“Yeah, but you can actually fight him one-on-one...” Brandy sighed.

“Details, details...” Sylvia shrugged.

“So um, what brings you here, Sylvia?” Kirra asked.

“I come bringing good news.” she smiled. “The High Chief let me know that you’d move onto the next stage if you impressed enough in your trial today, and she just gave me the nod to proceed. As of right now, the both of you have the greenlight for bottom tier missions! And your first has already been assigned. Should you accept it, the two of you should rest up tonight, because you shall be embarking on your first bit of field work tomorrow!”

“Oh my God YES!” Brandy shouted, pumping her fist into the air. “I have been waiting for this… we won’t disappoint! Whoever we’re going after, I promise you, they are going DOWN! Haha, yeah!”

“Right… so, who are we going after…? What’s the mission?” Kirra asked, more than a little nervous about the prospect.

“Don’t sweat it honey, it’s nothing compared to what you had to deal with back at the castle moat.” Sylvia winked, before giving them a briefing. “In Charlottesville, Virginia, a street gang has emerged, one based entirely around sexism it seems. They’ve made a habit of destroying feminist landmarks, works of art made by women, disrupting women’s rights rallies… in general they seem to be violently against anything that depicts women in a positive light. What’s more they threaten and harass anyone who dares create or curate such things, and they love to randomly ride by and frighten young women on the street. It’s said that the women of Charlottesville are too frightened to go out at night these days...”

Brandy slammed her fist into her palm, her mischievous grin returning. “That’s perfect! I got no problem whatsoever taking out these jackasses!”

“Well it’s certainly awful what they’re doing. But, you’re… certain that we’re ready?” Kirra asked, pretending not to notice Brandy’s aggravated glare.

“Our intel suggests they are nothing more than your garden variety batch of young street toughs. After five months in our system, you are stronger than them and most certainly know more about fighting, I guarantee it.” Sylvia assured her, a hand on her shoulder. “Our intel has also let us know of an unveiling of a statue of Pope Joan set to take place at an art exhibit in town, and all signs point to them showing up on the day to deface it and most likely run off any would-be visitors. We want you two to be there when they try it, and give them a beating that’ll ward off any thoughts of ever doing something like it again.”

“This is awesome! Kirra, we are going to KILL IT out there! Aren’t you amped?!” Brandy asked her as she took her by the shoulders and gave her a little shake.

Kirra smiled and nodded, a quiet enthusiasm brewing after Sylvia’s assurance calmed her down. 

“Good. Then, as I said, you’ll be heading out tomorrow.” she nodded, a sly little smirk spreading on her beautiful face. “Oh… and since you’re now official warrioresses, you’ll be going out there in these...”

Sylvia pulled out what she’d been hiding behind her back the whole time, two coathangers with very distinct outfits hanging on them. She laughed at seeing the two girls’ eyes light up with joy at the sight. Every warrior in the Order fights in an outfit of their own design that reflects on who they are, to encourage their own feminine inner spirit to come out and unleash itself upon their foes. And now they had their very own…

--- That Next Day… ---

As they sat in the shuttle over to Charlottesville, Brandy and Kirra marveled and giggled as they checked each other out in their new, personalized gear.

Brandy’s was somewhat similar to Sheena’s, a two piece, very old school warrior’s affair. But hers was made up of tiger skin and fur, cut into a croptop and skirt which made sure to show plenty of cleavage and hips respectively. This primal outfit coupled with her wild hair and staunchly untamed demeanor made her seem for all the world like a true cavewoman from a bygone age. She looked to tap into a simple, base instinct when she went into battle mode, to be more attuned to literally scratching and clawing just to ensure her and her pack’s survival the next day.

Kirra on the other hand wore an outfit that was effectively like a one-piece swimsuit made entirely out of black leather straps and large silver chains, which together ran across her stomach and between her breasts. Effectively, it was a lot like her slave gear back on the island, except a considerably more modest version. It even kept the broken chains, hanging from her hips and the sides of her chests, which she saw as symbolic of her breaking through the shackles placed on her. One key difference was a little utility belt she had wrapped around her otherwise bared hips, where she kept her variety of stuns. She saw this getup as a means of appropriating and owning what had happened to her, allowing herself to not just get past the experience but to also grow stronger from it.

Brandy went barefoot to complete the wild woman ideal, whilst Kirra added sharp stilettos to her ensemble, to add more pain to front kicks and stomps… as well as simply make her look and feel larger and stronger, doing everything she could for her confidence. This distinction between the two only served to further emphasis the height differential between them, as now the comparatively meek Kirra ironically towered over the feisty and battle-ready Brandy by a full foot.

They arrived on the scene and staked out the museum where the exhibit was taking place. After an hour or so, a van rolled by and a group of men in loose fitting, similarly colored clothes poured out. With an odd black, hot pink and neon green color scheme, they matched the description given for the gang they were after. Inside, through the large windows, a few people could be seen hurriedly rushing around in a panic, as they clearly recognized the group, giving yet more confirmation. So the two women came out of the shuttle and rushed over up the steps after them.

“Hey asshats, you looking for dates?!” Brandy hollered, stopping them just short of entering the museum, as they couldn’t help but look back at her. She continued, her arms outstretched, “You’ll find ‘em right over here… I know plenty pretty l’il things that I’d love to introduce to you boys’ boys...”

The meaning of that likely went over their heads as they marched down the steps and surrounded the two girls. There were six of them in total, enough to bring back some of Kirra’s nerves, but she did her best to hide it. 

“Who the fuck are you two skanks…?” one of them spat. “Gotta be some garbage protesters, dressed like that… oughta be ashamed going around like that, the both of you! I’d tell you to have some self-respect, but that’d be asking way too much of chicks like you… get out of here before we bash your skulls in.”

“Go ahead and try it if you got anything between your legs.” Brandy goaded. 

“What did you say, bitch?!” he yelled back as he reared back for a punch. He was much slower than Brandy was though, and before he even uncorked his shot, she’d stepped in and grabbed him by the shoulders, putting herself too close to hit, before powering her knee into his unsuspecting groin.

The man went down to his knees howling as the other five swarmed in on the two girls. One swiftly grabbed Kirra from behind and though she shouted in surprise, her training quickly took over as she bent over and rammed her backside into the man’s crotch with just barely enough to force to get him to loosen his grip. She then took a step forward and unleashed a back kick, the spiked heel of her stiletto stabbing into his nuts, barely protected by his skinny jeans. As he doubled over, wailing in agony, she turned and delivered a knee to the side of his head that seemed to knock him out on contact.

The other four all went for Brandy. She got two with a leaping splits kick, the bottoms of her feet blasting the chests of the two men and then she went down to her knees, just in time to avoid the punch and elbow of her other two aggressors respectively. From there, her evil grin spread as she let fly both fists, a furious punch in either man’s groin. This took the both of them down onto the pavement, kneeling over to try and protect their nuts. Brandy stood up before them and then let loose one big sweeping kick that caught the both of them, right after another, across the side of their heads, rocking them and knocking them out cold. Their two limp bodies slid down the concrete steps.

Kirra swiftly moved in on one of the men that Brandy had taken down with her splits kick, as they were both stirring and groaning. As she approached the first of them, he’d made it up to one knee and reached up weakly towards her. “Ah, I know what you’re reaching for… here.” she responded, reacting by calmly pulling out one of her tasers and sticking it into the side of his neck, sending a huge surge of voltage into his body, making him quiver helplessly before crumpling onto his back. From there, she leapt onto him, landing with both knees onto his groin. His upper body buckled upwards as he yelled in agony, and from there he caught a swift elbow to the face that put him out like a light.

“Hrm, this is way easier than I expected...” Kirra pondered, wondering if she really had become so much stronger than she realized.

She was brought back to fear quickly though when the other man grabbed her by the hair, having recovered faster than she anticipated. As he yanked her up, panic set in and she yelled as she turned towards him. She fired three swift jabs to his nuts that stopped him dead in his tracks, and as he released Kirra, she stood up straight and launched a snap kick into his crotch, the sharp point of her stiletto stabbing into his testicles. 

The punches served to pulverize nicely. The guy clearly didn’t have remotely the same pain tolerance that most of Verpa’s men had, let alone those that Kirra had been training with, because this pointed kick to his sensitive balls was enough to make him pass out from the pain, the man had blacked out before he’d even hit the pavement. 

“Wow… these guys are wimps…!” she gasped.

“I’ll say...” Brandy laughed as she’d turned to the first man, still tending to his balls from that first shot. She laughed as she mockingly pat him on the head. 

“Rrrrngh smug cunt… you wouldn’t be laughing if the boss came out with us...” he spat as he fought to stand upright. Brandy just watched and smirked, amused by his plight. Eventually he got the will to throw a kick her way. She easily blocked this, grabbing his ankle and holding it to her hip as she uncorked a kick, her shin blasting his hands as they continued protecting his balls.

This broke a few fingers, as well as still getting through to his nuts well enough, earning a blood-curdling scream of agony. From there, Brandy simply shoved his leg up as far as it could go, taking him off-balance and tripping him onto his back, his hands flying backwards in a vain attempt to catch himself. The back of his head slammed roughly into a concrete step and just like that, he was asleep.

“Damn, we really are good!” Brandy beamed as held onto the man’s leg and opted to reach down to grab the other one, holding them up in the shape of a V. “That was so much easier than I thought it would be, heh...”

“Yeah! Same here, but uh…” Kirra murmured as she scanned around, looking at the bodies strewn all over the stairway, most of them holding their groins, all of them having received atleast one huge ballshot. She continued, “I’m starting to think I understand what Baron was getting at. We probably DO go for the balls way too often.”

“What are you talking about? We made mincemeat out of them!” Brandy argued without turning to look at her, instead absentmindedly stomping on the gang members balls repeatedly as she spoke. “I mean come on… I know Baron’s too good for it to work, but that’s ‘cause he’s with the Order! The people they fight are nowhere near as tough… I saw that for myself, any man that’s so insecure as to beat and abuse women is gonna be a weakling like these dudes, simple as that.”

“Wanna bet…?” a deep voice came from behind them.

The two girls whirled around to see a large figure stepping out from the gang’s van. Dressed in the same gaudy colors, the man was clearly a head taller than his compatriots and looked significantly more muscular, a very broad and chest and shoulders shown off well by his unbuttoned button-up. 

“Who’re you, the team mascot?” Brandy quipped.

“I’m Devlin. And I’m your demise.” he growled.

Brandy laughed at his overly edgy response and nudged her partner. “My God, can you believe this guy?!”

She was staring nervously at him for a few months but her friend’s attitude lightened her mood and she chuckled. “He may be big but that doesn’t mean he’s any better a fighter than his cohorts, I suppose. Yes… I think we should take him down just as easily as we dealt with the rest.”

Silently Devlin gestured for them to come down to him. They ran down the steps and at once, launched into flying kicks, both aimed for his head. But the man managed to duck this and they had to adjust mid-air to land on their feet behind him. He rushed them and managed to clip Brandy’s legs out from under her before she could even turn around, showing off surprising speed for his size. His power was also undeniable as he hit her in the back of the shin with the force of a freight train and she screamed in misery as she collapsed to the pavement. 

Kirra turned in time to see the imposing man shoot to his feet before her. 

“Uh… u-u-uh, I...” she stammered, before launching a swift desperation kick between his legs, hoping beyond hope that her pointed stiletto could get another easy KO and put this new scary man to bed. 

But no dice, just like Baron he was able to grab her by the ankle, stopping her leg short of making impact with his nuts. She stood there on one leg for the briefest of seconds in which she realized that she was already doomed. The man reached forward and grabbed her by the throat with his free hand. Having her caught from two ends now, he was able to lift her up into the air like this and slam her roughly onto the steps, the concrete nailing her from behind at four different spots of her head, back and legs. She let out a high pitched sobbing scream, having never landed quite so brutally in her life.

Brandy was still tending to her leg on the pavement when the brute reached down and grabbed her by her hair, yanking her up a feet few feet off the ground. She flailed her legs uselessly, unable to stop him from hoisting her up and tossing her up the stairs. She rolled on impact, her head slamming into the steps twice as she involuntarily flipped her way up. The first contact caused her to black out for a split second, only for the other hit to wake her up again. 

As Devlin marched up the steps to follow up on this, Kirra meekly reached into her utility built. She pulled out an actual projectile stungun and fired it at him. It launched out a wire that sought to cling itself to the man, but his reflexes were quite stunning as he managed to sidestep this. A second later he was up in front of Kirra. He reached down and swiped the stungun, making her watch as he crushed it in his hand. 

“Oh… Oh God...” she whispered to herself, her heart sinking as it dawned on her just how outmatched she was. 

The man smiled at her fear, and proceeded to leap up into a pump kick, the bottom of his shoe blasting her in the chest and again slamming her against the solid steps of the museum. He proceeded to reach down and grab her by the throat before continuing his march up the steps, dragging her roughly up the stairs. 

Brandy laid there, prone a couple steps up as the man approached. But right when he was but a few feet away, she sprung to life, revealing that she was playing possum, sitting up and yelling a “HIYAH!” as she aimed a full force punch towards his crotch. 

With one hand he caught her wrist, her attempt at taking him off-guard failing completely. He released Kirra’s neck as he pulled Brandy to her feet before powering his freed up fist directly into her womanhood. Brandy tried to downplay her suffering but could not contain her sobbing moan.


Devlin let her fall again, just to show that he could, before grabbing her by the hair, and again taking up Kirra by the throat. Callously he dragged them, letting the smack against every step on the way up as he made his way towards the double door. Without any hesitation, he kicked them right open and tossed the two girls inside, much to the shock and horror of the crowd that had gathered inside. 

“How much did you see…? Did you fine folks figure out what was going on?” he asked as he scanned the room of petrified faces. “I think you did. I think you were rooting for these two… that’s unfortunate. You let yourselves get swept up into a popular lie, that women might actually be able on the same level as men. These two brave, courageous fighters… they serve as prime examples of your silly little ideal… and that being the case… I want you all to watch closely. Watch what I do to them...”

He stepped inside and stomped down onto first Kirra’s stomach and then Brandy. He knelt down and sent a series of vicious punches to each of their faces, his rock solid fists smashing their cheeks and noses. He finished by flattening his hands out, the point of his fingers becoming sharp… sharp enough to penetrate human flesh. Slowly, ignoring the horrified screams and begging of the men and women alike inside that museum, he pushed his hands towards the front of each girl’s throat, making it all too clear what his intent was. 

“This revolution has gone on a few decades too long.” he mumbled. “Time to snuff it out, once and for all...”

He reached back, ready to plunge his hands directly through the girl’s throats, killing them instantly. But at the last possible second, a sound made him hesitate… and a flash of red and blue light out of the corner of his eye got him to turn his head. He saw, quite unmistakably, a few police cars nearing the building. The women had succeeded in stalling the gang long enough for the cops to arrive before they could do what they came to do.

Annoyed, Devlin stepped off the two girls and rushed back to his gang’s van. Kirra meekly tilted her head up to watch as he entered it by himself, not even attempting to revive any of his friends or carry them inside. She reached into her utility and pulled out her cell phone. Watching closely through her blurred vision, she waited for him to enter the car and ride off, at which point she snapped a picture of it from behind.

Just after accomplishing this, she passed out…

--- A Few Hours Later ---

Kirra awoke in an infirmary… having been beaten soundly, she was slow to move, trying to sit up but quickly regretting it and laying back down. She glanced over to the next bed where Brandy sat, staring at her feet. 

“A-Are… you okay…?” Kirra asked.

“No.” Brandy grimly replied. “...Our first mission was a failure. We weren’t even close to ready for that, he destroyed us.”

“Yeah...” Kirra replied. “And I imagine if the police ever caught up with them, he’d kill them all to escape. But… I did manage… to take a picture of his license plate… nngh, I know… just with what we have in our shuttle, we can trace his location from that...”

Brandy whipped her head over to her, a fire in his eyes. “Holy shit, really…?! So then it’s not over… we can still catch him!”

Kirra weakly nodded.

“Awesome… we have another chance then.” she remarked, pumping her fist, ignoring her wince. “Another shot at taking that guy on...”

“Wh-what…?!” she gasped. “Hold on, no… we can’t… Brandy, we’re far from good enough to take on someone like him right now. I just took that picture so we could help out the next warrior they send to finish this. They need an elite for him...”

The brunette shook her head. “No no, hell no! Fuck that! Our first mission will NOT be a failure! We aren’t going back there as losers!”

“C-C’mon...” Kirra pleaded as she struggled to sit up. “Listen, they just got their intel wrong, they didn’t realize they were sending us to face someone like him, I’m certain of that. They thought the whole gang was like the guys we beat up. And we… ngh, still did good. I’m sure the cops got all of them and… and we kept them from doing any damage at the museum… and we got the license plate for the Order to work off of, this was a huge success, it-”

“Not for me.” Brandy growled, as she forced herself out of bed with a wince, her hospital gown stretched tightly across her womanly chest as she made her way over to where they were keeping their clothes. “Ngh… the mission is not a success… until it’s finished. I know… that we can beat that guy. We just have to know what we’re doing.”

“But we don’t! And we’re not going to learn on the ride over!” Kirra barked, speaking up for once. “Don’t be stupid, I’m not about to walk into the lion’s den just to get killed and I won’t let you go either!”

Brandy turned around and shouted, “That son of a bitch has to pay! And since it’s our mission, it’s up to us!”

After a bit of a pause, Kirra began to sob, which took Brandy quite off-guard. The former wept, “Brandy. I… back there, when I was caught with his hands around my throat… I felt so helpless. So overwhelmed and powerless… he could just, have his way with me however he wanted, it… it was like I was in those chains all over again...”

A tear ran down her cheek as Brandy turned away. “...I know. I know, Kirra, but… did you see those people in there? ...He was right, I think. I think they did look at us as representing a movement, because we are… we took the fight to sexism itself. We stood up for them and then… we failed. We gave them hope, the way Sheena gave to every woman that Verpa had enslaved, and then it was dashed. I could see it in their eyes, Kirra...”

A few heavy seconds passed, before Brandy opened the clothes box and retrieved her fighting gear. Quietly she got changed and then stood straight, adjusting her breasts to their snug fit. “...I won’t make you go, but there’s nothing you can say to stop me. Goodbye, Kirra. It’s been awesome training with you...”

She turned to walk away. She made it halfway through the doorframe before she heard a stark, “Wait!”

Brandy turned to see Kirra fighting her way out of the bed, moaning in pain as she made it to her feet. “If you’re doing this… you definitely need a plan to make it work. And you damn sure can’t do it alone...” she smirked, as she wiped a tear from her cheek.

The two women embraced, their bond strengthened as they prepared to take on a foe that seemed far, far beyond their level. But were they on a suicide pact…? What could they do to overcome this? Would Kirra and Brandy’s first mission… be their last?

To be continued...

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