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  • Comissioned by Superblue

“YES! It’s Sunday, it’s Sunday!!” 

That rally-cry filled the air as Tails, the two-tailed teenage fox, burst excitedly from his house and raced into the city, with a pen and a pad of paper in hand. He’d never been quite that excited in the morning. And considering where he was headed, he wasn’t exactly amped for church…

He raced through the streets, his two tails fluttering madly to help propel him forward all the faster. He stopped at a crosswalk, impatiently fidgeting and hopping back and forth on one foot. As he waited there, he looked up and that’s when he saw it there in the air, slowly passing by a skyscraper. An enormous, iconically designed spacecraft, that almost looked like a running, steel fox.

Many other fellow pedestrians turned their heads up in awe at the sight, and a few began to cheer. Tails, could only stare on in wonder, stunned silent by the majesty, a little tear going down his cheek.

It was the one and only Great Fox…

For those select few not in the know, the Great Fox was the mothership of a famed band of (mostly!) benevolent mercenaries known as Star Fox. They were hailed as heroes across the Lylat System and now, even in Mobius’ general airspace, for aiding in the fall of many a tyrannical ruler whenever war came to plague the stars. 

While it’d grown to enlist the help of many an anthropomorphized animal in it’s time, it’s still led by a fox (named Fox!) and it’s second-in-command these days is a fox as well. That likely aided Tails’ interest in them, but it was his love of flight that made them heroes, as they boasted perhaps the best team of spacecraft pilots in all the galaxy.

Tails never once imagined they would come here to his hometown, but after securing hosting of the 409X Intergalactic Olympics, (I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m making this up as I go because I am dead serious) the city managed to convince the beloved team to do an aerial routine and fly-over for the games’ opening ceremonies! Tails wasn’t much for sports but he was never gonna miss that!

As fast as he could, he rushed over to where the Great Fox appeared to have landed, all-too-eager to get a closer look and maybe even meet someone on the crew! He’d have been thrilled to see any of them, except for maybe Slippy Toad… ah, who was he kidding? Any member of Star Fox was a superstar in his book!

These thoughts were racing through his head as he turned a corner and ran headlong into an enormous, bouncy pair of breasts. He came off ‘em like he’d just hit one of these star-spangled springs his friends love so much and hit the sidewalk in a daze, dropping his pen and paper. It was soft and cozy, and reminded him of his beautiful night a few weeks ago… 

“Oh… uh, sorry about that.”

He looked up to see Miyu, an exotic, beautiful orange Lynx. She was scratching the back of her head, obviously a bit embarrassed at such a contact with a stranger. Her breasts were still jiggling from the impact. Beside her stood Fay, a white, long-furred, long-eared dog lady, who looked quite startled. Both of them wore their standard uniforms, which thankfully consisted of skintight leather and spandex, showing off every contour. 

Tails was floored at the sight… he was a fan of them both of course, but he never realized just how shapely their figures were, the TV did NOT do them justice at all...

“Whoops! Poor thing, are you okay?” Fay asked as she reached down to give him a hand. As she bent over, he noticed she’d unzipped her outfit a touch to show off some modest cleavage… and he got quite the view of it from that angle. 

“I-I’m f-f-fine...” Tails sheepishly replied.

Timidly he accepted her hand, gripping it shakily as she helped him to his feet. Only once he stood, did he notice the third woman standing behind them. 

“Are you sure? That seemed like you went down pretty hard...” she remarked, in an accent that immediately got something stirring inside of the horny teen. Fay and Miyu spread apart to reveal the one and only Krystal, an absolutely gorgeous blue and white fox. Though she wore a blue bodysuit similar to the other pilots, she had the air of a Native American princess, likely something to do with her living most of her life surviving alone with nothing but a mystical staff and a pet pterodactyl as she looked to protect her homeworld. 

Tails’ mouth was agape, he couldn’t hide his shock in the slightest. He got nervous just looking at pictures of Krystal before, to actually be in her presence was unreal. He knew plenty of beautiful women but he’d never been struck so hard by any ladies’ elegance the way he had with her. Not only was she relentlessly well-endowed, but she was as strong as she was sexy, it was impossible for him not to be enamored. 

“...Hello?” she spoke up, making Tails realize he’d just been standing there staring like an idiot.

“Uh… uh…” he muttered.

She glanced down to see what he’d dropped, his pen and notepad lying to his right. “Here, let me get that for you, hon.”

Krystal stepped up close enough that Tails could just barely feel her breath on his cheek and turned her back to him ever-so-slightly before bending down to reach for his things. The sight of her ass like that damn near knocked out the horny teen, and I mean that literally, for a moment he began to feel faint. Perhaps from the blood rapidly rushing from his head to something else… it was mercilessly large and shapely and the outline was apparent in that costume.

Tails clapped his hands around his mouth to contain his gasp, he simply couldn’t look away. Miyu rolled her eyes at his lust as Fay merely giggled. Krystal seemed oblivious to all this as she turned and handed him his things. “Here you go. Where you headed with this, friend?”

As he accepted his pen and notepad, he quietly answered, his lips quivering, “I-I-I was headed to meet you, actually… y-y-you’re all from Star Fox! I’m… such a b-b-big fan!” 

There was no hiding the excitement, which bore on anxiety. Krystal smiled sweetly and that only made it worse. 

“Ohhh, such a sweet boy.” she cooed, a hand on his shoulder, which again just about knocked him right back down onto the ground. “Then, I suppose that pad is for us to sign…?”

“Uh… oh, um… well if, if it’s not too much to ask, I guess I er...” he stuttered helplessly. 

Miyu smirked and shook her head as the other two chuckled at his nervousness. With a sigh she relented, “Don’t have a heart attack on us, kid. Give it here, we’ll be happy to give you some autographs.” 

“Yuss!” Fay barked, her tail wagging excitedly. Sheepishly he handed it off and the three of them passed it around, signing their names on their own pages. He felt like it he was being given some kind of priceless treasure by the time it got back to him. 

Feeling himself sweat from his nerves, Tails instinctively raised his fist up and they were all quite surprised to see a little hidden mechanism reveal itself from out of the wrist of his glove. It sprang four little propellers and quickly began to spin, a small but relatively powerful fan blowing through his fur.

“Whoa! What’s that, what’s that?!” the dog girl asked, starting to bounce up and down excitedly… which made for a nice little show.

“Oh uh… it’s, well, it’s an invention of mine. Not one of my better ones really, but it comes in handy sometimes...” he answered, shyly.

“You invent gadgets?!” Fay yelped.

“At your age…?” Miyu inquired.

He blushed at their clear interest, trying to hide his face a bit as he answered, “Well I… I tinker with stuff. Mostly I make airplanes. And mechs… that can, turn into airplanes...”

That would sound like a joke if not for the way he played it off. All three women shared a glance before Krystal gave him a pat on the shoulder. “My, my… cute AND smart. A deadly combination… tell me, what is your name?”

“What… me?” he asked, his face turning bright red from the attention. “Uh, everyone calls me Tails...”

Another girly giggle ensued, before Krystal put a hand to his face and purred, “Well Tails, how’d you like to come with us for a tour of the Great Fox...? You can meet the rest of the team!”

His face lit up at that proposition. This was an utterly unbelievable day for the young fox. He was shown all around the enormous ship, in wonder the entire time. He got to study R.O.B up close and get a sense of what made the navigational droid tick. He listened bright-eyed and literally bushy-tailed like an eager student to one of old bunny Peppy’s speeches of wisdom, got made fun of by the notorious falcon, Falco (like he always dreamed!) and found that he related to Slippy much more than he felt comfortable admitting… but of course the best part was meeting his absolute idol Fox, who was every bit as cool as he thought he’d be. He even let him hold his blaster… and no, that’s not a euphemism, shut up.

Once it was done, Krystal saw him off with a kiss to the forehead that came with the slightest little glow to her lips. The kiss took him way off-guard, and he finally began to faint, luckily being caught in her waiting arms. 

He awoke an hour later, having been tucked into a guest bed on the Great Fox. He assumed Krystal did that, and thoroughly enjoyed envisioning it. As he crept out of bed, he began to think about something he picked up during the tour… he caught wind of where the Star Fox crew were staying until their big show, a special hotel spa known as Indigo.

Having learned his lesson from his last sexual encounter, he had on a pair of tight undies that he’d managed to hide under his fur, and it hid a massive erection. He was overcome with lust from the women he’d met, especially Krystal, and he just had to see them again as soon as possible. 

They’d only be staying for a few days and then, who knows if he’d ever have another chance? He felt he had no choice but to head over to the place. 

“Sorry buddy, no can do.” said Judy, the police captain bunny as she held out a denying hand, blocking him at the entrance. “We aren’t allowing any more guests today.”

“B-But Star Fox is in there…” he pleaded. “I’m a massive fan and-”

“That’s exactly why!” she replied. “They don’t want to be hounded by fans and paparazzi or God forbid those weirdo Andross apologists… they’ve requested their privacy and the hotel has agreed to let them stay on their own. I’m afraid you’ll have to leave, little guy.”

Tails was dejected, but not deterred. He headed home with a newfound resolve. And he did what he did best… he tinkered. Specifically with the device around his wrist; he needed something a lot more than a fan so he replaced it with a new invention, a watch that could turn him invisible. That part was easy, what was trickier was sealing off his odor, to ensure none of the staff with more keen noses could sniff him out. 

It took him only a matter of hours to work out the kinks and take this new invention out for a field test. He went out into the night back to Indigo, where he easily slipped past the guards. After some searching, he managed to find the room he was looking for… one with an enormous hottub and the three beautiful women he’d met earlier that day. 

Fay and Miyu were already in the hottub, sighing as they let the rippling warm water run across their lithe bodies. Fay wore a pink one-piece low cut bathing suit, and by low cut I mean down to her belly-button low, showing off her huge cleavage to a wicked extent. Miyu wore a red microbikini, thin fabric covering her nipples but basically exposing every other part of her breasts, and a thong that covered only the bare minimum to even be considered clothed. 

Meanwhile, Krystal walked towards the pool with a large blue robe on. She let it fall to the wayside, revealing her own bikini, dark blue with white polka dots. It would’ve stood out a lot on most people but this actually blended in perfectly with her fur, which allllmost made it seem like she wasn’t wearing anything at all…

“So what do you think… a barrel roll for both directions followed by a flip, or a flip followed by the barrel roll? Which is cooler…?” Miyu asked.

“Mmmm, they both seem exciting!” Fay replied. “Heehee, everybodies’ gonna love it...”

As they spoke, Tails slowly tiptoed his way into the room and stood as close to it as he could without running any risk of them bumping into him. Ironic really, considering he’d love nothing more than to touch them, but he had to keep his cover.

So he knelt there, hidden even though he really didn’t have much of a hiding place. After some thought, though, he opted to go behind a nearby plant with a raised vase, figuring that would atleast do well to hide what he was about to do.

He felt a pang of guilt as he prepped his next action, but he was already spying lustfully after these women so he reasoned his moral compass wasn’t gonna get any more off-track for it. With that in mind, the invisible, fully cloaked fox unleashed his OTHER recent invention… a spray of pheromone that wafted through the room and slowly made it’s way through the whole building. Even he was affected, his lust intensifying as he gazed at the beautiful bodies before him.

It took a bit, but it seemed to take effect as Miyu began caressing her stomach and licking her lips… she gazed longingly at Krystal across from her, who returned her grin. Marching through the murky water, she asked, “Hey, uh… we’re just coming off a long tour, isn’t it true that you and Fox haven’t been able to mess around in a while?”

“Mmm… it’s true, and I haven’t had any time to take care of myself either… it’s been a lonely time...” she lamented. 

“Well… why don’t we have a little fun of our own?” Miyu quipped, gazing at her supple frame. “I don’t think he’d mind… hell if he saw us, I bet he’d take pictures...”

“Hmhmhm, I think you’re right about that...” Krystal giggled. 

That gave Tails an idea… he quickly pulled out his phone and began to take pictures. Fortunately the cloak affected anything he was touching as well, so it was as invisible as he was, but he managed to use it through muscle memory anyway. 

Miyu came in closer and began to feel up the blue fox, running her hands up and down her curves… she caressed her face as she moved in and kissed her neck. Krystal moaned as Fay hungrily watched on… but when Miyu’s hands crept beneath her bikini top, she grabbed her wrists to stop her.

“Oh, no… I’m sorry, but, no one other than Fox has ever seen or touched my nipples and I want to keep it that way.” she informed her as she gently pushed her hands away. “It’s… important to me.”

“Oh… well, I, guess I understand...” she sulked as she backed away.

“Don’t worry I’m here!” Fay yelled as she came over and gave Miyu a nice smack on the ass, making her jump in surprise. Before she could even turn around, the friendly dog girl was pressed up against her, hugging her from behind, her hands running across the lynx’s fairly defined abdomen.

“Whoa! What’s gotten into you?!” Miyu asked, taken off-guard by her forwardness. 

Fay blushed a little but didn’t take it back. “I-I don’t know… I guess just, after so much time holding back, I feel like I’m ready to explode! Mmm, er, not like that… b-but also yes, very much like that!!”

Fay came from an aristocratic family with a rather sheltered upbringing, and it was a long held rumor that she was a virgin. That was perhaps the case, as it seemed like years of built-up lust were finally gushing out the moment the pheromone got to her.

Miyu slipped out of her grasp with a mischievous smirk as she turned to her. “Sorry but I like to be the one in charge… and honey, if that’s how you feel, there’s only one thing to be done for you. I’mma give you the Miyu Special~”

She put her hands to her shoulders and guided her backwards until she was sitting on the edge of the tub. Miyu followed her out, the water flowing majestically off of her fantastic body as she sat in Fay’s awaiting lap. “Never done this with a chick but I got a feeling it’ll work just fine...” Miyu noted as she pressed her enormous, supple ass into her crotch, running it up and down her womanhood. 

Fay looked like she was already melting at this, as Miyu showed off quite the skill at lapdances. They didn’t list that one anywhere on her fansite! Tails was completely blown away by the sight, he’d been taking pictures in one hand and jacking off in the other ever since Miyu was feeling up Krystal. 

As Fay began to moan, Miyu teased her by stripping off her top only to refuse to turn around and show her her large, bouncing breasts… but Tails and Krystal got an eyeful of ‘em, and they were glorious. The pooch reached around and tried to fondle them, but Miyu tauntingly kept them out of her reach until finally she spin around, grinding her ass deeper in the process, and ended up gently slapping Fay in the face with her tits. 

This left her stunned, and Miyu took advantage, grabbing at her swimsuit and spreading it apart, revealing Fay’s own luscious breasts. She swiftly dove headlong into them, giving her an intense motorboating session, all the while her talented ass continued to run up and down her crotch. Before long the inexperienced Fay was overwhelmed by lust and came to a (literally) howling orgasm.

Miyu laughed at how easy that was as she stood up and took Fay by the hand. “That fast, eh? I have much to teach you, honey… come with me to my room, I’ll show you some more of my tricks~”

“Pleasedopleasedo!” Fay panted. 

Eagerly she accepted her hand and let her guide her out of the hot tub and away to the hall. Tails considered following them, but that would mean pausing his masturbation, so instead he kept his eyes trained diligently on Krystal.

She tried to relax in the hot tub, but as she delicately shook her chest, it seemed she was uncomfortable. Her nipples were poking furiously through her bikini top, fully hardened after watching Miyu have her way with Fay and the feeling of them against her swimsuit seemed to bother her. 

With no one around, as far as she knew, she opted to untie and take off her top, laying it behind her, exposing her big, bouncy, beautiful, bodacious breasts, freed to the world with a mighty jiggle. Tails’ jaw hit the floor, as she gave them a little shake to air ‘em out, letting them sway massively back and forth. Krystal leaned back and instantly began to relax again, moaning as she slowly sunk into the water, letting the steamy warmth and titillating bubbles tickle her heaving titties…

This was far, far more than the horny teen was ready for, he had never even imagined a pair of breasts that looked that incredible. They were like sculpted works of art, utter masterpieces, a triumph of the feminine form. He struggled to even hold his phone still as he worked himself over vigorously. But he managed to snap one truly magnificent picture before clasping the phone to his mouth to desperately avoid screaming as he came massively, bigger than he ever had by his own hand before.

He atleast had the wherewithal to make sure it all came down on the floor behind the vase, which is good because otherwise it could’ve spurted all the way into the water or even onto her immaculate body, such was the intensity of this orgasm. 

As he finished spurting semen, Krystal sunk deeper into the water, enough to hide her breasts under it’s white murkiness. A curious look crossed her face, as she seemed to sense something… a certain feeling…

Lust… and not her own, but in that room. She scanned around and saw nothing, but nonetheless called out, “Who’s in here?! Come out now!”

Hearing that took Tails right out of his stupor and shook him to his core, he was so frightened at the thought of being caught that he didn’t think about the fact that he was invisible. Rather than try and make a stealthy getaway, he audibly yelped and flew off at max speed. He burst through the door and out into the hall, but was going much too fast. He slammed into the wall, and in the process, shattered his new watch… undoing the cloak, revealing him to the world, his now semi-erect cock and balls and all...

He just kept going, what else could he do? But as he was plainly visible, when he got to the front desk, his attempt at flying past the guards didn’t go so well. “Hey, stop r-r-right there!” Judy cried as she saw him approach, pulling her hand out of her pants. But he ignored her and flew as hard as he could towards the door.

To his surprise, she pulled out what looked like a harpoon and fired it, and the next thing he knew, he was encapsulated in an electrified net that tightened around him, zapping him as he fell helplessly to the floor. He began to struggle, but found that his every movement led to another shock… he quickly ceased and held perfectly still to avoid feeling any more volts. 

“You’re… ngh, under arrest...” Judy groaned as she reached back down her pants and began to fondle herself, confirming that his lust-inducing pheromone spray had spread through the whole building. “Mmmm, taking you in… r-right after I finish...”

Much to her frustration, she got a phone call right then and there. Quick to pick up her cell, she yelled, “What?!”

“Judy, is that you…?” Krystal asked, having pulled her phone out from her robe. “Listen I think I just had a peeping tom in here… I didn’t see him but I KNOW someone ran out the door. Can you do a search for me?”

“Ohh I don’t think that’ll be necessary...” she grinned. “We just caught the perv out here, trying to run away. And he’s more like a peeping fox, really… heh.”

“Oh wow… well, great work, then.” she replied, surprised by how quick that was. “In that case, can you please hold him there for me?”

“Mmmph sure thing...” she moaned as she rubbed the crotch of her pants. “Do you uh… ooof, mind if I t-toy with him for a while first…? He is… really cute...”

She wasn’t expecting that, but after a few moments to contemplate, she replied. “Sure… in fact, please do, that will help me tremendously. I’ll be there in… well, I’ll be there…”

Krystal hung up and then sunk back into the water, running her hands across her bared breasts and down between her legs. She was just as horny as anyone and needed to take the time for herself...

Tails found himself regretting his life choices as he was painfully dragged to a bench in the lobby. His ears were ringing and his vision was blurred from the electricity, but he could vaguely identify Judy’s voice. Two other feminine figures walked up and they all knelt down by the net. As they cut him free from it’s electrified confines and pulled his limp (aside from his cock) body out from it, he started to recognize them. 

The grey bunny had been joined by Marine, a honey-brown raccoon and Fiona, a red fox. Both of them wore police outfits similar to Judy’s, but they seemed to have the same problem as Krystal did, their nipples so rigid that they just had to open up their tops to reveal them, just poking out above their bras. The two of them sat him down on a bench and briskly searched him, getting remarkably handsy in the process.

They confiscated his phone and quickly found the pictures of Krystal. “Ooooh damn, those are incredible...” Marine gasped. 

“But you shouldn’t be having them, you dirty little perv...” Fiona moaned as her partner hid the phone on her person.

The three cops all took out handcuffs… his arms and legs were swiftly shackled to the bench, with only give for him to barely stand up… and Judy actually did the same to his cock, a cuff tightly binding around his solid shaft.

“I-Is that necessary…?” he asked, weakly.

“100%.” Judy nodded.

“Wh-what are you going to...” he began to ask, but his question was answered when Marine and Fiona sat beside him and came in to kiss his face and rub his chest, one of them managing to single out a nipple and stroke it lovingly. Meanwhile, Judy turned around and stepped back, shoving her ass into his rigid member. 

Only then did it occur to him that she wore yoga pants, and only then did it occur to him just how tight-clinging and thin they happened to be. And my word, was her ass enormous… it hungrily took Tails’ erect cock in between the cheeks and started going up and down the shaft…

“Nnnggh oh… ohhhh my God...” he grunted. He didn’t intend for his pheromone to go so far, so this confused him. “Wh-what… why…? Why are you, nnngh, acting like this… ohh my, don’t stop, but, why…?”

“Because you’re a baaaad boy...” Judy whispered. “Mmmmm so bad… so bad we haaaave to punish yoooouuu… isn’t that right, girls?”

“MMmm hell yeah...” Fiona murmured as she nibbled on his ear. 

“Much, much too naughty… hmhmhm…” Marine agreed, as she kissed and suckled his neck over and over.

Judy began to speed up, bringing her ass up and down swiftly, intensifying the friction… Tails began to moan longingly and loudly, his body twitching as he struggled to contain himself… he could only watch as that enormous ass bounded up and down, bouncing and rippling with her movements.

But as the feeling intensified, something seemed off… his howls reached a crescendo and his body convulsed like he was about to cum, but then… he didn’t. 

“Rrrrrraaaaauugh what… wha is this…?!” Tails shrieked, much to the cruel laughter of the officers. 

“Poor boy… that handcuff around your cock is at the peeeerfect place to fuck up your orgasm… the rest of your genitals work just fine but you can’t quite cum, can you? No matter how intense it gets…”

With that, she speed up even further, and just to add to it, Marine and Fiona simultaneously brought their bare feet out to meet his dick. They squeezed his cock ruthlessly between their feet as they ran them up and down his pulsating member, their toes squeezing and playing with the head of his cock as they ruthlessly teased and jacked his penis. Leaning in, they pushed their tits up against his shoulder, making it impossible to ignore how much they were just coming out of their tops…

The sexual pleasure reached a peak and then… it became too much, a feeling he’d never had before crept into his loins. He’d never truly felt blueballed before, but it was happening now and it was far more intense than he’d ever guessed. 

As this went on, Judy slowly peeled off her top and kicked off her shoes, then put a stop to her little buttjob just long enough to pull her pants down. By the time she stopped stripping she was in nothing but her panties… and then she just sat right down on his lap. Thanks to her partners-in-blueballing-crime, the cock was in prime position for her to come down onto the top of it. 

He could feel her bare ass against his extremely stiff member now, her cheeks coming down around the sides as the soft texture of her panties brushed gently across his foreskin… she showed off her muscle control, squeezing her ass to hug his rock hard dick. 

If not for that damn pair of cuffs, Tails would’ve come atleast three times over by that point. He was starting to lose his senses, his whole world becoming little more than tits, asses and swaying hips… 

“You?!” a familiar voice rang out.

He was immediately brought back to reality when he heard that, and he stared forward to see Krystal in the doorway. She’d changed into her usual outfit, though her nipples were still studiously trying to tear holes through it as she stepped into the lobby.

“Yep, this is the guy… little Tails, I can’t believe it...” Judy explained as she continued riding his cock. “Although uh… mmph, seems like everyone’s got the horny bug today...”

Krystal approached all too casually as the three women continued triple-teaming his thoroughly teased prick. As she did, Marine reached into her voluptuous cleavage and pulled out Tails’ smartphone. 

“It’s the boy’s...” she mumbled as she toyed with it, showing off the shot of Krystal, topless in the hot tub. 

Her eyes went wide as she swiftly grabbed the phone and got a closer look, a quiet growl escaping her lips as she seethed, “So he DID see them…”

As if bottling all that aggression up, she took a deep breath and continued, “Very well. If you three would be so kind, I’d like to ask that you leave him to me.”

“Fine by me...” Judy moaned as she stood up. “Come on girls, we have a… a lot to handle… in the spare honeymoon suite...”

Marine and Fiona nodded in agreement as they excitedly sprang up from the bench and the three all of them raced off, many a furiously jiggling giant titty among them as they sprinted upstairs. Krystal turned and sat the horny teen’s phone on a nearby reception desk, taking her time before moving onto him.

Meekly, Tails stood up, barely. “L-Listen, Ms. Krystal… I’m so s-sorry… but let me just… e-explain, I...”

He wasn’t going to get to finish that thought. 

Understandably enraged, the voluptuous blue fox rushed over to the small orange one, grabbing him by the chin before viciously smacking him across the face. Krystal hit much harder than Tails had imagined, as years growing up alone in a jungle world full of carnivorous dinos had made her much stronger than she appeared. And because of her tight grip, his face stayed in place, unable to move with her slap to help absorb any of the impact. 

Her arm darted back and forth as her open palm crashed against the bewildered teen’s face time and again. She got him with one last wicked shot right after releasing his chin, and it hit with enough force to send him onto his two-tailed ass back onto the bench. 

“Aaauugugh… oh God, don’t kill me...” he groveled. “I d-didn’t mean to offend I just… nngh I don’t know I was thinking, I… you’re just so beautiful, I can’t take it!”

Reaching down, she grabbed him by the throat and forced him into the air, hoisting him high above her head. “Listen, you little perv boy… you can’t possibly expect to get away with something like this. You want to see my body…? You want to take pictures? Fine, you can keep them… but only after a severe punishment… and the blueballing of a lifetime!”

The pathetic young fox was helplessly kicking his legs against his shackles when she dropped him. Krystal simply placed her knee in-line with his crotch, letting him fall nutsfirst onto her kneecap. A huge gust of air rushed from his mouth with a pained little squeak, before she met his face with a backhand that took him off of her leg and back onto the bench, where it seemed he would never escape. 

As he mewled miserably, trying to curl up into a little ball, attempting to cover his nuts but denied this by the cuffs, she took a step back and made sure he watched as she dug into the fabric of her skin-tight spandex catsuit, slowly unzipping it to reveal her expanse cleavage. Though he was pained, he was nonetheless enraptured to watch as she completely unzipped her top and started playing with the edges, teasing him with the slightest glimpses… before ripping it open, baring her enormous, bouncing breasts to him… by choice this time!

She turned around before continuing, sliding her pants down and bending over in the process, making sure he had a fine look at her shapely, supple ass, barely covered by her skimpy white panties. She took her time coming back up and stepping out of her shoes. She didn’t stop stripping until those panties were the only things she had on, she even took off the bands that lined her lengthy tail. One of them, she stretched out to use as a gag, pulling it over his mouth. He tried to resist but lacked the strength. 

The other, she didn’t have to stretch out too much as she let it cling tightly to the head of Tails’ still fully erect cock. He winced in discomfort but otherwise didn’t seem affected… in fact he was a little relieved as she followed up by taking off the handcuffs that were locked uncomfortably, and quite cum-restrictively around his member.

“Th-thank you… I needed that off so bad...” he muttered, muffled through the gag.

She grabbed him by the hair and painfully yanked him to his feet once more. “Don’t get too excited… or rather, please do. Because that band will have the same effect… as long as it’s around your little cock, you are not cumming.”

His mouth went agape. His blueballing had already been so intense, and he was STILL going to be denied an orgasm? “N-No wait, please, I-”

She interrupted him quite rudely, with a thunderous kick to his crotch. Vanilla may have toyed with his nuts before, but he had never in his life been seriously kicked in the balls. That his first experience would come at the dangerous leg of Krystal was most unfortunate. He screamed at the top of his lungs in severe pain, and he tried his damnedest to fall. Sadly, his body instinctively tried to bolt forward from the impact, meaning he was trying to fall facefirst… and the cuffs made sure that was not happening. 

So instead, he still stood there, hanging limply by his chains as Krystal reared her leg back. He moaned through the band, “Nooooo...” but she didn’t listen, letting loose a mighty feminine yell as she kicked his bared testicles a second time. Frustratingly, he noticed her breasts swinging up and down as she performed this motion, but couldn’t even get much visual satisfaction from it, considering the state of his balls… which only got worse, as she repeated this, sending kick after powerful kick into his nuts, each coming with a loud thud. 

Because of how he was being held, she didn’t have to worry about him covering up, which meant she didn’t have to go rapid-fire to get several kicks in. Instead she took her time between each shot, letting the pain sink in, and allowing him to see her as she reared back, watching as the next kick soared forward. Cruelly she allowed the young fox to dread the next oncoming blow, but no matter how aware of it and frightened of it he was, he could do nothing to avoid or block it. He could only take it.

She showed no mercy, delivering one savage kick after another for several minutes. After every ten or so, she’d switch legs to keep from tiring. Her legs were so long, thick and powerful, moreso than he realized from seeing her in that binding, slimming suit. 

“This is what you deserve...” she chided between kicks. “Dirty, pervy little foxes get their balls busted, understand?”

“Y-Y-Yesss!” Tails sobbed.

“Oh no, I don’t think you do...” Krystal shook her head, before stepping in and grabbing Tails’ shoulders. She bit her bottom lip as she drove her knee furiously into his exposed, vulnerable balls with a devastating crunch. And before the pain could even set in, she switched up and sent her opposite knee in it’s place.

She repeated this, alternating which knee bashed his bared balls time and again for quite a while, not stopping until he was crying from the pain. She roughly grabbed him via the cheeks with one hand and held up one of her beautiful tits in the other, making sure he got a good look at it. 

“You like my breasts…? You want them?!” she asked. 

He stared straight at them, marveling at how close to his face the one in her hand was. He fumbled briefly for a response, but ultimately just ended up blurting out the truth. His response, though muffled through the gag, was easy enough to make out. 

“Fuck yes, I need them...”

“Then have them…” she hissed.

She grabbed him by the back of the head and pulled him in as she thrust her tit directly into his face. It was so huge and came at him so fast, he was stunned to find that this actually stung. And she repeated this, smacking him wickedly across the cheek with the side of her supple breast. Her rigid nipple dug into his skin as the heavy tit came down hard, in sharp contrast to it’s softness.

After a few shots, she alternated, giving him her left titty instead, constantly shoving it roughly into his cheek. He’d been punched and it’d hurt less… in fact, with how straight-on she bashed his face with her tits, she practically was just punching him with her womanly chest.

Eventually she took this to another level, coming up onto the bench along with him and sitting in his lap, her voluptuous ass just in front of his member as she forced his face into her impeccable cleavage. He moaned deeply from the wonderful sensation but the sweetness didn’t last long, as she began shaking her chest, causing her huge breasts to slap him rapid-fire. She gradually sped up, and the shots became wicked, his head was actually being rocked by her tits, such was the force.

An errant shot landed a nip painfully into his eye and while it’d be some time before he really noticed this himself, her breasts honest to God just gave him a black eye… her tits really used his face as a punching bag.

Krystal didn’t let up until she actually began to tire, as swinging weapons of that size took a lot of energy. As she panted, her desirable chest heaving, she pushed it deeper into Tails’ face, letting her breasts wholly consume his head, fully cutting off his oxygen. She pushed his head against the wall, but he couldn’t even feel that, her tits had entirely embraced him. But it wasn’t the loving embrace of a sweet foreplay smother, this was as aggressive a tit smother as you’ll ever find. 

As she regained her breath, she started to bear down harder, shaking her chest violently as she forced his head every which way. Slamming into the wall back and forth, even though she felt the impact just as much as he did on her currently quite sensitive breasts. 

Eventually she felt the air coming from start to slow down, and she relented just before he would’ve passed out, sliding her tits away. His eyes were glazed over as his attacker slowly came back into focus… right before she again just slapped him right in the face as hard as she could.

That woke him up for her next move, which saw her lay out facefirst on the bench beside him, letting him look up her fine form all the way to that heavenly ass. He longed to touch it, but his shackles refused to even let him try. 

As he was distracted with that, Krystal took a firm grasp of his sensitive, pulsing cock, taking a moment to appreciate how blue his balls were actually starting to look. She opened her mouth and started to inch it closer to the head of his dick, her tongue beginning to come out onto her bottom lip.

“You must be in such distress after all that...” she breathily whispered. “I bet the little guy could use a blowjob, eh…?”

Her playful, mischievous tongue twitched upwards, closer and closer to his penis… Tails simply watched with bated breath. Even knowing he couldn’t cum, the thought that he would ever be able to say that his dream girl sucked his cock would be unreal, and he was so curious as to how good she was at it. Might she be even better than Vanilla…? 

Her lips came achingly, desperately close… but then, she did nothing more than blow on his member. A little gust was the only thing he felt, as she leaned back and began to giggle. “How do you like my blowjob…? Hmhm… I may be teasing you to punish but even that wouldn’t justify such a thing. You’re not worthy of me sucking your dick, not even close, little boy. I’d only ever do that for a MAN...”

Instead, she started pumping the now heartbroken Tails’ cock, running her hands expertly up and down the shaft. “Here’s your consolation prize… I do hear that my hands are as skillful as they are soft...”

That much he could immediately confirm. If not for that damn band it’d have made him cum in seconds… and the feeling only doubled, then tripled as her grip tightened and her hand went faster, powerfully jacking his dick as though she were trying to strangle it. He ended up chewing and clawing enough to get the band out of the way of his mouth, as he screamed and hollered in equal parts pain and pleasure. 

After watching him suffer through this, she released him only to swiftly get on her hands and knees and line her breasts up with his blue balls. She swiftly went back down, slamming her huge tits heavily into his nuts.

He threw his head back and squealed in agony, as she knelt down before him and repeated her earlier tactic of grabbing and shoving her tits, but this time she did it focused squarely on his testicles! She took a tight grasp of his balls with one hand and with the other sent her enormous bosom hurdling in like a wrecking ball right into his scrotum.

His screams echoed throughout the building, joining in with several others… by now every member of Star Fox as well as the police and hotel staff had gotten with a partner, spurred on by the lust that Tails orchestrated and were deep in the process of making frantic love. Somewhat ironic that the one behind it all wasn’t quite in on the fun… 

Krystal continued her onslaught, grabbing her breasts and raising them up into the air, before simply dropping them, again letting them fall with all their considerable weight onto his beaten, tender testes.

“Please… please stop...” Tails groaned. “I’m so s-sorry… aaauugh please, my balls, not my balls...”

“You have no say!” she growled, as she wrapped her breasts around his nuts, looking to add even more pain just to hammer home the point. Showing off some staggeringly developed chest muscles, she began to flex, her unfathomably large tits clenching together tightly. Tails’ shriek was so long and loud that he was completely out of breath, his nuts felt like they were in the world’s softest, smoothest, most supple vice. There was just nothing to aptly compare the sensation to. 

Krystal shook her chest as she bore down even harder with her tits, and even began to crawl backwards with his nuts still firmly trapped in her bosom. Tails stood up on his tip-toes, the only way he could with the handcuffs, following her as much as he had the room to, but found himself quickly at his limit, and she didn’t stop moving.

She slowly but surely pulled his nuts more and more taut, again with nothing but her titties squeezing them tightly. The pressure became immense, the pain extreme… and the horror unreal as Tails began to fear that she would rip them right off.

His still burgeoning sex life flashed before his eyes when he saw Krystal do a quick backwards roll, jerking his testicles to damn near their tearing point, but thankfully they held true, forcing her to return to sitting on her ass instead. 

Finally she let go, but in a flash whisked to her feet and gave him a vicious snap kick to the nuts. Again he began to fall forward, but his handcuffs kept him suspended… in perfect position for her follow up, a truly brutal pumping jump kick that landed square in his poor, poor balls, sending them swinging between his legs.

As Tails again hollered in pain, Krystal zipped in and grabbed his balls, not applying any pressure this time as she growled into his ear. “Tell me… what can I do with these tiny little things…?”

“A-Anything...” he grunted.

She gave them a tight squeeze as she yelled, “SPEAK UP BOY! What can I do with your tiny balls?!”

“Anything you waaaaant!” he groaned.

“That’s right.” she confirmed with another mighty squeeze, a vicious twist and tug of his balls… and just to further solidify things, she grabbed him by the shoulders and delivered another nutcrunching kneelift. For all the world he thought they’d been ruptured by that one, but somehow, someway they stayed in-tact.

With that she shoved him roughly onto the bench and knelt down between his legs, eyeing his cock which miraculously remained solid throughout all that. Only, it really wasn’t. It was another effect of his spray, maintaining an extremely sensitive erection for hours… Tails had intended to jerk off far more than once.

As this thought struck him, he cursed himself for ever making such a thing and also vowed to find a way to package and sell his creation because hot damn would it make him a millionaire, am I right?!

But yes, mostly he cursed it in the moment because it left him open for yet more blueballing and she was happy to deliver it, wrapping her tits around his cock. For a moment he was able to appreciate the simple, lush softness of her huge, cushiony breasts…

And then she squeezed them together again without use of her hands, tightly gripping his dick with her titties as she went up and down his solid shaft yet again, proceeding with the titfuck to end all titfucks.

Vigorously they worked, becoming an enormous white blur as they worked his dick with ruthless speed and aggression. The friction was absolutely off-the-charts, Tails felt like his cock was about to catch fire. 

He was howling into the night, buckling helplessly against his chains, his whole body twitching and spasming as her tits took him for an absolute ride. And as she did this with no hands, that freed them up for her to reach out and grab his testicles.

He worried she’d squeeze them again, but instead she merely pulled them a bit outward… lining them up more with her tits as she used them to push his member back until it pointed towards the ceiling, or atleast it would’ve if you could’ve seen it from under all that jiggling, feminine flesh. Her boobs had finally stopped, now instead pressing deeply against his abdomen as he gasped for breath. 

Krystal glared up into his eyes, with a seriousness that let him know his punishment still wasn’t over. Slowly she ran her tits up his torso, truly letting him feel her size as his cock remained fully engulfed in the lower portion of them even as her pert, perky, solid nipples dug furiously into his chest. 

With his nuts still firmly in her palms, she again thrust her breasts back down with even more speed and power than before, sending an electric wave of pleasure jolting through his entire body… before they landed square onto his awaiting testicles, smashing brutally into them like a sledgehammer. And before his mind could process either of these feelings, she did it again, and again, and again…

This was a new level of ecstasy and agony, far beyond anything he’d ever imagined on both accounts. He was so overwhelmed that he thought he was about to actually have that heart attack… countless times, her rapidly swinging tits ran down his member and collided brutally with his nuts.

There was no word for this other than torture. To him, this whole thing seemed utterly, unmistakably endless.

It felt like hours, days, weeks, months, years… 

It lasted for thirty minutes. 

Again she didn’t stop until she was exhausted, panting desperately as she fell limply to the floor, her beautiful yet dangerous chest heaving as Tails just sat there, a complete mess, continually twitching, tears flowing down his face as he sat there silently.

After a few minutes Krystal finally picked herself up off the floor, looking down at him, still seemingly angry. He looked up at her with tear-filled eyes.

“M-Mercy… please...” he begged. “I’m so… so sorry… I’ll n-never do it ag-gain… I promise… I promise… please...”

She gazed steely-eyed down at him for several more tense moments before rolling her eyes and sighing. 

“You’re lucky you’re so cute...” she said, as she ruffled the fur on the top of his head. “...most men in your shoes would not escape here with their genitals intact. I can’t say for sure I wouldn’t kill them outright, actually… but I know you’re not some scoundrel. You’re just a horny little boy who’s a little too good at making gadgets for his own good… and you made the kind of mistake that could cost you your balls. I think you know that by now, yes…?”

He nodded his head frantically, sniffing and sobbing. 

“And of course if I ever find that those pictures of yours have somehow gotten around, me and my team will come down here and slowly castrate you.” she matter-of-factly. “You know I’m serious about that, right?”

He nodded his head powerfully, “YES! YES I UNDERSTAND, I WOULD NEVER DO THAT I SWEAR!”

“Well fine then, love… I’ll end your punishment. I’ll make sure you don’t have to suffer anymore.” she assured him, as she took now useless gag off of him, studying it to ensure he hadn’t damaged it with his gnawing. “...Right after I make quite certain that you indeed never peep on anyone again…”

“I-I won’t! I promise that I-!” he began.

She cut him off with an athletic leap, jumped onto the bench, her legs spread wide, her feet next to either of his hips. Delicately she pressed her crotch forward, letting him feel her soft, lacey panties press up against his face.

He noticed her wetness, and she giggled at his reaction. “Whatever you did to the people here, it’s still affecting me… and pounding you like this has done nothing to get rid of it, I’ve only gotten hornier at your suffering. So since this is your fault, I think I’m going to have you take care of it. But of course, all chained up like that, there’s not a whole lot you can do… so instead, I’ll use your body.”

“Wh-what…?” he stuttered, any objections he might have swiftly muffled by her womanhood.

Without explaining herself anymore than that, she began to thrust her pelvis in and out, slamming her crotch into his face with enough force to ram the back of his head into the wall once again. She did this slow at first, but only at first, as within seconds her gradual speed-up ended with her going rapid fire, effectively fucking Tails’ face.

She ignored his pained groans as she straddled his head, sitting on his shoulders as she rode him like a horse, her thighs squeezing around his ears as she ferociously shoved her pussy into his face with no end in sight. 

Her hips bucked with a wild passion, even though she didn’t much show that on her face, still in the calm, gradually building groans phase. 

Tails began to realize that she must’ve been (literal) lightyears ahead of anything he could hope to satisfy if something like this were a mere warm-up for her. There’s no way he could handle ten seconds of it on his cock.

But slowly but surely, she did get more and more wet, her moans increasing… but Tails’ air was low, and the occasional banging against the wall was getting to him, as well as the simple fact that she was pounding his face so hard with her pussy. 

She started to get more and more into it, smacking the wall with her hand as she groaned and grunted, and this in turn meant she was only bashing him all the harder. Eventually this got to be too much for him… his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he completely lost consciousness, his body going totally and utterly limp under her with one very notable exception…

Krystal noticed this and backed off of him, standing above his prone form. She reached down and checked his pulse and felt that it was at a safe enough level, that he’d wake up just fine. And with that heart-warming bit of care taken, she proceeded to continue pleasing herself by jumping down assfirst onto his balls. 

His body buckled but he did not regain consciousness, he was that out of sorts. “Mmm, shame...” she noted. “This is… nggh, less punishment now and more PURELY me getting off… oh well...”

She stood back up and lined her crotch up with his before coming down hard on his testicles once again. Certainly she was not about to just have sex with the little fox, but she felt that fucking his nuts instead was a good compromise. 

He was undoubtedly going to feel her every thrust when he woke up as she again and again bounced her quivering wet pussy, covered only slightly by her thin panties, ruthlessly into his face without any signs of slowing down.

“Nnngghghgh yes… OHHH YES!” she hollered, throwing her head back, letting her lengthy hair whip his face as she fucked his balls. 

The famed blue and white fox moaned deeply and sensuously as she came down endlessly on his balls, wrapping her arms around the unconscious Tail’s head and forcing his face into her wildly bouncing breasts as each blow seemed to turn her on more and more. 

After around twenty minutes of this, she finally came to a shuddering climax, her whole body shaking and rippling as she came herself. She gasped and pleaded for breath between contented sighs… lazily pushing away from him, barely even aware that he remained smothered betwixt her tits. 

As she caught her breath, she stood up, woozy from the ordeal. “Mmmm… now I’m REALLY in the mood...” she mumbled to herself, her lust truly insatiable. “But I guess that’ll tide me over long enough to clean up around here.”

She went ahead and made a call to Judy, though she was still far too invested in her sexcapades to answer. So she instead left her a voicemail. “Hey, this is Krystal. The peeping fox has been taken care of. Don’t worry about him, he won’t do it again. Go ahead and uncuff him and let him go when you get back, okay? Mkay. Thanks for your help, see you around next time we’re in town. Bye!”

Krystal hung up her own phone before glancing over towards Tails’, still sitting on the counter. She marched over to it and picked it up, flipping briskly through the photos of Miyu, Fay and herself. 

“My my, these are some good ones though...” she muttered, quite impressed with how undeniably fine her squadmates were. “Not that he deserved to even see any of them, let alone enjoy them.”

The gears began turning in her head after that comment and a devious smile played on her lips as she turned to look at her victimized peeper. Even unconscious, his thoroughly teased cock remained fully erect.

With a sashay to her hips, she went over to his prone form and knelt down between his legs once again, still holding the phone in her hand. She gave his prick a gentle kiss to the head, her lips glowing… and so too did the phone. 

You see, Krystal formed telepathic links with whomever, or whatever she kissed. The only reason she was able to sense Tails’ lust before, was because she had kissed him on the head. This allowed her to feel intense enough thoughts and sensations that ran through his mind, and sense his ecstasy was overwhelming his brain, it became easy for her.

As for his cock and phone, well… who’s to say, really. 

But she followed up by standing up and whispering into his ear. “If you can hear me there in dreamland, I want you to know something. I’m far from satisfied, so I’m going to find whoever my lust-crazed Fox is with and beat them soundly for dominance. Then, I’m going to do everything that I did just now to you… to him. Except he’s allowed to cum… hmhm, just felt you deserved to know. Bye little one.”

With that, she took the tail band off of his cock, finally releasing it from it’s blueballing power, before turning and walking away to find her man. 

--- Two Days Later ---

Tails had been outrageously sore ever since Krystal took it to him. It was a rough time recovering, even putting aside his awkward foray with the police guards who were none too pleased with the things they did with him when they found out it was merely because of his own bit of chemical warfare. Though considering they were the ones who bound him to a bench and manipulated his cock against his will, they weren’t exactly itching to go public with it, you understand...

His body was a wreck, especially his genitals, which had been extremely sore to the touch... to much so for him to do anything. But still he felt the massive effects of being blueballed for hours, aching for a release. 

Finally, he felt that it was too much, and that his cock had healed enough for him to atleast get it out, even if it was painful. And when he thought in-depth about what happened, despite how humiliating and agonizing it was, he got hard again immediately.

And so he began to gently stroke himself, putting his pain aside and focusing only on pleasure… and how wonderful her tits felt against his skin, even when they were battering his face. Before long, he found himself at the peak… but frustratingly unable to reach it. 

He thought it was perhaps due to the number done on his balls that they were struggling to function… he had to go harder. As he pumped more vigorously, wincing at the pain but moaning at the pleasure, he also picked up his phone and started looking through the pictures again, for the first time since the day.

The sight of those perfect tits lit a fire under his efforts and he relentlessly jacked off with a newfound energy, certain that he’d cum massively… but still, it didn’t happen.

He beat himself into exhaustion, gazing longingly and hopelessly into those tits as he tried everything to get himself off to them.

The poor fox realized far too late that Krystal had used her powers to make his cock physically unable to get off to those pictures or anything that had happened the day before...

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